Discussion List
How to rename cancel and submit button names in search and edit redwood page templateSummary: Hi Experts I want to rename those buttons to back and next instead of cancel and submit. How to do this please help in search and edit redwood page template @Sh…
Is it possible to fire event before select single component is clickedSummary: Hi Experts I have 2 select single components which call same SDP to populate the data but i wanted to know if it is possible to fire event to know from which se…
How to dynamically display component in visual builder as per the count of records iSummary: Hi Experts I have a response from a REST API i.e. for each BU there will different criteria like below i.e. Projection Name, Projection Status, projection, Proj…
How to change the color of search and edit redwood page at top of page to other color than blackSummary: Hi Experts How to change the color of redwood search and edit page in visual builder. Please help current color is black I want below color @Shay Shmeltzer-Orac…
Form layout is not spanning across the space available in wider screen devices, buttons not centeredSummary: Hi Experts I have an application where the form layout is not utilizing the extra space available in wider screen devices as shown below. Please help me how can…
How to convert page to redwood template page like dashboard or search ?Summary: Hi Experts I have an application built with Visual builder previously but we did not use any redwood template pages like search or dashboard. But, is there any …
How to delete the remote branch in VBSSummary: Hi Experts I want to delete the remote branch created in Git repo with visual builder studio but not finding any option, could you please help me @Shay Shmeltze…
how to change the status of test instance from on to off for a PCS in VBCSSummary: How can i change the test instance status from on to off Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…
Fusion REST API in APPUI is throwing error whenever q parameter is passedSummary: Hi Experts While calling Fusion REST API from appui i'm getting error whenever i'm passing the q parameter, but working fine from POSTMAN. here is one example h…
OIC Visual builder extend Oracle Cloud AppsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, we're looking at Visual Builder in terms of integrating with Fusion cloud apps. I kno…
how to do search as you type with SDP in select single componentSummary: Hi Experts I want to search as i type in select single component using SDP variable, is this possible to do like we do with ADP variable. Please help me how to …
how to create editable form with look and feel like a table in vbSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a editable form like shown in below but it must look like a table. Please help me how can i create this kind of static form which wi…
token relay error in appuiSummary: Hi Experts I'm seeing token relay error in my appui application, could you please let me know how to resolve this Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Aligning one of the input text below another input textSummary: @Sherif Bashar @Nada Bashar @Mohammed Galal I need to align Approved Net Capex exactly below Approved Capex Can you please guide me on this which class I need t…
appui application multiple projects allowed ?Summary: Hi Experts can n number of people in a project create n number of projects and start building fusion extensions and deploy ? will deployment of one appui will u…
Custom object ADP describe URL throwing 404 not found error without sandboxSummary: Hi Experts I'm following below video to consume custom object in our appui application. I have created custom objects and published the sandbox in fusion, I'm a…
How pass the selected values of a list view layout to an ADP in VBCSSummary: Hello everyone, I need to pass the selected item detials in the list view layout card to an ADP.How can I do this?Also I need to take that same ADP and then edi…
how to iterate over data available in SDP and BDP variable with JavaScript functionSummary: Hi Expert how to iterate over data available in SDP and BDP variable with JavaScript function. is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…mudassirsOrc-Oracle 17 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to convert SDP to a ADP using Javascript in vbSummary: Hi Experts I'm trying to convert SDP to ADP with below javascript function but it is throwing error as shown below. Please help JS function: define(["ojs/ojarra…
I have a requirement to assign SDP variable data to a ADP variable in action chainSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to assign SDP variable data to a ADP variable in action chain, please help me on how to achieve this Content (please ensure you …mudassirsOrc-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
VB/VBCS SIZING AND DB OPTIONSSummary: Queries around the following VB Licensing as Stand Alone & part of OIC . Content: Understanding: VB Stand alone is licensed per OCPU / hr. & OIC is based on 1 c…
Where to find deployed appui apps in fusion?Summary: Hi Experts I have deployed few appui to my fusion instance, and i want to know will those apps be displayed as an icon by default in navigation menu or in sprin…
select component filter is not working as expectedSummary: Hi Experts When I search in select component, the filtered result is not coming at the top of the list instead it is just highlighting the matched results. Plea…learning123 54 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Koda V V Satya Sai Surya Ramakrishna Visual Builder
Difficulty Changing Navigation List Item Content Color in Redwood Overrides CSSHi, We are currently encountering an issue with changing the color of the navigation list item content in our application using the Redwood overrides CSS file. We have a…
Need to split large pdf file based on keyword - Invoice Number :Summary: Need to split large pdf file based on keyword - Invoice Number : & most of the invoices are ore than one pages. Please help me with the JS code if any one have …
Pages inside the flow has error in page designer modeSummary: This is related to post prod support work. We have few pages inside the flow , when I try to open the page in the Page designed , with will throw the error as d…
replace the Service Data Provider with an instance of the Array Data ProviderSummary: Below is the recipe for batch edit Below note is mentioned in the reciepe >>> DO NOT FOLLOW THIS RECIPE
How to trigger build job for PROD environment in VBS for my VB appSummary: Hi Experts When I publish changes form my workspace the changes will be committed to main branch in VBS git repo and it will deploy to development environment. …
Fire notification is not showing the message banner in redwood theme how to fixSummary: Hi Experts We have created a project using redwood theme, but on click of button we need to show the message using fire notification, this is not working, pleas…
VBS Oracle integrations backend throwing error in VBS if used Oracle Cloud accountSummary: Hi Experts I'm getting below error while searching for API's in service connection with Oracle integration catalog if I use Oracle Cloud Account as the authenti…