Discussion List
redwood collapsible component i'm looking for helpSummary: Hi Experts Could you please let me know what is the name of this highlighted component in redwood . I'm unbale to find it. I want to use this component instead …
redwood item overview page, overview sections gets hidden in small layoutSummary: Hi Experts I'm using redwood item overview page but when the screen size reduces the item overview sections gets hidden or becomes empty. how to show the item o…
i want to get the token of login user in visual builder, please helpSummary: Hi Experts Is it possible to get the token of login user and save in some variable, so that i can use it in someother place I tried below in JS, but didnt help …
how to pass json payload in body of rest api call in action chain if i use JSON action chainSummary: Hi Experts How to pass json payload in body of rest api call in action chain if i use JSON action chain if i try to add {"text":"dummy"} it is adding as {{ { "t…
Copy and select not happening for content within table componentSummary: Hi Experts I have a table component which gets data from service. When table get populated I want to select the content with the help of mouse and paste elsewhe…
How many max rows can table component hold inSummary: Hi Experts Can I load 20000 (20 K) records in a table component in visual builder, is this possible ? is there any restriction on the number of records / rows t…
How to pass the query param to VB excel documentSummary: Hi Experts Our customer is asking to develop visual builder page where on click of a button it has to download the excel document (with VB plugin / add in). but…
How to use oauth client credential authentication in visual builder excel add inSummary: Hi Experts I'm trying to call ORDS api in visual builder excel addin but unable to find oauth client credential authentication method, please help me how can i …
How to pass query LOWER () function in filter criteria in SDP variableSummary: Hi Experts I'm calling fusion REST API which support below query parameter as provided below but I'm not getting how to pass the same in filter criteria in case…
style.currency error in redwood application, how to remove ?Summary: Hi Experts I have created couple of redwood applications using redwood template pages and i see below error. I'm unable to identify the root cause for the same …
How to reduce the space between the lines in tableSummary: Hi Experts How to reduce the space between the lines in table, please help @Sherif Bashar @Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
How to show number next to icon or button inSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to show the number next to the icon or button as shown below, is it possible. Please help @Sherif Bashar @Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle …
how to resize column in a tableSummary: how to resize column in a table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have developed a page where we display the data in th…
How to check if SDP is empty or has value like an ADP ?Summary: Hi Experts I have a message to show based on SDP is empty or not. as highlighted in below screenshot My table is populated with this SDP variable and has load m…
How to justify the form components to center of the form layoutSummary: Hi Experts How to make the components within the form layout to center , please help. it looks odd that buttons are centered but the form components are left ju…
Unable to extend supplier registration redwood page with appui / vbSummary: Hi Experts I'm facing issue in extending supplier registration using visual builder / appui as the URL validation is failing if i preview and also in the live m…
how to change text while extending next gen supplier registration page with VB ?Summary: Hi Experts I'm extending supplier registration page with visual builder but i do not see any section to customize the field value of text as shown in below scre…
where can i download redwood reference app for visual builder .zip fileSummary: Hi Experts Where can i get .zip file for redwood reference app for visual builder, i want to import the app and use for my use case. please help Content (requir…
How to assign blob (binary) image data to avatarSummary: Hi Experts We are getting binary image data from Oracle Fusion REST API, if we try to assign the binary data to avatar src attribute we are unable to see anythi…
Trying to edit a "Marketplace of Opportunities" page messageSummary: The client uses Spanish as the default language, so when they try to remove an application the message "Withdraw" appears in English and they require that the m…Brandon Martin-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Brandon Martin-Oracle Visual Builder Studio for HCM
How to rename cancel and submit button names in search and edit redwood page templateSummary: Hi Experts I want to rename those buttons to back and next instead of cancel and submit. How to do this please help in search and edit redwood page template @Sh…
Is it possible to fire event before select single component is clickedSummary: Hi Experts I have 2 select single components which call same SDP to populate the data but i wanted to know if it is possible to fire event to know from which se…
How to dynamically display component in visual builder as per the count of records iSummary: Hi Experts I have a response from a REST API i.e. for each BU there will different criteria like below i.e. Projection Name, Projection Status, projection, Proj…
How to change the color of search and edit redwood page at top of page to other color than blackSummary: Hi Experts How to change the color of redwood search and edit page in visual builder. Please help current color is black I want below color @Shay Shmeltzer-Orac…
Form layout is not spanning across the space available in wider screen devices, buttons not centeredSummary: Hi Experts I have an application where the form layout is not utilizing the extra space available in wider screen devices as shown below. Please help me how can…
How to convert page to redwood template page like dashboard or search ?Summary: Hi Experts I have an application built with Visual builder previously but we did not use any redwood template pages like search or dashboard. But, is there any …
How to delete the remote branch in VBSSummary: Hi Experts I want to delete the remote branch created in Git repo with visual builder studio but not finding any option, could you please help me @Shay Shmeltze…
how to change the status of test instance from on to off for a PCS in VBCSSummary: How can i change the test instance status from on to off Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…
Fusion REST API in APPUI is throwing error whenever q parameter is passedSummary: Hi Experts While calling Fusion REST API from appui i'm getting error whenever i'm passing the q parameter, but working fine from POSTMAN. here is one example h…
OIC Visual builder extend Oracle Cloud AppsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, we're looking at Visual Builder in terms of integrating with Fusion cloud apps. I kno…