Discussion List
How to right allign the text in the form fieldSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to right allign the text within the form field in a form layout. Please help me how to achieve the same Content (required): Vers…
Unrelated Business Object in VBCS Excel PluginSummary: We have two different set of Rest API, Shopping List and Shopping List Lines, We want to link them and fetch data in excel plugin Content (required): @E. Alex D…
issue when opening a dialog on top of otherSummary: Hi Experts When I try to open a dialog on top other dialog i.e. on click of button I open a main dialog and on click on button I try to open a small dialog on t…
How to modify label in select many componentSummary: Hi Experts I want to modify the label for select many component to show Display name as well as email address. But this label field doesnt support javascript co…
performance issue in select many / combobox many componentSummary: Hi Experts I'm using select many / combobox many component to show the list of all the employees in the org (getting data from Fusion workers REST API). I'm usi…
how to send email from vbcs app with html templateSummary: Hi Experts I want to send an email on click of the button with html template. not sure how to achieve this, I cannot see any action in action chain with email s…
add search field for every column on top of it in table componentSummary: Hi Experts Is it possible to add the search box for every column on top of it in a table component as shown below If possible, please help me how i should proce…
How to embed get web form details of process task in visual builderSummary: Hi Experts I have created custom pages in visual builder for process task (PCS) approval purpose (human task). I don't find any action in visual builder which c…
how to give role based access to vbcs applicationSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to give users role based access to visual builder app. For example if a user is having a role or part of group "buyer" in IDCS t…
How to create a common dialog component shared across pagesSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a dialog component which has to be shared across the pages. How can I achieve this please help i.e. without creating redundant dialo…
My de-activated VB instance was activated automatically without user intervention??Summary: An VB instance which I used and de-activated in May 2020 was activated automatically in December 2022 My thoughts this is because of an upgrade and a roll-back …
create table with tree data in visual builderSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a table with tree data like it is shown in below OJET cookbook but not sure how to do in VBCS. Please help https://www.oracle.com/we…
unbale to delete selected value from select singleSummary: Hi Experts I'm unable to delete the selected value from select single component i.e. even after pressing backspace and tabing out the value will still be there …
difference between [[ ]] , {{ }} and [[[ ]]]Summary: Hi Experts While assigning variables to a property or attribute for various components in Visual Builder I have noticed below mentioned brackets. Please help me…
How to change the dialog title at runtimeSummary: Hi Experts I have a dialog component but the dialog title i want to change at runtime. Is there any way while using call component from action chain the dialog …
How to get the url hostname of visual builderSummary: Hi Experts I want to get the hostname of the visual builder at runtime like if the visual builder host is https://appvbcs.com/ then I want to get the hostname a…
select single value in variable is lost in case of idle timeoutSummary: Hi Experts I have come across a scenario where in after user selects some value from select single while filling the form and doesn't fill other fields or leave…
how to build idle timeout screen functionality in VBCSSummary: Hi Experts I have requirement where a user if doesn't use screen or is idle for more than 100 seconds then the popup/dialog needs to come up and say user to ref…
default value in select singleSummary: Hi Experts Is it possible to default value for select single component? unless user changes the value, the value must be still Content (required): Version (incl…
want help with oj-sp-attachments-viewerSummary: Hi Experts I have requirement where users want to view the attachments / files on click of a button. I have come across oj-sp-attachments-viewer component, plea…
How to import javascript libraries in vbcs appSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement which needs consuming external JavaScript libraries but i'm not sure how to import and what configuration must be done in order …
How to generate pdf file in vbcsSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to generate a PDF file in vbcs and write the data and download on click of button. Is this possible in VBCS, please help Content…
Read the CSV and excel file both in vbcs and send data to IntegrationSummary: I have a requirement to read both CSV as well as excel file and send data to integration. Please help how can I achieve this. Content (required): Version (inclu…
Reset variable of type any (*) is not workingSummary: Hi Experts I have a page where i have populated the table with the variable of type any (value in variable i'm populating with the help of JavaScript i.e. for p…
what does oj-sm-flex-items-initial doSummary: I have gone through ojet docs as well as css docs but didn't understand what this oj-sm-flex-items-initial have impact on the styling. Please help as i'm new to…
how to show animation until the page loadsSummary: We have embedded vbcs page in oracle fusion cloud, when the user clicks on the page link it is showing white screen for 20 seconds. is it possible to add animat…
How to populate single select with ADP variable instead of SDPSummary: Hi Experts Currently single select component is populated with SDP variable, i checked several blogs but didnt find solution to populate with ADP. is this possi…
How to customize notification layoutSummary: Hi Experts I want to customize the notification layout i.e. the look and feel of the layout. I checked docs and blogs but didnt find any details on same. Please…
comma is appearing in input number field, how to removeSummary: Hi Experts I have used input number component to populate zip code but it is styling with comma, please help me how to remove this comma. I want only numbers wi…
How can i customize dialog component as belowSummary: Hi Experts I want to remove the texture at the top of the dialog component. Also, title and button i want to align to center. Also, button color for yes i want …