Discussion List
need help in understanding the navigation tree recipeSummary: In the above , which part of the code is responsible to navigate to required pages upon click on the navigation lists In the action chain above I am unable to f…
How to assign the class based on some condition dynamicallySummary: How to assign the class based on some condition dynamically to any html tag like heading , paragrah .. etc Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Drawer layout to navigate to flow pages, drawer layout did not add required code for navigationSummary: Hi Experts I have added drawer layout to my page with which i want to navigate to flow pages on click on the options available in the navigation list of drawer …
drawer navigation list displayed on right most side of pageSummary: Hi Experts I have added the drawer navigation list to a page by following cookbook, but the navigation list is displayed on the right most side of the page, I w…
CORS error while calling API gateway API in VBCSSummary: Hi Experts I'm getting CORS error while calling API gateway REST API from VBCS as shown below, same API is working fine from POSTMAN. Any help here please why i…
How to fire custom notification based on some calculationsSummary: Hi Experts I'm creating a editable table where user will be able to provide shareholding details, when it crosses 100% or less than 0% i want to fire the notifi…
How to make action chain load in backgroundSummary: Hi Experts How to make a action chain to process in background without making the page load delayed. I have one REST API to be called whenever the application i…
how to stop row edit to complete if there are validation errorsSummary: Hi Experts In editable table i want the row edit mode not to complete if there are any validation error, can you please help me how to achieve this. I checked t…
How to edit row on click on edit button instead of double clickSummary: Hi Experts I want to edit row in editable table on click of edit button in that row instead of double clicking on the row i.e. as shown below. How to achieve th…
How to make the icon thick and dark colorSummary: Hi Experts I want to make the + icon in below screen to thick. how to do this please help. right now it is very thin and unnoticeable Content (please ensure you…
How to pass fusion data to VBCS URL when embeddedSummary: Hi Experts I have developed a visual builder app to embed in fusion supplier page, here in vbcs page it accepts the supplier name to be passed in url i.e. as a …
Editable table (ADP) how to delete few and modify few records on click of save buttonSummary: Hi Experts I have a editable table in which a user can update, delete, add records to the table, at the end when user clicks on Save button then the details hav…
table component cursor is moved to top of the page when refreshedSummary: Hi Experts I have requirement where i'm navigating on click of a row in table to different page and post clicking on save and cancel button in new page the VBCS…
Error while calling VBCS page URL with ip address instead of hostnameSummary: Hi Experts I'm trying to call VBCS page URL with oci load balancer which supports only ip address instead of hostname. Could you please help me how to call VBCS…
502 bad gateway while connecting to API gateway URLSummary: Hi Experts I'm getting 502 bad gateway error while testing API gateway URL from visual builder service connection (design and preview mode both). I have added t…
Saving Date to Oracle DB (TIP) and Advice if there is better solutionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am doing a POST to DB the form has dates in it. But I noticed that the date format needs to be …
Using API gateway instead of directly calling ORDS APISummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to call ORDS API via API gateway instead of directly calling from visual builder application. Is this possible? Any solution on …
code migration from DEV to UAT to PRODSummary: Hi Experts I have few applications built using Oracle Visual Builder (Oracle Integration) , we are not using VBS here. During migration of code from one environ…
How to add classes based on some conditionSummary: Hi Experts I want to add few css classes to component like input text field based on some condition like if the screen size is medium or large but I want to add…
New Certification - Oracle Redwood Application Developer - Free until Sep 30th.Oracle University is offering a new training and certification for Oracle Redwood Application Developer that covers both Visual Builder and the Redwood design system. Yo…
How to get client id secret for ORDS from REST endpoint for VBCS appSummary: Hi Experts In Visual Builder docs it is saying to get the ClientID and secret from SQL query and then use Oauth authentication method but we do not want to hard…
ORDS REST API authentication in VBCS applicationSummary: Hi Experts For development purpose I had tested my ORDS table REST APIs without authentication but for PROD deployment of my VBCS application we are required to…
Need help with transform.js for service connectionSummary: Hi Experts I want to modify the response structure of a REST service using transform.js in service connection is there any blog which i can refer to do the same…
unable to get the exact status of changed records with buffered data providerSummary: Hi Experts Whenever I'm modifying the data in editable table the changed records information is showing the row id of last modified rows only. Please help me wh…
Need help to understand the javascript function from vbcookbookSummary: Hi Experts I want help to understand below javascript function which is used in Buffering data provider vbcookbook. Here I'm unable to understand what is "value…
What is the use of return type in action chain? how to assign value to return ?Summary: Hi Experts Can someone please tell me what's the use of this return type in action chain ? How to assign value to return type of action chain as I don't see any…
ADP vs BDP, need suggestion to select oneSummary: Hi Experts As I'm new to Visual Builder, need your advice on selecting ADP or BDP for editable table. Why to use BDP for table? please help Content (please ensu…
editable table using BDP not updating value with new javascript action chainSummary: Hi Experts I'm creating a editable table with BDP by following the vbcookbook but in the new javascript action chain I'm getting below error in Beforeroweditend…
How to update page title placeholder in the redwood appSummary: Hi Experts How to update this page title placeholder in redwood page. Please help as I did not find the place where to modify. I have attached the source code h…
Editable table not working, new javascript action chain issueSummary: Hi Experts I need help in creating editable table as I'm facing issue. I have followed Shay's video on creating editable table but somehow it is not working i.e…