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Running Visual Builder Apps On Other ServersSummary I wanna to run my VBCS app in my local serverContent Hi everybody, I want to run my application developed with VBCS on my local server. This blog of Shay Shmeltz…
How to pass CLOB type within VBCSContent Hi Experts, We are working on a VBCS application where we are integrating with Oracle ECM(ECM Content Server Version: through the SOAP service provided…
Not able to reset arraydataprovider variableContent I have a table with data populating from arraydataprovider. I have dragged and dropped a select-one element in one of the column and set the value for the select…
How to Calculate a Running TotalSummary Header Field to total the Line Amounts belowContent Hello, I have a page designed (attached) that includes a Header Section and Lines Section. There can be many …Stephen Bryant-131052 30 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Changing Messages titleSummary How do I change the title of the Notification Messages showingContent In action chain we have this Fire Notification action. The type there has 4 values. Error, …
Auto suggest feature of jquerySummary I want to add add auto suggest on a text box on a blur event. I have imported the jquery library but it am getting error in console as "TypeError: $(...).autocom…Mayank Srivastava-149731 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Using VBCS for On-Prem AppsSummary Is it possible to use VBCS for On-Prem Apps?Content Hi all, We are developing an application that will be used as both a cloud app and an on-prem app. Is it poss…
Version controlSummary Can I use other then DEVCSContent Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to use a version control tool other then DEVCS... It would be great if we could connect t…
VBCS Features to Work With Oracle CloudSummary Use cases for fetching data from the Cloud into Visual builderContent Hi All, I'm interested in Saas\PaaS integration between the Oracle Cloud and the VBCS. The …
Search for a keyvalue in a ArrayDataProviderContent Hi All, I have a requirement to search for a particular key in a ArrayDataProvider (the ADP is populated with the data returned from a rest service) Could you ki…
VBCS - Allow access to service connections (REST) to other oracle usersSummary Service connections accessContent Hi, When other oracle users are playing the VBCS app, it fails when a given UI component triggers a service connection call (e.…
Film Strip and Tab BarSummary How to configure; tie page to specific Film Strip itemContent Hello, I have attempted to set up the Film Strip and Tab Bar components with no luck. Specifically,…Stephen Bryant-131052 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
How edit custom code into buttonSummary How edit custom code to modifying button behaviorContent Hi, I've tried to follow the tutorial linked here https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials…
Recommendations for using array query parameters in visual builderSummary How to bypass unique value constraint on URL parameters in VBCSContent I share this information with the hopes that it will save the reader some time or frustrat…Christopher Maggiulli 20 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
Request for "Detail Table" Implementation InstructionSummary Encounter some issues and gaps when trying to implement "Detail Table" using the cookbook.Content Hi All, Can someone share instructions \ insights regarding Det…
Adding busines object data fails when deployed to androidContent I have a "Consumer" business object with the following fields: 1. Name 2. Age 3. DOB I have a mobile application with two flow pages. The start page has a form w…Christopher Maggiulli 18 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
Visual Builder - Use Oracle JETContent Hi, Are we able to define own UI components using oracle JET instead from the list of UI components in the panel? For example, it does not have accordion compone…
Change a date format in a TableSummary Change a date format in a TableContent I want to change the date format in a tabel. I want to change de column 'END_TIME' to a 'DD-MM-YYYY' format in the table. …
Exception handling for ICS Rest Service post callSummary action chain gets stuck when ics service is downContent Hi, I am using a form to feed some data to a ICS Rest service using the "call rest service" action. When …