Discussion List
How to register a Oracle Database in a instance on Oracle Cloud ConsoleSummary: In OCI instance, cloned Oracle Database in traditional way (RMAN). But in OCI console, we are unable to see the new database and daily backup is NOT running on …
This file is managed by Chef-Can we safely edit config files under /etc on DBaaS VM Data Guard nodesSummary: Can we safely edit Linux config files under /etc on DBaaS VM Data Guard nodes? At least some files under /etc are managed by Chef from comments within files i.e…
Compute instance creation - Block Volume BackupHi Team, We are creating a compute instance in DBCS. While we create the instance,we have an option select backup policy with gold,silver and bronze. Taken below stateme…
How To Login With SYS User As SYSDBA In Oracle Autonomy Database Using SQLDeveloperSummary: How To Login With SYS User As SYSDBA In Oracle Autonomy Database Using SQLDeveloper I Try To Log With Next Methods and It Refuses To Login Database Password Cre…
rman active duplicate miscalculates sessions & processes parameters to start the auxiliary instanceSummary: When I start "dbaascli database duplicate" to create a duplicate database from a Snapshot Standby database rman active duplicate is miscalculating sessions and …
How to create backup for Oracle SaaS InstancesSummary: I want to know: What is the minimum and maximum duration for which Oracle SaaS instance backup can be taken? If we can take backup of server outside oracle. Ste…
Rman Backup is too slowSummary: Full database rman backup is too slow in windows machine. How to find out the bottleneck ? Content (required): run{ ALLOCATE CHANNEL d1 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCA…
Datapump Export of DDL is extremely slow on On-PREMSummary: Datapump Export of DDL is extremely slow on On-PREM Content (required): Source Database size : 4.5 TB Platform: AIX DB Version : For Migration purpose,…
get java error on installing rman OSBWS ModulOracle Secure Backup Web Service Install Tool, build i tried to install the OSBWS Modul with oracle user on Linux 4.18.0-372.41.1.el8_6.x8…
Why does base DB automatic Backups strategy not cleanup FRASummary: We've setup a base db and configured automatic Backups. The backups are working, however our FRA eben though sized to 200GB cannot hold 30 days (which is our re…
Flashback feature usage in OCISummary: Hi, I have a critical change to do in my application and I would like to know if it is allowed to use flashback database feature on my vm dbsystem instance. Con…
How to fix Data Guard cannot be created when standard database service port (1521) is blocked?Summary: How to fix Data Guard cannot be created when standard database service port (1521) is blocked? Content (required): Data Guard Association cannot be created when…
VM DB recovery from automatic backups to new DB systemSummary: Hi We have an automatic backup setup for production oracle DB system and this works well. Now we are trying to setup a process, to create new DB system on test …
How do I Implement backup of TDE Wallet in a dbcs environment if I'm using custom backup scripts?I've implemented custom backup in rac databases in DBCS and I'd like to know the best/common way to backup the TDE wallet. I'm using DBCS gen-2. Is there any dbcs API to…
backup to ociSummary: I am trying to backup on prem oracle database to oci. Need help with some questions from following the oci documentation. Content (required): 1) I have my cloud…
MySQL DB Systems HA - connect to secondary instances for backupSummary Would like to know if it is possible to run backups using the secundary instances of an HA MySQL DB System in OCIContent Hi! I've setup a HA MySQL Database Servi…
Oracle cloud is trash, apex is corrupted without me doing anything. Use it at your own risk!!!Summary No way to restore either, requiring paid access to get support. It sucks!Content Here is the error message. The DB was stopped due to inactivity, but upon restar…
OCI – What’s New with Oracle Database Technologies in Oracle CloudContent Submit your questions for the OCI – What’s New with Oracle Database Technologies in Oracle Cloud session to have them answered during the live event. Post your q…
Advisor Webcast: Exadata Cloud: Optimizing the Support Experience on April 8, 2021Summary Exadata Cloud: Optimizing the Support ExperienceContent Advisor Webcast Title: Exadata Cloud: Optimizing the Support Experience April 8, 2021 Description: This o…
Oracle Get-Together: DBSAT, Backup and Recovery to Cloud LiveLabs with LUXOUGSummary This is virtual workshop associated with LUXEMBOURG ORACLE USER GROUP (LUXOUG).Content January 7, 2020 Please join Francois PONS and Andrei Maoliu learn how to u…
Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Webcast SeriesSummary Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Webcast SeriesContent Please register to below Webcast on 6th OCT 2020 10:00 PDT time. Oracle Active Data Guard - …Anilkumar Bhagavatula-Oracle 25 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Anilkumar Bhagavatula-Oracle Database
Exacs Database Automatic Backup Configuration failingSummary we have Exadata.Half3.200 at OCI . After database creation we are trying to configure automatic backup from console but it is failingContent we have Exadata.Half…
RMAN with HPE Data ProtectorSummary RMAN with HPE Data ProtectorContent Hi guys, I'm facing a problem when running a backup database full online with the controlfile and SPFILE Autobackup is config…
Rman on-premise to cloudSummary trying to take backup from on-premise to cloudContent Hi, I am trying to take a backup from on-premise to cloud following this document :…
Backup solutionSummary Backup solutionContent Hello Mates, Hope you all doing good! Can any one please shed a light on few current backup solutions & strategies. We are using Oracle PC…
RMAN Cross transport PDBSummary rman transportContent hi all I want to migrate a local PDB 12.2 database to a VM database 18.6 using rman bakup for transport . i will follow the metalink 230821…
(OAC)- Oracle database cloud service, DB cloningSummary want to clone DB PROD to DEVContent Hi, I was asked to refresh OAC database on lower environment with data from PROD. To refresh application tier I will use OAC …
Recovery Catalog in DBCSContent How do we configure centralized recovery catalog for multiple production DBCS databases?
Recovering data from an on-demand backup using dbaasapiContent Summmary We are running a production instance of Oracle Integration Cloud Classic (User Managed) v19.2 which uses Oracle DBaaS 12.2 Standard Edition. Two weeks a…
What are the DBaaS OSS backup piecesContent I forced a full backup up my DBaaS instance to an OSS container using the /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api utility. We are having an issue restoring these files (using d…