Discussion List
Breakpoints/Debugger DESIGN modeSummary Breakpoints/Debugger DESIGN modeContent Does OIC has any debug feature at Design time like for example i would like to have break point at REST adapter activity …
Rename of OIC ActivitiesSummary Does OIC Allow rename activitiesContent When developing OIC flows, OIC does not allow to edit the name of the activites. Is there any way to do instead of delete…
Error while Reading the Stage file with Empty last columnContent Process to be done : Fetch the csv file from FTP, read the file and call a REST api (PATCH) with field values on file. Steps : list files from FTP, for each of l…
Oracle CX Sales Cloud - Business Events available outside of Oracle Eco-system (e.g. MuleSoft) ?Summary For Oracle CX Cloud - Can business events available to MuleSoft or any similar integration application?Content Hello, I am looking for information that whether O…
Microsoft SQL server Adapter returns scientific number from tableSummary Microsoft SQL server Adapter returns scientific number format 1.101984E7 instaed of 110198407Content We have configured MSSQL adapter to read data from a table.R…
How to manage session ID while invoking cpq webservice through OICSSummary genrate session ID dynamicallyContent Hi All, Im trying to trigger data table soap webservice from OICS, have hard coded ,
ERP Cloud Business Event subscription error in OICSummary ERP Cloud Business Event subscription error in OICContent We have configured ERP Cloud connection for Business Events subscription per this document - https://do…
Unzip file option SFTP OICSummary Unable to unzip optionContent Hi Gurus, We have 2 SFTP connections and we are not seeing the unzip option in one SFTP versus other. Only Difference is Security P…
Using OIC to Make JDBC calls to AS400Summary JDBC Calls using OICContent Hello Everyone, We have a requirement where we need to intergrate AS400 DB to OIC. AS400 supports JDBC calls. Is there a way we can u…
ERP Cloud AdapterContent Hi guys, In the ERP Cloud Adapter, how can I make a Purchase Requisition? Is there any Role I need to release this API or is there really no API in the Adapter? …
Information about MuleSoftContent I am currently working as an OIC Developer with 2 years of experience in IT Industry. I came to know about MULESOFT from one of my colleagues. Is it worth to hav…
Can we call OIC / ICS Wrapper Service from ESS directly?Summary Current structure : ESS > BIP Report > OIC/ICS Wrapper service. I want : ESS > OIC Wrapper Service. Is it possible?Content Greetings Everyone, Existing :- * BI S…
List of Business events in 19BSummary list of Business events available in 19B for OM & Shipping which OIC can listen.Content Hi, can any body point me to the list of Business events avialable in 19B…
How to pick up files from FTP directory based on File creation time?Summary How to pick up files from FTP directory based on File creation time?Content Hi Everyone, We are able to successfully download file from FTP server based on File …Karthick Rajarathinam 51 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by krishna kishore reddy Integration
How to create a complex object in a stage file CSV by combining information from different sources iContent Hi experts, I have the requirement to download some data from a BI report and also UCM files I am using two BI reports, in OIC I have two nested foreach loops I …
XPATH Filter ExpressionSummary Can we define a XPATH Filter Expression using 'AND' and 'OR' operators?Content Hi Integration Guru's We have a requirement to include complex conditions in our X…
Create new AP invoice with status "Validated"Summary newly imported ap invoices has status "never validated"Content I'm using ebs adapter in oic , to import AP invoices into EBS . and the invoices are imported with…
Need to decrypt file which has been encrypted and signedSummary I have an integration where i need to decrypt an encrypted file which is also signed by the clientContent I Need to decrypt file which has been encrypted and sig…
Issue on writing a file within a foreach loopContent Hi Experts, I have created an integration that reads a BI Publisher report, my goal is to put the response of the report inside a foreach loop and using a stage …
EFF fileds are reflecting in ERP cloud adapeter connectionSummary Not able to map EFF filedsContent Hi All, There is an integration to create sales order in OM from Commerce application, have used Oracle ERP Cloud adapter in th…
we are trying Enqueing operation in AQ adapterSummary We are trying Enqueing XML Payload as a Data into Queue Table. For that we selected Queue Details in AQ adapter and structure of the payload is NO (we selected O…
Using an integration to update the description of an expense - Bad response: 401 UnauthorizedSummary Error while dispatching SOAP message to the endpoint…
How to return the content of a foreach loop as a response in an integrationContent I have an integration where I call a BI report in this report I obtain information from UCM and for each record I must execute the SOAP Generic Web Service to ob…
We are trying to write json file into stage file and we able to write. now we are trying to read samSummary We are trying to write json file into stage file and we able to write. now we are trying to read same json file in other integration with filename and directory.…
How to get error message from HCM Rest API in OICSummary We cannot get the user friendly error from HCM Rest Api when getting a 400 Bad request i OICContent We have tried to use the HCM Cloud Adapter i OIC calling rest…User_84COP 216 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sachin Suresh Deshpande -- Infosys Integration
How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapterSummary How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapterContent How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapter. I have configured REST Adapter Resuest payloa…
REST Adapter in Oracle SOA BPEL 12cSummary REST Adapter in SOA BPEL 12c failing for POST MethodContent Hi All, I am using Oracle jDeveloper 12c and Integrated Server to create Work Order in Oracle ERP Clo…
OIC REST Adapter modelling in the flow to send raw dataSummary Getting invalid_format error when trying to send raw data in REST adapter OIC.Content Hi all, The rest API expects to send data in below format Body raw (applica…Sumanth Kunimakki-236116 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
How to map "Generic Web Service (SOAP)" in an integration to download an XML file from UCM.Content Hi experts, I am trying to replicate in OIC the exercise done in SOAP UI that is seen in the document but I have not been successful. The operation I want to cal…
We are getting Time out Error while JS Function running (java script is running too long (15000ms).Summary We are getting Time out Error (java script is running more the 15s).Content Hi, We are generating JWT Token using JavaScript in OIC and Script is taking 12s to e…