Discussion List
Not able to update the status of a sales order via REST APISummary Getting Error when trying to update a status of an orrder via rest apiContent Hi , I am trying to change the status of a sales order using a rest api . (EndPoint…
Can we use getDocumentData operation response of ScheduleReportWSSService as MTOM attachment in OICSummary We have a requirement to fetch output of seeded AP invoice import validation pdf report, ran as part of import process.Content Hi, We are trying to fetch the sta…
HCM Cloud connection not working after the latest patch updateContent Hi Team, We are experiencing the below issue when creating a new HCM Cloud connection: When specifying the connection with the complete WSDL its failing: https:/…
OIC IntergrationContent I have one REST connection and need to be consumed through OIC integration, so that picked both basic routing and app-driven orchestration in order to consume. S…
AQ adapter - not able to dequeing message from QueueSummary AQ adapter - not able to dequeingContent Configured AQ Adapter for Consuming process (Dequeing). After activating the integration we unble to track the integrati…
Empty XML elements are converted to JSON array instead of String in OIC REST AdapterSummary JSON inline schema option in REST adapter converts empty XML elements to JSON array instead of String making the REST API to failContent Hi Experts, I am calling…
OIC REST Adapter Security as OAuth Resource Owner Password CredentialsSummary OIC REST Adapter Security as OAuth Resource Owner Password CredentialsContent I have configured REST Adapter connection Security as OAuth Resource Owner Password…
File size limit in OIC callbackSummary File size limit in OIC callbackContent Hi all, As we receive file reference in OIC callback, wanted to check if there's any known limit to the file size that cal…Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 Integration
OIC Rest Adapter with On-Premise AgentSummary Rest Adapter is not configuring with On-premise agent and giving unable to resolve hostContent Hi Team,…
OIC Rest Adapter with On-Premise AgentSummary Rest Adapter is not configuring with On-premise agent and giving unable to resolve hostContent Hi Team, We have configured the On-Premise agent on our windows se…
AQ Adapter (trigger) is not visible in inetgrationsSummary AQ Adapter (trigger) is not visible in inetgrationsContent Hi, I Created one AQ adpter with role as Trigger. When i am trying to configure in integration AQ Adap…
How can you achieve the Deque operation in OIC for AQ adapterSummary I am facing the issue while connecting Aq Adapter for Deque the messagesContent while selected Trigger option in Aq Adapter for Dequeing the messages Version Ver…
Connection Update errorContent Hi I have try to update the Connection through API.Once Connection has update previous connection Mapping was missing. if anyone face this issue and Got the solu…
Oracle Database adapter showing error - The connection to the database has been refused.Summary The connection to the database has been refused. Please check connection parameters, ensure database is reachable and review the firewall.Content Hi, I have crea…
Local Integration Activity in OICSummary Calling one integration from another in OICContent Hi All, I am using 'Local Integration' activity referring below post:…
Unable to test connection "MYSQLCONNECT".Summary Unable to test connection "MYSQLCONNECT". [Cause: CLOUD-0005]Content Hi, i am trying to connect on-prem mysql db usign agent. i am getting below error. Unable to…
OIC Twilio Adapter IntegrationSummary Unable to find any voice integration functions while using the Twilio adapterContent Hi All, OIC provides in-built Twilio Adapter…
OIC Connectivity Agent QuestionSummary Is connectivity agent still required if we are implementing FastConnect?Content We will be implementing FastConnect between OCI and our on-premise network. Once …
Inserting multiple records toin sales cloud through OICSSummary Inserting multiple records toin sales cloud through OICSContent HI Team, We have integration between EBS -> Sales cloud to capture order details. we have configu…
Mapping Issue With workday Mappings In OICSummary Workday - HCM Employee Integration- Mapping Issues while parsing the @Type child elementsContent Hi , We are working on the workday to oracle hcm cloud employee …Bharathi Reddy Dayyam-156526 60 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Getting Error while calling Upsert operation from OICSummary Getting Error while calling Upsert operation from OICContent The action "UPSERT" is not enabled..A 400 Bad Request Error indicates that the target service is una…
Which adapter to use for SCM cloud?Summary Which adapter to use for SCM cloud?Content Hi Everyone, I searched for SCM adapter in OIC but It's unavailable. In that case, which adapter to be used? Can you p…
Write a File - SFTP adapter - Specified DateTime Stamp with TimezoneSummary How to use an FTP adapter to write a File with FileName containing Date Time Stamp for a specified Time Zone.Content Hi Team, I am looking for the below detail; …
Integration between OIC and Oracle functionsSummary Integration between OIC and Oracle functionsContent Hello, I was wondering if integration cloud Rest API adapter (or any other) is compatible with the http endpo…
Pagination process using REST API CallSummary REST API response results limit by default to 100 max at each invokeContent Hi, I am trying to invoke REST API call and at each invoke will get max 100 records a…
Advantco adapters (AWS SQS) - OICSummary Advantco adapters (AWS SQS) - OICContent Hi Our team has stumbled upon this post in oracle blog: We don't se…
PGP decryption in OICSummary PGP decryption in OIC FTP adapter without passphraseContent Hi, Does OIC support PGP decryption using private key without passphrase? Is it mandatory to provide …
OIC - XML payload decryption supportSummary XML payload decryptionContent Does OIC support REST/SOAP inbound payload decryption? We have a requirement where an external service is sending partially encrypt…
Assign tracking variables within app based OIC integration supporting multiple resourcesSummary Assign tracking variables within app based OIC integration supporting multiple resourcesContent Hello Experts, Is it possible to assign the tracking variables (s…
Integration to accept any file and integration to send a file to consume as REST APISummary Able to send a file to OIC integration should be able to receive file from OICContent Hi Everyone, Wanted to check on 2 things in OIC, 1. Creating an integration…