Discussion List
What is the maximum size of data we can store in Assign Variable in OIC IntegrationsSummary Maximum limit of Assign VariableContent Hi, We are fetching Report data which is Base64 encoded text. We have kept this operation in a scope, we need to upload t…
Is it possible to run ESS job throuh Oracle integration cloudSummary Not able to register ESS webservice in OICSContent HI Team, I have a requirement to run ESS job in one ointegration, but i'm not able to register webservice in c…
Error from the SFTP in OICContent Hi All, I am getting this following error from the SFTP. Can anyone suggest the solution for this.…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 30 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by ravichander gambhiraopeta Integration
Increase TimeOut Window for OIC WebService Calls (REST)Summary Increase TimeOut Window for OIC WebService Calls (REST)Content Hello, Would there be a way in OIC to increase the TimeOut window for WebService Calls (ex: REST)?…User_2025-02-07-23-59-52-354 416 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-07-23-59-52-354 Integration
B2B Implementation Tutorial in OICSummary Looking B2B Implementation Tutorial using OICContent Can anyone point me to a B2B implementation tutorial on OIC? I could not find any on the known blogs or Orac…
New Oracle Integration VideosSummary We continue to add new videos to our fundamental integration vocabulary and concepts series.Content The latest videos describe some key components used in the Cr…
Getting CASDK-0004 : FailedAuthentication after enabling SSO in Oracle Cloud ERPSummary Getting Error CASDK-0004 : FailedAuthentication while configuring Oracle Cloud ERP Adapter after SSO is enabled in Oracle SaaS cloud ERPContent We are connecting…Sarthak Rohilla 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-18-15-54-852 Integration
How can we Store PDF file in AWS S3 using OIC REST ADapterSummary we have requirement for file should stored in S3 as pdf fileContent HI, we have requirement for file should stored in S3 as pdf file we have s3 rest url awsXXXXX…
HCM cloud to Oracle Ebiz using OICContent We are working on Integrating Employee Information from Fusion HCM cloud to Oracle Ebiz using OIC/Oracle HCM Adapter & Ebiz Adapter. Need Oracle Best Practice or…
Authentication and encryption options for REST API in Fusion ERPSummary Authentication and encryption options for REST API in Fusion ERPContent Hi Experts, Please throw some light on Authentication and encryption options for REST API…
SAP Adapter compatibility with S4 HANA 1610Summary SAP Adapter compatibility with S4 HANA 1610Content Hi, I want to know whether OIC's SAP adapter supports 'S4 HANA 1610' of SAP version. Below is the Oracle OIC v…
IDCS Rest API Access using OIC IntegrationSummary Notify IDCS user for password expiryContent Hi All, As we know that the IDCS password policy does not allow us to notify users about their password expiry. To se…
Read fixed length format in OICSummary Read fixed length format in OICContent Hi, How to read a fixed length file format in OIC ? Thanks
Oracle ERP Payment File Created business eventSummary OIC not receving Oracle ERP Payment File Created business eventContent Hi, We are trying to subscribe to 'Payment File Created' business event using oracle ERP a…
Can we use Service Integration Account with No Password Expiration in OIC to install agentSummary Unable to use service integration account credentials to install agentContent The service integration account does not have OIC console access but can we use it …
How to read AQ messages through invoke connection in OIC Integration.Summary We need read the messages from AQ Adapter through Invoke connection in OIC Integration.Please suggest me is it possible?Content Hi All, Please provide your thoug…
Received Duplicate message from Distributed topic in OICSummary Received Duplicate message from Distributed topic in OIC and mention message selector is value="NOT JMS_WL_DDForwarded"Content We recived duplicate messages in O…
OIC Gen 2 UpgradeSummary Questions and ConcernsContent All, We saw the announcement come across about the upcoming Gen 2 roll-out and have a few questions because we have a footprint of …
How to call SOAP Endpoint dynamicallySummary Is there a way to call SOAP endpoint given that we have endpoint URL and we can pass it dynamically to execute it payloadContent Hi, I am looking for a solution …User_2025-02-06-08-34-54-080 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Can we use getDocumentData operation response of ScheduleReportWSSService as MTOM attachment in OICSummary We have a requirement to fetch output of seeded AP invoice import validation pdf report, ran as part of import process.Content Hi, We are trying to fetch the sta…
HCM Cloud connection not working after the latest patch updateContent Hi Team, We are experiencing the below issue when creating a new HCM Cloud connection: When specifying the connection with the complete WSDL its failing: https:/…User_2025-02-04-21-30-51-376 49 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-21-30-51-376 Integration
OIC IntergrationContent I have one REST connection and need to be consumed through OIC integration, so that picked both basic routing and app-driven orchestration in order to consume. S…
AQ adapter - not able to dequeing message from QueueSummary AQ adapter - not able to dequeingContent Configured AQ Adapter for Consuming process (Dequeing). After activating the integration we unble to track the integrati…
Empty XML elements are converted to JSON array instead of String in OIC REST AdapterSummary JSON inline schema option in REST adapter converts empty XML elements to JSON array instead of String making the REST API to failContent Hi Experts, I am calling…
OIC REST Adapter Security as OAuth Resource Owner Password CredentialsSummary OIC REST Adapter Security as OAuth Resource Owner Password CredentialsContent I have configured REST Adapter connection Security as OAuth Resource Owner Password…
File size limit in OIC callbackSummary File size limit in OIC callbackContent Hi all, As we receive file reference in OIC callback, wanted to check if there's any known limit to the file size that cal…Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 Integration
OIC Rest Adapter with On-Premise AgentSummary Rest Adapter is not configuring with On-premise agent and giving unable to resolve hostContent Hi Team,…
OIC Rest Adapter with On-Premise AgentSummary Rest Adapter is not configuring with On-premise agent and giving unable to resolve hostContent Hi Team, We have configured the On-Premise agent on our windows se…
AQ Adapter (trigger) is not visible in inetgrationsSummary AQ Adapter (trigger) is not visible in inetgrationsContent Hi, I Created one AQ adpter with role as Trigger. When i am trying to configure in integration AQ Adap…
How can you achieve the Deque operation in OIC for AQ adapterSummary I am facing the issue while connecting Aq Adapter for Deque the messagesContent while selected Trigger option in Aq Adapter for Dequeing the messages Version Ver…