Discussion List
How to return the content of a foreach loop as a response in an integrationContent I have an integration where I call a BI report in this report I obtain information from UCM and for each record I must execute the SOAP Generic Web Service to ob…
We are trying to write json file into stage file and we able to write. now we are trying to read samSummary We are trying to write json file into stage file and we able to write. now we are trying to read same json file in other integration with filename and directory.…
How to get error message from HCM Rest API in OICSummary We cannot get the user friendly error from HCM Rest Api when getting a 400 Bad request i OICContent We have tried to use the HCM Cloud Adapter i OIC calling rest…User_84COP 236 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sachin Suresh Deshpande -- Infosys Integration
How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapterSummary How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapterContent How can we use 'request is html form' in REST adapter. I have configured REST Adapter Resuest payloa…
REST Adapter in Oracle SOA BPEL 12cSummary REST Adapter in SOA BPEL 12c failing for POST MethodContent Hi All, I am using Oracle jDeveloper 12c and Integrated Server to create Work Order in Oracle ERP Clo…
OIC REST Adapter modelling in the flow to send raw dataSummary Getting invalid_format error when trying to send raw data in REST adapter OIC.Content Hi all, The rest API expects to send data in below format Body raw (applica…User_2025-02-08-06-30-58-076 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
How to map "Generic Web Service (SOAP)" in an integration to download an XML file from UCM.Content Hi experts, I am trying to replicate in OIC the exercise done in SOAP UI that is seen in the document but I have not been successful. The operation I want to cal…
We are getting Time out Error while JS Function running (java script is running too long (15000ms).Summary We are getting Time out Error (java script is running more the 15s).Content Hi, We are generating JWT Token using JavaScript in OIC and Script is taking 12s to e…
Using ATP Database with DB AdapterContent Hi Team, I am looking for an option to move from DB System to ATP. We have integrations built with DB Adapter and now when I want to move to ATP, it would take a…
OIC local language from HCM Cloud AdapterSummary OIC local language from HCM Cloud Adapter Rest APIContent I need to get error messages from Rest Api via HCM Cloud Adapter i OIC. If i Use the Rest Api adapter i…
Error while reading a single record from stage file in OICContent Hello Everyone, I am getting the below error while reading a file having single record from stage file in OIC. I have checked the schema, it is correct. The same…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 442 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 Integration
How to Edit JCA file in OICSummary How to add one properties in JCA file.Content Hi Team, I Have to add one properties in JCA file. can we able to add or not? if able to do, What is property name …
Not able to invoke abstract webserviceSummary getting error while tryin to add ess abstract connection in integrationContent Hi All, I have a requirement to invoke ESS job through OICS, for that i have creat…
Using SOA 12c REST Adapter for Oracle ERP Cloud APISummary Facing issue while invoking POST method using SOA 12c REST Adapter ReferenceContent Hi Experts, I am trying to create Work Order in Oracle ERP Cloud using SOA 12…
call Rest API Without sample requestSummary The XML Payload is generic and doesn't have specific sampleContent Hello, I Have an integration that has OTM Cloud Adapter as a trigger (Using plannedShipment) B…
how can we read the data of pdf file from Stage File ReferenceSummary we have Base64Encode value of pdf file and we have to store those pdf file into AWS s3 bucket.Content Hi, we have Base64Encode value of pdf file and we have to s…
Select records in Batches from DB.Content We have a requirement to pull records from DBCS. The data/volume is very high and its required to pick records in batches. Example we have 200K rows of data in a…
REST API Invocation ErrorSummary REST API configured with OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials is erroring out while invoking.Content Hi We have configured REST Adapter with OAuth Resource …User_2025-02-08-06-30-58-076 540 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
How to parse and merge iso:std:iso:20022 xml payment file using oicSummary Making payment file for bank payment from Fusion ERP H2H generate payment fileContent Hi, I am trying to parse Oracle fusion finance AP H2H payment file with spe…User_2025-02-05-22-12-41-659 52 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-22-12-41-659 Integration
What is the maximum size of data we can store in Assign Variable in OIC IntegrationsSummary Maximum limit of Assign VariableContent Hi, We are fetching Report data which is Base64 encoded text. We have kept this operation in a scope, we need to upload t…
Is it possible to run ESS job throuh Oracle integration cloudSummary Not able to register ESS webservice in OICSContent HI Team, I have a requirement to run ESS job in one ointegration, but i'm not able to register webservice in c…
Error from the SFTP in OICContent Hi All, I am getting this following error from the SFTP. Can anyone suggest the solution for this.…User_2025-02-05-09-32-34-013 30 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by ravichander gambhiraopeta Integration
Increase TimeOut Window for OIC WebService Calls (REST)Summary Increase TimeOut Window for OIC WebService Calls (REST)Content Hello, Would there be a way in OIC to increase the TimeOut window for WebService Calls (ex: REST)?…User_2025-02-07-23-59-52-354 409 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-07-23-59-52-354 Integration
B2B Implementation Tutorial in OICSummary Looking B2B Implementation Tutorial using OICContent Can anyone point me to a B2B implementation tutorial on OIC? I could not find any on the known blogs or Orac…
New Oracle Integration VideosSummary We continue to add new videos to our fundamental integration vocabulary and concepts series.Content The latest videos describe some key components used in the Cr…
Getting CASDK-0004 : FailedAuthentication after enabling SSO in Oracle Cloud ERPSummary Getting Error CASDK-0004 : FailedAuthentication while configuring Oracle Cloud ERP Adapter after SSO is enabled in Oracle SaaS cloud ERPContent We are connecting…Sarthak Rohilla 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-18-15-54-852 Integration
How can we Store PDF file in AWS S3 using OIC REST ADapterSummary we have requirement for file should stored in S3 as pdf fileContent HI, we have requirement for file should stored in S3 as pdf file we have s3 rest url awsXXXXX…
HCM cloud to Oracle Ebiz using OICContent We are working on Integrating Employee Information from Fusion HCM cloud to Oracle Ebiz using OIC/Oracle HCM Adapter & Ebiz Adapter. Need Oracle Best Practice or…
Authentication and encryption options for REST API in Fusion ERPSummary Authentication and encryption options for REST API in Fusion ERPContent Hi Experts, Please throw some light on Authentication and encryption options for REST API…
SAP Adapter compatibility with S4 HANA 1610Summary SAP Adapter compatibility with S4 HANA 1610Content Hi, I want to know whether OIC's SAP adapter supports 'S4 HANA 1610' of SAP version. Below is the Oracle OIC v…