Discussion List
How Build executor checks the User credentialsSummary: How the Build executor checks the User credentials Content (required): We are trying to enable SSO for VBS, but unfortunately we were not able to create VBS in …MadhuMullangi 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
cannot preview page in page designerSummary: We are using VB Studio provisioned with Fusion SaaS on test pod. We created two environments - #1 to connect to Fusion test pod #2 to connect Fusion dev pod I c…
Google Map Integration on VBS PageSummary: Hi, We'd like to create a page to show the transaction data (e.g. Sales Quote which has longitude and latitude stored as attributes) on the google map. If you h…
Make build Parameter as MandatorySummary: Build Parameter as Mandatory Content (required): We are hardcoding the branch name in the Build parameters and we want our developers to enter the feature branc…MadhuMullangi 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Rename a folder in Git BranchSummary: Rename a folder in Git Content (required): We have exported some files with large folder names to git repository, now when we try to clone the repository to loc…MadhuMullangi 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Increase Build timeSummary: Increase Build time Content (required): Hi Teams, We are migrating out data to new instance and running the build jobs with heavy load. Every time the build tim…MadhuMullangi 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Unable to set Java Home for new SQLcl version 22Summary: Unable to set Java Home for new SQLcl version 22 Content (required): Previously we were on SQLcl version 19 and our Java version was 1.8. Suddenly one day the S…
How to create a Splash Screen with a timerSummary Splash Screen Content (required): When user open the mobile app it should display a splash Screen and after few seconds it should direct to login page . Is there…
How to create push Notification & Basic Authentication in Visual Builder StudioSummary: Push Notifications in Visual Basic Studio . When any message send by admin it should display on the top of the mobile app shortcut -Picture 1 and when user clic…
Custom Authentication IssueSummary: Content (required): Base Authentication with Rest API when user enter the username and password and click login it connect to Rest API and send a response back …
How to open another page when clicked on a column value in a Table componentSummary: How to open another VBCS page (created under a different application in VBCS) when user clicks on a column value in table component? Content (required): We have…Umamaheswara Reddy Karri 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
How to modify Service Data Provider String Data Type to DateTimeSummary: Hi, I would like to know if is possible to change the SDP data type in a different columns after create a table without create a JS Function? In my example the …
Getting the 401 unauthorized issues while trying to deploy VB Application using Grunt Script.Summary: Getting the 401 unauthorized issues while trying to deploy VB Application using Grunt Script. Content (required): Failed to get OAuth access token from VB Serie…
Automate build Job creation in DevCSContent Hi All , I have around 100 build jobs and I am looking for an approach to create this build jobs automatically or in bulk . Is there any functionality available …
SonarQube integration with build jobSummary Trying to use SonarQube in build job. the build job is successful but it is not generating SonarQube Result publisher report. Giving message as "SonarQube Projec…Rahul Ranjan-241810 25 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by rahul jaiswal GSC-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Overwrite VB applications deveploment profileContent All, I'm using build functionality to perform automatic VB application deployments. However, recently when creating new VB apps from VBS, and I noticed that the …
Restrict multiple active sessions for same userSummary Restrict multiple active sessions for same userContent Hi, We have a requirement where in we want to restrict the multiple active sessions for the same logged in…
Erro build VBCS ApplicationContent Hi All, I have a VBCS application that is giving an error performing the build. I have other applications that are working correctly, and this is giving the no b…Fernando Boechi 17 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Creating Simple First Master Detail Page Help RequiredSummary Creating Simple First Master Detail Page Help RequiredContent Hi, I have a Master Record Table with below Line Items are already appearing in a List View. Now I …Zahid Rahim-175440 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
VBS : Templates, Free VM and Integration CI/CDSummary VBS : Templates, Free VM and Integration CI/CDContent Hi, I have following question with respect to Visual Builder Studio: i. While creating new project i do not…
Deploy build fails with error: ... SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out, PollingResponseExceptionSummary Deploy build fails with error: ... SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out, PollingResponseException: Failed while getting response from loopback call PollingResp…K Cannell, TH Tech 15 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Preview / Share Gives HTTP 503 - Service UnavailableSummary Preview / Share of a VB app built in the VB Studio Designer Gives HTTP 503 - Service UnavailableContent In VB Studio, when I get my app to where I want ot PRevie…K Cannell, TH Tech 23 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Build Packaging error - Corrupt Zip?Summary My Package Build job fialed, with a corrupt zip error. How to address?Content I made a minor change, did a Merge Review. On the Review interface, I approved. The…K Cannell, TH Tech 14 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by K Cannell, TH Tech Visual Builder Studio
How to disable Browser Network Cache for REST APIsSummary How to disable Browser Network Cache for REST APIsContent Hi, We have observed that the REST API GET calls made from the VBCS App to SaaS are being cached and re…
Retain cursor position in TableSummary Would like to retain the cursor position back to old record after processing failedContent Hi, We have a implemented Table based on Array Data Provider with the …
Deploy to Java Cloud Service from Visual Builder StudioSummary Not able to deploy to Java Cloud Service from Visual Builder Studio as JCS instance not shown in the EnvironmentContent Hi, We are not able to do the java applic…User_2025-02-06-13-10-22-245 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Freeze Multiple columns in Data GridSummary Freeze Multiple columns in Data GridContent Hi, We have a requirement to freeze multiple columns in Data Grid. As per current documentation of CollectionDataGrid…
Deployment fails to OKE clusterSummary Issue with yaml file when attempting to deploy node.js appContent I followed all instructions (many times) using the "Deploy the Docker Image of a Node.js Micros…
Problem with CI/CD for Oracle Functions using DevCSSummary Function does not instantiate when deployed from DevCSContent HI All I need help when it comes to Building Oracle Functions in Developer Cloud Service. For refer…
VBCS concurrent developmentSummary Is there concurrent development on a single code base?Content As we are writing a new order entry interface using VBCS, It has been conveyed that we can only hav…