APIs and Integrations
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How to integrate Oracle intelligent advisor with helpdesk and generation of form at end of interviewSummary: How to integrate Oracle intelligent advisor with helpdesk and generation of form at end of interview Content (required): We need to integrate Oracle intelligent…devbabu49 65 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Jenny Truong-Scognamiglio Intelligent Advisor for B2C Service
Getting 401 Unauthorised Deployment in OIA interviewsI have created a interview in policy modelling and deployed successfully to Oracle intelligent Advisor Hub. While launching the interview getting error as "401 unauthori…Dara Nagasai 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Laura Rizea-Support-Oracle Intelligent Advisor for B2C Service
How to add button to near add a response/add a private note/ add customer entry in incidents screenCan we add a button near add to response. If we click on the button, it should be able to perform actions related to the SMS integration where the communication is sent …User_8XWB9 75 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Steve Garvert-Support-Oracle Communication Channels
Best Practices for Handling SMS in Oracle Service CloudWe are currently using Oracle Service Cloud and are looking to streamline our SMS communication process with customers. Specifically, when a customer sends an SMS with a…
Update incident created by anonymous userSummary: Is it possible to update an incident which was created on submit of the interview in the previous stage? Content (required): I have an interview to created new …
configuration document to implement Intelligent advisor along with B2B service integration setupSummary: What is the the standard configuration document to implement Intelligent advisor along with B2B service integration setup Content (required): Need start-to-end …User_T4NFX 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Davin Fifield-Oracle Intelligent Advisor for Fusion Service
we have to implement standalone opa for our customer but we are not able to fetch the attributesSummary: we have to implement standalone opa for our customer but we are not able to fetch the attributes like personID , personNumber, employeeNumber . We suspect the i…Ravish Kumar Singh 64 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravish Kumar Singh Intelligent Advisor for B2C Service
Automating OPM interviews upgrade process - questionsSummary: how to automate the "Data Refresh" (or fetch hubModel.xml file) via API & upload project to hub via command line? Content (required): Hello! Our OIA is connecte…BrunoQuevedo 152 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael-OPA-Oracle Intelligent Advisor for B2C Service
Can OIA dynamically show either Next or Submit button on a screen?Summary: Can OIA dynamically show either Next or Submit button on a screen? Content (required): We have a requirement to show either the Next or Submit button on various…