Asset Acquisition
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Assets addition does not make an entry in Accumulated DepreciationSummary: Assets addition does not make an entry in Accumulated Depreciation. We just did an asset addition - the asset is added and the assets entry was to debit the Ass…
Mass Add Additional Source InformationSummary Mass Add Additional Source InformationContent Hi All, we have recently migrated to Oracle Cloud and as part of the data conversion from our legacy system to Orac…
Is there any option that we could input insurance data of an asset?Summary: Record Insurance-related details in Fixed Asset Content (required): Hi all, There is a client requirement to record asset insurance data along with asset upload…
Depreciation Ceiling to be assigned to the individual assetsSummary Can we assign Depreciation ceiling to the individual asset. I understand we can assign at the category level. But is there any way in fusion assets that we can a…
Fixed Assets: Bifurcating Transaction Types for an Asset Facility by Major-Minor CategoriesSummary Fixed Assets: Bifurcating Transaction Types for an Asset Facility by Major-Minor CategoriesContent Hello All, We are working on a BIP report for Fixed Assets whe…
Lease dates are in Mid of period but invoices have to be generated at the end of the period (IFRS 16Summary Lease dates are in Mid of period but invoices have to be generated at the end of the period (IFRS 16)Content Hi Team, We are having below lease details where lea…
IFRS 16 Lease entry with Incremental Lease rentSummary IFRS 16 Lease entry with Incremental Lease rentContent Hi Team, Business has a lease agreement where the lease rent are increasing by 3% every period. Lease asse…
How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Summary How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Content Hi Experts, Any suggestions on "How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonu…
What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodSummary What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodContent Hi Experts, I ran the What-if analysis report for the given asset. Asset C…
Formula Method with NBV gives wrong depreciation amount calculationSummary Formula Method with NBV gives wrong depreciation amount calculationContent Hi Experts, I have an asset cost $237483.76 and Reserve $13211.51 i.e. NBV = $224,272.…
How out of balance shows in cost summary or detailed reports?Summary One intangible asset and another asset adjusted from invoice is showing out of balance in reportContent I created an intangible asset with no depreciation with $…
Update Tag number for assetSummary Update Tag number for assetContent Dears, After added an asset, How can i update tag number for this asset? thanks
Asset cost 0 in Additions infotile asset linesSummary Looking for a way to get rid of the 0 cost line being generated after transferring assets from Project to Fixes assets moduleContent Client is worried about the …
How to add CIP assets with Multiple sources from Add Asset from SpreadsheetSummary How to add CIP assets with Multiple sources from Add Asset from SpreadsheetContent Hi, We have a requirement to add CIP assets that have multiple sources. This c…
Serial number field maximum charactersSummary Looking to increase the limit of caracters (currently 35) on a standard pre-defined FA fieldContent Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to increase the limit…
Fixed Asset book replication question (syncronized Process)Summary Replication/synchronization process across asset booksContent My client have 5 Books (3 Corporative and 2 Tax books). they want a synchronized process for all bo…
Revaluation RulesSummary Revaluation RulesContent Hello I have read the note Maintain Revaluation Accounts in Asset Categories via Excel (Doc ID 2176171.1) However in R13 I was not able …gabriel kinovisques-163562 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by gabriel kinovisques-163562 Assets
Accounting Journal Entries Generated When Doing A Revaluation In Fixed Assets ?Summary Accounting Journal Entries Generated When Doing A Revaluation In Fixed Assets ?Content Hello I have read the following note : How Are The Accounting Journal Entr…gabriel kinovisques-163562 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by gabriel kinovisques-163562 Assets
How can i get DFF field in the Formula based Depreciation Methods?Summary How can i get DFF field in the Formula based Depreciation Methods?Content Hi Experts, I am trying to derive the depreciation rate based on the Descriptive Flexfi…User_2025-02-06-12-01-21-534 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saipriya Vaidyanaathan-Oracle Assets
Leases calendar different from accounting/fixed asset calendarContent Hello, My client is new to Oracle Fixed Assets and noted they use a monthly calendar for leases while using 4/4/5 for accounting and regular fixed assets. Mainly…
Non recoverable tax lines are not pick up by mass additionSummary Non recoverable tax lines are not picked up by mass additionContent We have both item and nonrecoverable tax lines coded to the same distribution account (asset …User_2025-02-04-06-43-15-304 98 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-06-43-15-304 Assets
How to calculate the Bonus amount only for asset cost adjustments and not for asset additions?Summary How to calculate the Bonus amount only for asset cost adjustments and not for asset additions?Content Hi Experts, How to calculate the Bonus amount only for asse…
Unable to see change Financial Details, Change Category Button while trying to adjust assetsSummary Unable to see change Financial Details, Change Category Button while trying to adjust assetsContent Hi, Is there any role or access missing in my account because…
Routing Push Notification for Fixed Asset addition to Specific UserSummary When a new Asset is posted, then the person (who adds that Asset normally gets a notification in Bell icon) gets Push Notification in Bell icon, how this notific…
SLA rules to generate additional accounting journal entries for asset addition: Create accounting reSummary I am trying to setup SLA rules for 'Addition' Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set - the goal is to have the system generate 2 debits and 2 credits for Cost and Cost…
What is Source Line Number in FixedAssetMassAdjustmentsImport?Summary Fixed Asset Mass Adjustment Import template: Source Line Number fieldContent Hello, we are implementing FA. We ran MassAddition and brought in a bunch of AP invo…User_2025-02-04-06-43-15-304 30 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-06-43-15-304 Assets
Using a different Cost account for prior year additionsContent I am working with a Government Client. Fixed Assets has already been implemented and is being used currently and have asked for a few changes to cover the gaps i…
Calculate Depreciation Process completed in Error StatusSummary Calculate Depreciation Process completed in Error StatusContent Hi, We have ran calculate lease interest and expense process for current period and it got comple…
White Paper | Impairment of assets as per IAS 36Summary The white paper describes the asset impairment feature in Oracle Fusion Assets that is designed to meet the International Accounting Standard (IAS) 36 Impairment…