Discussion List
Entering cost in Payables Cost column in ADFDI sheet to override asset cost clearing accountSummary: Is there any other financial or system impact when recording cost and in cost and payable cost columns both Content (required): In order to override the clearin…
How can we setup a notification in Oracle Fusion for assets received but not tagged within a weekSummary: is there a way to find out assets received but not tagged within a week Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Sni…
How to process a specific list of incomplete additions in Assets?Summary: We are planning to send 150,000 assets into Fusion Fixed Assets and need to be able to search for and process specific batches of assets. Content (required): Pr…User_2025-02-05-09-40-23-780 160 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-40-23-780 Assets
Create Mass Additions - scheduled jobs are not auto-incrementing the argument1 parameterSummary: Create Mass Additions has been running nightly since Jan 4, 2021 for each of our Asset Books. Around Mar 18, 2021, our company applied the 22A Patch, and must h…
Assets India Tax BookSummary Assets India Tax BookContent Hi Team, We are looking for Assets India Tax Book implementation considerations and best practices like block of assets Capitalizati…FAYYAZ MOHAMMAD-157920 52 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Saipriya Vaidyanaathan-Oracle Assets
Japan Asset Book Regional Information and Tax Authority DetailsSummary: While configuring Japan Asset Book, I can see that there is Regional Information tab. Q1- Are we suppose to enter this detail in CORP Book or Tax Book? Also I w…
How to calculate depreciation as per Diminishing value method in Australia for Tax Asset BookSummary: How to calculate depreciation as per diminishing value method in Australia for Tax Asset Book Content (required): As per straight line - If Asset cost is $80000…
How to derive some of the segments for Expense Account based on categorySummary: Content (required): When adding an asset, I am trying to get some COA segments (not all) derived automatically on Expense Account, based on asset category selec…
How to add and depreciate Fixed Assets for Public Sector ?Summary How to add and depreciate Fixed Assets for Public Sector ?Content How to add and depreciate Fixed Assets for Public Sector?with knowing that we work with "fund" …
Keep history of asset transferSummary How to keep history of the asset move in locationsContent Is there a way to keep the history of the transfer of the assets from location to another during the as…
Physical Inventory for AssetsSummary How to conduct Physical Inventory for Assets ?Content Is there a way to conduct Physical Inventory for Assets? that covers 1. print list of all the assets and it…
Move assetsSummary move assets with approvalContent I know we can transfer assets between locations, but can we do that with approvals?
Privileges Require for Access to Action Dropdown in FSM for Import/Export CSV FileSummary: Which Privileges is Required for Access to Action Dropdown in FSM for Import/Export CSV File for 'Manage Asset Locations' task. We are not giving Application Im…
Inactive Date on Fixed Asset BookSummary: Due to tax issues we had to create a new legal entity and business unit for one of our groups and move the existing BU to the new legal entity and business unit…
Issue with Fixed assets period closureSummary: When business tried to close Jan-22 Fixed Assets period, the period has gone into "Partially Closed" status. What could be the reason for this. And how to put t…SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant 211 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant Assets
Create Mass Addition is Creating extra lineSummary: Dear Experts, I have couple of question regarding with mass addition process when we create Assets from Payables to asset cycle. Create Mass addition process is…
What populates the Bonus Depr Amount field on an asset's Depr tab?Summary: We are trying to apply 100% Bonus Depr to some Tax Book assets. In test region, user changed Depr Method to the delivered MACRS 100B HY, and calculated depr. Th…
Can you close the Corp book but not the Tax bookSummary: Can you close the Corp book but not the Tax book and continue to deal with issues within the Tax book Content (required): We are having some issues in our tax b…
How to set default CONTEXT Value while updating descriptiveSummary How to set default CONTEXT Value while updating descriptiveContent How to set default CONTEXT Value while updating descriptive when I update descriptive informat…
Methodology for MACRS HY 3 year assetSummary IRS Publication 946 MACRS tables for 4 years for a 3 year asset. Yet Oracle fully depreciates the asset in the year retired. Is this a seeded default or was this…
How to add a new field/column on Asset Adjustments pageWe wish to have an additional field to show "Original Cost" on Asset Adjustments page so that users can always have a reference to original cost while doing adjustments …
Where can I find the comments entered on Asset transfers/adjustments etc.?Summary: Content (required): I am not seeing the comments that were entered at the time of adjusting/transfer of the asset on that asset inquiry. Is it supposed to be vi…
Is it possible to add a DFF to Adjust Units page/Asset assignments section?Summary: Content (required): We are trying to figure out if there is a way to add a DFF to be populated when adding new asset assignment lines (on Adjust Units page) and…
What is the effect of setting asset "Category Type" and "Ownership" as 'leased?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, When setting up asset categories, what is the effect when we setup asset Category and owned type as leased? Is there any financial e…
Override Account functionality does not exist in Fixed Assets?Summary: Override Account absent in FA - is this intended? Content (required): We are looking for the Override account functionality as some of the hardcoded accounts by…
Is there a way to account for sale of fixed asset in AR?Summary: I have a client currently coming onto cloud from EBS and they are asking if Oracle has the functionality to account for the sale of a fixed assets in AR? (As in…
Mass Add Additional Source InformationSummary Mass Add Additional Source InformationContent Hi All, we have recently migrated to Oracle Cloud and as part of the data conversion from our legacy system to Orac…
Creating a Lease without generating Payables InvoicesSummary What are the best practices?Content When creating Leases in Fixed Assets, we are selecting Generate Invoices = No This is because the Lessor sends us VAT invoice…