Discussion List
Self-service Asset Permit or Gate Pass to move out from business premises.Summary: We have a business requirement to track or verify assets while moving out of campus. For example 1. If Employee wanted to take his official laptop to home for o…
What is best approach ( Practice) for Fixed Asset MigrationSummary: The business requirement to load the Asset up to 31-Dec-2022, from Jan- 23 to Jun-23 requested movements like Additions, retirements, reinstates, transfers, Adj…
Mass capitalization of fixed assetsSummary: Hello Team, We have a requirement The process of capitalization of fixed assets currently only allows, editing an asset one by one before posting. For example, …
Remove "Delete" option in create asset by screen or spreadsheet.Summary: Content (required): Hi, good day. Do you know if there is a way to remove the "Delete" option in the options to create a fixed asset both at the "screen level" …
Updating Useful Life in Years via import/spreadsheetSummary: Is there a way to update Life in years for an existing asset via spreadsheet or import? Content (required): We are in the process of conversion testing process …
Is there any template to upload Asset price index in bulkSummary: Is there is any spreadsheet or FBDI template to upload the price index in bulk. Content (required): We are trying to load Asset price index starting from year 1…
How to update existing prorate calendar for prior years?Summary:Users created the wrong FA Prorate calendars. Could you please help on correct the FA Prorate calendars. FA Prorate calendars are not matching with the FA Manage…
Is it possible to merge to assets that are already created?Content I know that it is possible to merge items when preparing an asset. Is it possible to merge two existing assets that have already been created, and is there any d…
Mass Copy process running in errorSummary: Mass Copy process running in error due to asset transactions in closed period Content (required): Mass copy process is running in error. System has FA period of…
How to Reconcile Assets to GLSummary It is a lot of work to reconcile assets to GL. The other subledgers offer this out of the box.Content Just looking or alternative solutions/reports for reconcili…
Newly capitalized asset impaired calculates depreciation.Summary: Content (required): A newly capitalized asset with no depreciation is depreciated for the month of impairment. Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
21B FA exceptions stuck on Pending Transactions in Manage All BooksSummary 21B FA exceptions stuck on Pending Transactions in Manage All BooksContent Hi Experts, We have an issue here, the FA infotiles are all cleared but when checking …
Difference between What-if Analysis report and Trial Balance report, on a specified Account.Hello, I am facing an issue. There is a difference between the "what-if analysis" and the trial balance. Can anyone give some tips?
The issue: No results has been found in report and the impairment cannot be posted.Dear All, Kindly not the following Steps that I took: 1- From Assets --> Taskbar --> Impair asset --> Click on "+" icon to download the spread sheet 2- In the Spreadshee…
How to Post Impairment of an asset?Hello, I have 3 questions: 1) How to Post Impairment of an asset? 2) How to add the Net Book Value? 3) What are the steps to be taken after posting so that the report of…
How to create cost centers massively?Summary: Want to create cost centers massively in IFRS16 Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):23A Code Snippet (add any code sn…
AssetsSummary Amortization ExplanationContent What is the difference between depreciation and amortization of the asset.
Configuring Assets with multiple currenciesSummary Configuring Assets with multiple currenciesContent Hello: Did you configure Assets to report in different currencies ? Client wants to run reports in a different…
Error: You can't adjust the asset because it wasn't added to this tax bookSummary: The periodic mass copy ends in error with "You can't adjust the asset because it wasn't added to this tax book". But the assets mentioned in the log and output …
Error was when users did a mass addition, they used the wrong account code.Summary: Error was when users did a mass addition, they used the wrong account code. They do not want to reactivate the said account. What workaround can be done? 1) Wil…
Unit Adjustment is not copied to Tax BookSummary:Mass Copy ends in error with the below details for unit adjustment Content (required):The transaction units entered are invalid. The Mass Copy process couldn't b…
Property Tax Report unable to get Assets detailsSummary Property Tax Report unable to get Assets detailsContent Hi All Experts, need your help Assets descriptive details are update with below Property Type - Real/ Per…
Automatic Mapping of Asset KeysSummary: Automatic Mapping of Asset Keys Content (required): Hello, I need to do an automatic mapping of the asset keys with Account payables – asset clearing account or…
Prepare sourceline "posted" queue statusSummary: Assets in the asset book cannot be seen in the prepare sourcelines scree queue status = Posted Content (required): What are the reasons that an asset is not sho…
Refrain from transferring CIP lines until project is completedSummary: Content (required): Hi, There is a requirement to refrain from CIP lines being transferred to FA through Mass Addition until a project is completed. For example…
How can we add the Invoice information to a manually added Asset?Summary: Content (required): Client has a scenario, Asset will be received before receiving the asset. In that case Asset will be added at the point of receiving it. And…
Issue creating new periods within an asset calendarSummary Creating new periods within an asset calendar - can't get passed period 'Jan-10'Content Hi, Whilst creating a new asset calendar with a number of periods over a …User_2025-02-04-13-39-06-176 46 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mirela Tomoiu-Oracle Assets
How to extract (Report) the data about assets to tie the trial balance?Summary: We need a report or a way to extract the information regarding assets to tie to the trial balance. Content (required): Hi, Please help with a report or a way to…
Is it possible to upload assets for multiple asset books using the template?Summary: User would like to upload assets for multiple asset books using the same template Content (required): The Add Assets in Spreadsheet function allows only one ass…
Notifying employee when asset is assigned/transferred to him/herSummary Is there a way to notify user when an asset is assigned to him/her?Content Hi, when creating an asset you can assign the asset to a user (employee). Is there a w…User_2025-01-29-01-07-02-312 59 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets