Budgetary control
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There is a web service for creating Spend Authorizations?We require to automatically create approved "Spend Authorizations" to be available on the expense report for the scenario when an employee submits an expense that exceed…
Business Travel and Per Diem/Expense ReimbursementSummary: Business Travel and Per Diem/Expense Reimbursement Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I would like to understand best practices and …
Request for Assistance - Implementing Warning Message for Mismatched Authorization and Expense ItemsSummary: I am currently working on customizing our expense management system and would like to implement a feature that provides a warning message when there is a mismat…
Incorrect Budget Consumption on Project related AP invoice that is generated from an expense reportWhen creating an expense report related to a project, the distribution used for funds check is getting generated from the default expense account of the employee, not th…
Can we have a control over expense item amount based on the expense type selectedSummary: Can we have a control over expense item amount based on the expense type selected Content (required): I have a requirement where based on the expense type selec…
If Authorization is disabled, will Expense Report check the budget?Summary: If Authorization is disabled, will Expense Report check the budget? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Now, we enable Authorization,…
Enable Budgetary Control for Spend AuthorizationWe have created a control budget and attached it to the expense template. It is checked as reserved in spend authorized but when we review the budgetary balances, it's n…
How to close unused Spend Authorizations in bulk?Summary: The unused Spend Authorizations can be closed manually to release the funds, We need a way to close unused Spend Authorizations in bulk. E.g. When an employee i…
Can we default the Kilometer value for Mileage expense typeSummary: Can we default the Kilometer value for Mileage expense type Content (required): Can we default the Kilometer value for Mileage expense type? Version (include th…
One travel authorization is available to be attached for multiple Expense Reports. How to control?Summary: Currently, our client has a requirement where user should submit Travel Authorization and attach it to the Expense Report for all the reports. There is no budge…
Relationship between HR Org, Business unit, DepartmentSummary: Hi Everyone! I am newbie to expense module. Could anyone explain what is the relationship between HR Org, Business unit, Department and expense account/module? …
You must enter a receipt amount thats same or less than reserved amountSummary: You must enter a receipt amount thats same or less than reserved amount Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created spend aut…
How is budgetary control set up for project related expenses?Summary: We have set up budgetary control for our projects. When costs are charged to the project (miscellaneous costs, invoice distribution amounts, PO distribution amo…
After applying an expense can we able to see the availble balance in the UI?Summary: For example, we are allocating 1500 rupees to each employee per quarter. When they apply the expense and add the attendees, they should be able to see the remai…
How to assign a value in Expression language to binding variableSummary: How to assign a value in Expression language to binding variable Content (required): I have a requirement that based on the expense type selected I need to defa…
Updating the Budget date using Rest APISummary: Hello Everyone, Is there any way to update the Budget date using Rest API's Requirement:- 1)How can the approved requisition budget date be updated? 2) After up…
Submit expense report on behalf of other employees that employee not have oracle accessHi we have this scenario of expense report and payment. A lot of employee not have access to oracle fusion only one person have access. I can to set up this only one per…
How to setup a tolerance when the expense report amount is greater than spend authorization amount?Summary: When the fund reservation is enabled for spend authorization, the spend authorization is approved and attached to an expense report item, if the expense report …
Max amount setup for expense categorieSummary Need to setup a new categorie that has a total reimbursement amount available by user of a specific amountContent Hi All, We have a requirement to setup a new ex…
Restrict DFF in Expense Report in SandboxHello experts, good day to you all. Is someone familiar with the expression editor or value where you can restrict the custom DFF based on the business unit of the user …
Spend Authorization - Releasing unused funds | Cancelling a spend authorisation | Deleting a Spend ASummary Reference - Idea 4E759F09E4 | AC0F47B761 | 50705599C2 | C1E6DA6B82Content Oracle has finally introduced a very desirable feature to release unused funds back to …
We have requirement to view the below field details from Cash Advances in manage Expense ReportSummary: We have requirement to view the below mentioned field details from Cash Advances in manage Expense Report. The Field Names are : 1.ADVANCE NUMBER 2.CREATED DATE…
Is it possible to recover the reserved funds against an approved spend authorizationSummary: Is it possible to recover the reserved funds against an approved spend authorization if the expense report total amount is less than the Authorized amount? Cont…
Budget Manager wants to review Expenses ReportsSummary: Can Budget Manager review the expense report? Content (required): We have enabled budgetary control in the system and setup few budgets. Business would like to …
Can I auto-populate few expense items/lines based on a field selected at header levelSummary: Can I auto-populate few expense items/lines based on a field selected at header level Content (required): Can I auto-populate few expense items/lines based on a…
Can we restrict the selection of Expense Type at item levelSummary: Can we restrict the selection of Expense Type at item level Content (required): I have a requirement that if at item line 1 I have selected expense type as 'Air…
Can we have a check on the sum of all expense item line amount does not exceed certain limit.Summary: Can we have a check on the sum of all expense item line amount does not exceed certain limit. Content (required): Can we have a check on the sum of all expense …
How to delete any value from the standard lookupSummary: Want to delete certain value from ORA_EXM_PDTRIP_INCLUDES_DETAIL lookup. Content (required): Hello Team, I have a requirement to not to show certain values comi…
the system is doing a budget check if the account is a liability or revenue accountSummary: When doing an expense authorization to submit/record Excess CA return, the system is doing a budget check if the account is a liability or revenue account. Per …
How to setup the funds reservation on spend authorization at submission?Summary: At this time the funds reservation for spend authorizations are made when the last approver approves the authorization, but if there is no enough funds, it shou…