Discussion List
Is there a default tax reporting type/name that must be tagged to an IN TDS Supplier?Summary: Is there a default tax reporting type/name that must be tagged to an India TDS Supplier? Client is migrating from R12 and Peoplesoft to Fusion and there are cer…
Business Unit LOV isnt available while Create Withholding Tax Code under Manage Tax CodesSummary: Business Unit LOV isnt available while Create Withholding Tax Code under Manage Tax Codes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello T…Gabriel Kinovisques 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
is there an fdbi to upload taxExemptions ??Summary: I'm using /fscmRestApi/resources/ to load massive tax excemptions, almost 2000 rows for a customer at a time. AS /fscmRestApi/resources…
Is it Mandatory to create Tax Authority supplier in case of Withholding Tax when WHTinvoice not reqSummary: Is it Mandatory to create Tax Authority supplier in case of Withholding Tax when WHT invoice not required to generate? Getting below Error while enabling rate "…
Documents to set up EOPT, Withholding Tax for Receivables for Philippines TaxSummary: Can anyone help me with Documents to set up EOPT (Ease of Paying Tax), withholding Tax for Receivables for Philippines Tax? Any workaround available? Content (p…
IN TDS Period threshold calculationHi. I have a requirement for India TDS where there is a period (annual) threshold on the total line amount. Tax Rate: However, instead of applying 20% when the threshhol…
WITHHOLDING TAX CODE NOT VISIBLE IN FUSION PAYABLES INVOICESummary: All tax configurations are done in Oracle Fusion Tax, but after enablement of WHT STCC, and testing on invoice, it is not visible. Supplier used is already enab…
I can't create tax rules by csv templatesSummary: When trying to load the applicability rules by template, they appear as a warning. In the process output text the error indicates the following: Tax Rule Valida…Eduardo Vargas Cadillo 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
How to setup withholding tax invoice when it is borne by the companySummary: How to setup withholding tax invoice when it is borne by the company Content (required): There are 2 types of withholding tax, one is to borne by supplier, the …
How do we create a Tax Rule based on the Tax Registration Number(TIN) of a Supplier.How do we create a Tax Rule based on the Tax Registration Number of a Supplier. If the Supplier provides the TIN Number we need to deduct the tax at Standard rate applic…
Derivation of Company segment in Withholding tax InvoiceSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Derivation of Company segment in Withholding tax Invoice Version (include the version you are usi…
Can't add withholding taxWe have created an AP invoice using REST API , but I can't add a withholding tax line to it , as shown in the image is it due to a limitation or a setup issue ?
Entering Manual Withholding Type AP Invoice LineSummary: Our customer is currently using R12. I understand that it is not possible to manually create a withholding type line in Ap invoice lines in Fusion, is that corr…
Supplier with "Tax Authority" Type default different Supplier Site for different city?A Supplier with "Supplier Type" of "Tax Authority" has two sites. Oracle is configured so that on creation of a "Standard" Invoice, a "WHT" Invoice is created automatica…
Using Create Party Tax Profile API to create Profile recordSummary: I am using the Tax Profile API to updates 1000's of records to update the offset tax flag status. This works fine but I also have a number of supplier records w…
overwrite legal entity of Non-PO withholding tax InvoiceSummary: Hi Community, I'm working on US based company Implementation ,we have one BU and multiple LEs, we are implementing Withholding Tax for Puertorico suppliers as p…
24C - Reporting-Only Taxes and Calculation Formulas in WithholdingSummary: Hi Experts, On the 24C feature for 'Reporting-Only Taxes and Calculation Formulas in Withholding', is there a seeded report that will show WHT created from this…Crystal Joy.Paule 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Allow tax withholding, Use Withholding Tax Flag, Withholding Tax Report Group, Federal ReportableSummary: Need help finding the table/s that holds the tax information below for Suppliers: 'Allow tax withholding', 'Use Withholding Tax Flag', 'Withholding Tax Report G…
Business Unit not showing on Configuration Owner LOV under Manage TaxesHi, I've created new business units, but when I trying to create taxes in Manage Taxes, the Business Unit not showing on Configuration Owner LOV. I've create new busines…Luthfi Pratama Yogaswara 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
WHT is not deriving for foreign supplier after adding the WHT code at supplier site assignmentsSummary: WHT is not deriving for the foreign supplier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if appli…
AP WHT Tax is not calculating when AP invoice line DFF used as Tax Determination factor SetSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to calculate WHT using determination factor Transaction input factor is equal to character Attribute 4. But WHT is not calculating in AP in…
What is the best way to withhold taxes on the first payment that I make in full?Summary: What is the best way to withhold taxes on the first payment that I make in full? Assuming partial payments have been made Content (please ensure you mask any co…
WHT is not deriving on the invoice lines from the Supplier Site AssignmentsHello, We have configured the WHT setups. However the WHT code provided at supplier site assignments is not deriving at invoice line level. Could you please help me unde…
Include taxes in the calculation of specific tax withholdings (Argentina)Hello, I need to configure a new withholding regime for Argentina: the province of Santa Fe. For this new regime, the withholding calculation must take as a calculation …
Withholding tax for the VAT TAX LINESummary:Hello Gurus, We are unable to create a withholding tax exclusively for the VAT tax line, is there any specific configuration we should do ? Content (please ensur…
Dynamic WithHolding Tax Rates (India) based on Supplier certificate with a thresholdThe detailed requirement: The are suppliers in India who provide us Lower TDS certificates which will lead to a reduced tax rate. This certificate needs to be stored at …
How do I create a preprint for a withholding certification for my suppliers when payment is made?Summary: In Nicaragua, you need to print a pre-printed document to give to the supplier as proof of the withholdings that were made on your payments. It is a fiscal docu…
Is there any API/FBDI appraoach available for posting Withholding Tax Setup?Summary: We are manually adding Withholding tax certificates in fusion using-1. Manage Tax Rates and recovery rates 2.Manage Tax Condition Sets 3.Manage Tax Rules Is the…
How to configure Foreign Vendor Invoice WHT applicable in PakistanI have a scenario regarding foreign invoice vendors withholding taxes applicable in Pakistan. In the current instance, I have configured all Pakistan GST and withholding…
Manage Withholding Taxable Basis Exemptions Mass UploadSummary: Need a way to mass upload withholding taxable basis exemptions Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For Argentina, we have some Tucuma…