Discussion List
How do I create a preprint for a withholding certification for my suppliers when payment is made?Summary: In Nicaragua, you need to print a pre-printed document to give to the supplier as proof of the withholdings that were made on your payments. It is a fiscal docu…
Is there any API/FBDI appraoach available for posting Withholding Tax Setup?Summary: We are manually adding Withholding tax certificates in fusion using-1. Manage Tax Rates and recovery rates 2.Manage Tax Condition Sets 3.Manage Tax Rules Is the…
How to configure Foreign Vendor Invoice WHT applicable in PakistanI have a scenario regarding foreign invoice vendors withholding taxes applicable in Pakistan. In the current instance, I have configured all Pakistan GST and withholding…
Manage Withholding Taxable Basis Exemptions Mass UploadSummary: Need a way to mass upload withholding taxable basis exemptions Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For Argentina, we have some Tucuma…
Calculate and Create Tax withholding in the name of a supplier different from the original invoiceSummary: Our client needs to comply with a legal requirement, that the calculation of tax withholding at the time of payment of the invoices, the withholdings are charge…
Need Two Jurisdiction Tax calculated on Lease InvoiceHi, I have a scenario regarding lease invoices that will be calculated with two jurisdiction taxes after payment. 1. I have created a rule of lease invoice ITWH tax whic…
how to get withholding tax rate schedule From and To amount using REST APISummary: I need an API to fetch Amount applied in rate schedule tab in manage with holding tax rate page. I found this to fetch date and name of the tax rate: fscmRestAp…
Withholding tax calculated on Total invoice amount which is wrong on my RequirementI have configured the withholding tax setup in Oracle Fusion, and withholding tax is calculated on the total invoice amount, but I need withholding tax should be calcula…
Calculate withholding tax on journalSummary: How can we calculate withholding tax on journal just like transaction tax ? Is there any workaround for the same? Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
How to setup Customer Withholding Tax on Receivables ?Summary How to setup Customer Withholding Tax on Receivables ?Content Hello I have already read the following notes How To Set up Customer withholding tax (Receivables w…
Is there any Possibility for Slab tax rate lease invoices separately show on AP Invoice in fusion?I am facing an issue regarding lease invoice slab tax rates which are defaulting from the Supplier site, The Issue occurs when the slab tax rate is calculated after vali…
Is there any possibility to edit or delete the condition set within the determining set code in TaxIs there any possibility to edit or delete the condition set within the determining set code in Oracle Fusion? I want to delete the condition set which is wrong and crea…Moeed 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Withholding TaxThe user requires the calculation of the 4% withholding tax at the purchase order line level, which in Mexico is calculated directly on the invoice, and I understand tha…Badripalli Archana-Oracle 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Badripalli Archana-Oracle Tax & Global
Fusion Cloud Tax - WHT Certificate to Supplier through BankSummary: In Fusion Cloud Tax, while sending payment instruction to Bank is it feasible to send WHT Certificate details to Bank Wherein bank could process the payment and…
Need Sales Tax Withholding on Invoice and Income tax WHT required on Payment levelHello, I have a requirement regarding withholding tax which is sales tax withholding must be calculated on the invoice level after validation, on the other hand, income …
Withholding Tax amount conversion when Ledger Currency is different from Tax Currency.Summary: For Transaction Tax, the function to handle the difference between Ledger Currency and Tax Currency is well available to be setup in the Regime. For Withholding…
Can we exempt a line on AP invoice exempt from Withholding Tax calculationSummary: My AP Invoice has two lines. One for 100 USD, other for 10 USD. Withholding tax rate is 10%. Due to some requirement, we need system to calculate tax of 10% onl…
Withholding Tax Stopped calculating after tax rule is created and end datedSummary: I did configuration of withholding tax and it was working fine. Customer raised a requirement that few lines on an AP invoice should not have withholding tax to…
API for calculating withheld taxesSummary: We need an API that calculates taxes withheld Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are creating a Custom Screen that will validate …
W2 Box 14 - HSAIs there a way to add lookup codes to the ORA_HRX_US_W2_BOX_14_USER_DFND lookup type? We're needing to add box 14W to the W2, which is not in the ORA_HRX_US_W2_BOX_14_US…Ryan Santy 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ryan Santy Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Create an invoice to match all withholding taxes invoicesSummary: Create a payables document to add all withholding taxes invoices in Brazil Content (required): We have a withholding tax invoice enabled. We would like to know …
Can we have a configuration owner as global?Hello, while creating the Withholding tax, Can we have a configuration owner as global and at the same time add a tax authority which is linked to a specific BU?
What is the difference between effective start date and default start date in tax rate setup page?Summary: What is the difference between effective start date/end date and default start date/end date in tax rates setup page? I haven't seen any detailed explanation as…
How to generate tax withholdings for third parties?Scenario: The purchase and payment of the quantity price is made to supplier "A" and the Tax withholding is made to supplier "B" How is the tax withholding generated for…
Withholding Group is blank at supplier levelSummary: We defined WHT tax using following steps (1) Manage Tax regime (2) Manage Tax (3) Manage Tax rate (4) Manage configuration owner tax option-We used LE as party …YatinBhandari 114 views 16 comments 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
WHT is not automatically calculated for CITY-specific Tax RateCould you help me check what's wrong/missing in the configuration? Business requires set-up of ISS tax for the following cities: Barueri Sao Paulo Current Set-up: Regime…
How to default WHT from Item Category?We have got a requirement from client to have WHT auto-defaulting to AP invoice from Item Category. Is there any possibility to fulfill this requirement on Oracle Cloud?…
WHTax is not calculated when using Tax Rate that is not a defaultSummary Tax is not automatically calculated in invoice line if tax rate used is not the default one and is displaying error "The default tax rate for tax BR IRRF, tax st…
ARGENTINA - SICORE. REPORTING OF WITHHOLDINGS IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLESummary: what is the structure that this report should handle according to your country reg Content (required): Argentina SICORE, what is the structure that this report …
Withholding tax to be calculated on the 90% of the invoice line amountSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Withholding tax rate percentage defined at the tax rates to considered for calculation on the 90%…