Discussion List
Withholding tax to be calculated on the 90% of the invoice line amountSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Withholding tax rate percentage defined at the tax rates to considered for calculation on the 90%…
User needs to create withholding tax invoices manuallySummary: User needs to create withholding tax invoices manually Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): User needed to create withholding tax invo…
Tax Rates created not show the Tax classification code set assignmentsSummary: We create the tax rates and when start we assigne the Tax classification code set assignments But after saving we go to check them assigned but now it shows emp…
Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax OptionsDoes the application creates a record in 'Manage Tax Reporting and Withholding Tax Options' automatically when we complete the configuration of 'Configuration Owner Tax …
Argentina Localization (Tax Regime and WHT Regime)Hi Team, We are implementing LACLS for Argentina, we need to define the following Taxes and WHT: IVA PERCEPCION IVA PERCEPCION GANANCIAS PERCEPCION IIBB RETENCION IVA RE…
1099 Filing with part year transaction in Oracle Cloud and other part in legacy PeopleDoftSummary 1099 Filing with part year transaction in Oracle Cloud and other part in legacy PeopleDoftContent We have the following scenarios and appreciate if someone can s…
while creating an invoice, can we add the transaction tax and WHT tax at the same time??Hello, I have a scenario where there are two taxes: Transaction tax and withholding tax for the same invoice. When calculating the transaction tax, the amount in the lin…
Document required for Brazil withholding Tax for ReceivablesSummary: Document required for Brazil withholding Tax for Receivables Content (required): Document required for Brazil withholding Tax for Receivables Version (include t…Arun KumarTangudu-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghuram Saradka-Oracle Tax & Global
How to substract a fixed amount after withholding tax is calculated?Summary: Tax law for Income withholding has a special scenario, which includes the use of gross amount taxable basis tax rate to determine rate to be applied. But additi…
Israel Localization support in Oracle FusionSummary: Israel Localization support in Oracle Fusion Content (required): Hi Team, Does Oracle Fusion (SaaS) support Israel Localization support in Oracle Fusion? Lookin…
AP Invoice withholding wrong tax rateSummary: Greetings dear experts, we set up a tax rate and assigned to a withholding tax. However, when AP Invoice is validated, the tax rate percentage is different from…
Open Invoice load along with GST/WHT at Invoice LevelSummary: Open Invoice load along with GST/WHT at Invoice Level Content (required): Business would like to load Open Invoice load along with GST/WHT (invoice level). How …
Desired Business Unit LOV isnt available while Create Withholding Tax Code under Manage Tax CodesSummary: We are currently trying to create a new Withholding Tax for a specific Tax Regime, however the BU code is not available for selection for the specific Tax Regim…
Lower TDS(WHT) RatesSummary: There is a requirement for setting up Lower TDS(WHT)Rates for India. For example, for 194J we have a 10% Tax Rate for a limit till 50000, more than 50000 is hav…
Does Netting Payment calculate Withholding tax at PaymentSummary: Our business requirement is to netting payment and withholding tax should be calculated during payment. Is it possible. Content (required): Version (include the…
LACLS - Honduras - Report - Certificado de retenciones CustomizationSummary: LACLS - Honduras - Report - Certificado de retenciones Customization Content (required): Hello All, We have deployed LACLS Honduras Localization report for HN "…Neha Barnawal 62 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by John Edward Trujillo Guzman-Oracle Tax & Global
The Definition of self-assessed taxHello, can someone explain the definition of the self-assessed tax with an example of it please? Thank you!
Manage tax reporting and withholding tax optionsHello, in "Manage tax reporting and withholding tax options", I can't find the Business Unit. any advice?
collecting tax authority siteHello, in managing taxes, in tax authorities, The collecting tax authority site is empty. Where to fill it?
Has anyone enabled the India localisation post-implementation to handle India TDS/WHT?Summary: We have been live for some years on Fusion and tax config was setup for manual handling of India TDS/WHT tax within Fusion however we are now looking to use the…
Can we use Tax regime created under Transaction Tax for WHT tax Tak Manage TaskSummary: We have created Tax regime under Transaction Tax.While creating Taxes for WHT regime from Transaction Tax is populating but not able to select any Geography typ…
Withholding Tax invoice is not generating for TDS 194QContent We have setup TDS 194Q India withholding tax. it is working fine, WHT tax is deducting fine, but The Withholding Tax invoice is not generating for the withholdin…
India WHT Calculation Formula for Foreign SuppliersSummary For Foreign Suppliers, Our client is looking for a specific calculation to happen, is it possible ?Content Hi We are configuring India withholding taxes and our …
Question on Withholiding tax groupContent Hi I am trying to assign a Withholding Tax group to a supplier as default. However, i dont find any in the list of values. I created the Withholiding Tax Rates f…
What is the table where is stored the accounts segments values used in a Tax Condition Set ?Content Hello, I would like to know the name of the table where the accounts values used in a Tax Condition Set are stored. I checked the following tables : * zx_conditi…
WHT Tax should be deduct biases of supplier Purchase.Content Help how to do setup for the below requirement. required to deduct TDS @0.1%* on all purchases made by it where the total purchase of an entity exceeds Rs.50 Lac…
Withholding Tax CertificateSummary Withholding Tax CertificateContent When creating the Withholding Tax Certificate the "Certification Type" field is not showing anything. I am expecting to see "s…