Fusion Project reporting
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Seeded report listingSummary: Hello Experts Can someone help me with the listing of PPM (PFM + PEM) seeded reports ?Navya Krishna Yarlagadda 5 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Navya Krishna Yarlagadda Project Management
Balance Sheet by Project: Does this necessitate a project GL Segment or is there another way?Summary: We are in the design phase of a Financials and PPM implementation. Customer desires Project Balance sheets. Other than creating a GL segment for project (not be…
automatic update of updateSummary: Is there a possiblity to automatically update project performance without the schedule process? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…Vidhi Sanghavi 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Mass Update for Non-Labor Resources – Removing End DatesSummary: We are looking for a way to mass update non-labor resources in our system. Specifically, we need to remove the end date for all existing non-labor resources at …SanthiSreeK-Oracle 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
What is the source of SysEffectiveDate in FscmTopModelAM.PjcTransactionsAM.ExpenditureItemPVO?Summary: We are unable to trace the source of column SysEffectiveDate in FscmTopModelAM.PjcTransactionsAM.ExpenditureItemPVO to the underlying Oracle table PJC_EXP_ITEMS…
Securing purchase order-, purchase requisition- and supplier invoice details by projectSince the project commitment and project cost subject areas do not provide all required purchase order/requisition and supplier invoice details, project managers of our …
Seeded Report: Project Costing Dashboard (Discrepancy)(Development Environment)Afternoon folks, One of our users has raised concerns about a discrepancy in totals when comparing test output from the Project Costing Dashboard (seeded report) to data…
turning off email notifications on project role assignmentSummary: turning off email notifications on project role assignment Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am getting emails with subjects - FY…
Burdening at lower task levelSummary: Our customer wants to do burdening at lower task level. how to achieve this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 23D Version (include…SanthiSreeK-Oracle 60 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Zlatko Alvir-Oracle Project Management
How would we query the Award Project Burden Schedule --> Manage Override Burden Schedule?Summary: I have been trying to write a query on Award Project Burden Schedule. The columns I need are 'Burden Schedule Name' and 'Multiplier'. I have used pjf_ind_cost_m…
Project Contract List Dashboard with Null Project NumberSummary: Hi In the analytics, there is project contract list dashboard. When we run this dashboard, there is contract with null project number. When we check in the UI, …
Project Contracts Integration with Order ManagementSummary What is the standard Integration available between project contracts and order managementContent Hi, We have scenario where the customer enters a sales order aga…
Update of Location of Final discharge column in PPM invoice or Interfaced AR InvoiceHi, Could you please suggest a way to update the column "Location of Final Discharge" in PPM invoice or when the invoice is interfaced in Oracle fusion, without any manu…
Restrict Project Accountant access by Team memberSummary: We have a requirement to restrict Project accountant role only to certain projects where they are assigned as the Project Accountant. By default if standard Pro…
Budgetary Control Analysis Report (BCAR) amounts not matching with Project CostsSummary: Hi, We have a business requirement to create an obligations report to show the Budgetary Control Analysis Report (BCAR) obligation amounts and obligations from …
How to Handle Billing for prepaid Awards in Grants Management ?For the Grants which were prepaid/money received, we told the customer to create a Receipt in AR, and account it. Once the client started incurring cost on it, we told t…
SQL Query for Project Budget InformationSummary: Hi Please help us to answer the table and the column for this project budget information (all project not specific project): Version Status Project Number Task …
PJB - billed quantity is blank in Invoice distribution tableSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Application, For a project invoice for all Timecard EIs, all details are showing correctly in …
Capture Financial Progress on a project - ETC and EAC CalculationsSummary: EAC amounts are getting changed when the capture progress is run multiple time for a period. For testing purposes, we booked cost for a project for the period D…
Smart View for Project Performance - Guidance for Understanding DimensionsSummary: Trying to create a Smart View report for Project Performance but struggling to understand why some dimensions don't work - looking for any documentation that ca…
sql query to get COA segments for a project when event_id is NULL in xla_distribution_links tableSummary: There were some projects created in third party system and when the Fusion applications went on live, these projects were manually imported into Oracle. Kindly …Divya_Dammalapati 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vivek Vishal-Oracle Project Management
Table name and column for award numberSummary Table name and column for award numberContent In EBS GMS_Awards_All has award number in fusion what is the corresponding table and column to get the value.
Privilege needed for task "Manage Mapping Sets: Project Costing"Summary Which Privileges or Project role is needed to Access SLA Task "Manage Mapping Sets: Project Costing"Content HI Team, We have one requirement where we have to giv…Rohit Kumar Singh 329 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Dustin Grabowski-Oracle Project Management
How to move Project Sub-Task to another Parent-TaskWe have business requirement where As part of the new task restructuring for projects module, we need to move subtasks from one parent to another. We were able to update…
How to fetch Import errors for Project tasksSummary: Where Import errors for Project tasks will get stored .W e dont see them in PJF_OPEN_XFACE_REPORT table and PJF_TASK_ERRORS table after import run. Content (ple…Lakshmi Bandlamudi 44 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Patlola-Oracle Project Management
How to do query for Join between Project, Project Cost distribution and GL code combinationSummary: We require GL Code combination for project costing from project tables rather than creating a join between Project, subledger tables and GL tables. Content (ple…
Frequency of update in the Table - PJF_PROJECTS_COA_ALL_VL in PROJECT Segment of COASummary: In the COA set up the table (PJF_PROJECTS_COA_ALL_VL) under PROJECT segment It is defined as "When the Project is in Active status with Start Date the segment v…
How to restrict backdating the Expenditure Item Date?Summary: Business Case: Users can bypass Project holds by backdating the Expenditure Item Date on requisitions and PO change orders. When a project is marked as overbudg…
disable contract approvalHi Experts - Can I disable contracts for project billing ? My client does not need contract to be approved. Or can I do autoapproval ?
How to enable change status button for project only if user is a project coordinator of projectSummary: Hi Oracle I want to show below button 'change status' only if the logged in user is the project coordinator for the project for which the user wants to change t…