Project Billing and Revenue
Discussion List
Committed Costs showing on Project Control Budget Balances report but is not in Manage Committed CosSummary Committed Costs showing on Project Control Budget Balances report but is not in Manage Committed Costs PageContent We have committed costs showing in the Project…Michelle Swisher 83 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Patlola-Oracle Project Management
Unable to Close Project due to Committed Cost - Result of Supplier InvoiceSummary: We are unable to close a project due to committed cost which is a result of a small dollar amount (
Workflow not behaving as expected when adding a new Principal Investigator in our ProjectsSummary: When PI terminates and we add a new PI (set up as resource etc.) to project awards - the workflow doesn't go to the newly added PI and we are not understanding …
way to automatically add Project numbers in the coa project segmentSummary: Is there a way to automatically add project numbers in COA Project Segment whenever a project is created from PPM Content (required): Version (include the versi…
Project Budget editingSummary discussion for project budget edit in excelContent what is the difference between Periodic and Non Periodic edit in excel sheet for project budget Version Oracle…
Next Billing DateWhere am I able to see a contract line's or bill plans next billing date through the user interface? Same question in the database table for reporting
Unable to IC Invoicing with Rate Schedule By Job.Summary: I am trying to run Projects IC Invoice using a Rate Schedule at Job Level. Though the Rate Schedule by Person works correctly but if the person is missing in th…
Billing and revenue override Error while using FBDISummary: Hi Team, I am trying to load the project task rate overrides data using FBDI template for billing and revenue override , However, I am unable to load the data g…
Unable to enter project requisitions if Requisition BU and Project BU are in different LedgersWe have 2 ledgers (UK and Indonesia). Currently we have Projects configured with Budgetary Control under Indonesian Ledger. We have defined Business Unit under UK Ledger…
Nonlabor Multiplier - BillingIs there a way to setup a Nonlabor multiplier in a way to where you do not have to itemize expenditure types in a Non Labor Rate Schedule, Burden Schedule or in non labo…
Send AR Invoice Memo Lines from Project BillingSummary: Content (required): Hi, Our AR team is using memo lines to determine revenue accounts for AR invoices. Is it possible to send memo lines from Project Billing in…
New event type created is not available in create eventSummary: New event type created is not available in create event. please advise how to resolve this. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if a…
Cannot Create Accounting in Revenue transactionsSummary: We have updated the cost center organization in the manage account rules but still I cannot account in draft or in final mode for Revenue transactions Content (…Dorren Veil Laniog 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
Monthly and quarterly billing using single contractSummary: Customers sometimes give monthly and sometimes quarterly payments. is this feasible to use two bill plans in a contract and bill one time monthly and one time q…
Billing Offset/ Deferred RevenueSummary Billing Offset/ Deferred Revenue workContent Hello All, Has any one worked on Billing Offset/ Deferred Revenue? Can any one please share me any document/guide me…
Accounting Project Cost Allocation ExpendituresSummary: Accounting for Project Cost Allocation Expenditures Content (required): We are currently testing the Cost Allocation Feature within Oracle Project Costing for t…
Why I can't generate Revenue for our Intercompany ContractSummary: We are currently testing in lower environment, But whenever we are generating revenue, there's no record being fetched on the report generated. Invoice has been…Dorren Veil Laniog 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dorren Veil Laniog Project Management
How to make Project number and Task Number non-Mandatory based on the business unit.Summary: We have requirement to make the project and task number non mandatory based on BU on Manage Event screens. Content (required): We have requirement to make the p…
Need the ability to limit what triggers the need for a Contract Amendment to go for ApprovalSpecifically referring to the Contract with respect to PPM (Sell Contract). Need the ability to limit what triggers the need for a Contract Amendment to go for Approval.…
Which Job Role will have access to all the projects and can edit any project in Oracle Fusion PPM?Summary: We have business requirement where we want a job role which will have access to all the projects in Project Financial Management and is able to edit individual …
How to Account for Project Revenue and Invoices-Fixed Price and POCSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Project level funds check should happen but instead Ledger level funds check is happeningSummary: Project level funds check should happen but instead Ledger level funds check is happening below is the ledger levelcontrol budget Expecting project-level funds …
Revenue accounting is hitting wrong account for a specific week timecardsSummary: Content (required): We have observed that, only for week ending 17th Feb-23, Revenue accounting is hitting wrong account (AAAA) for all subcontractor timecard t…
How to Derive Company Segment for a ContractSummary: How to Derive Company Segment for a Project Contract Content (required): In our implementation there are Mutiple LE assigned under one BU. For a contract it's a…
Copy from calendar is disabledSummary: How to copy periods from calendar, it is disabled as shown below Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22D Code Snippe…
"Load Project Financial Management Setup Data" significance and steps to performSummary: How to use "Load Project Financial Management Setup Data". what is the purpose of this. Please provide steps. Content (required): Version (include the version y…
Intercompany Invoice ApprovalSummary: Intercompany Invoice approval being sent to users outside of what is directed in Approval Rules Content (required): I have the rule setup to send Contract Invoi…Harshita Goel-Oracle 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaheer Ahmed-Oracle Project Management
How Clearing accounts knock off for Preapproved expenditure batches and Intercompany TransactionSummary: How Clearing accounts are knock off for Preapproved expenditure batches and Intercompany Transaction in PPM Content (required): Hi Team, I have Couple of Accoun…
To Generate the Revenue based on IFRS 15 in Fusion Projects Integration with RMCS is RequiredContent In order to generate the Revenue based on IFRS 15 i.e. Creating the performance Obligations and then generating the revenue based on that. Is it required to have…
Is it possible to create a project invoice once a sales order is shipped.Summary: We need a project invoice to be created instead of an AR invoice when we ship an order line that has project, task, expenditure org, expenditure item date and e…