Discussion List
Project CostingSummary: Project Costing Content (required): We have added our subsidiaries business unit to Project Costing, however, when Create Accounting for Labor Cost is generated…
Project Manager viewing other ProjectsSummary: Hello, Is there a seeded role in Oracle that allows a Project Manager to view the Projects of his direct reports in the application as well as through reporting…
Revenue Generation: How to ignore all migrated dataSummary: We are now live with Fusion ERP. Old projects and transactions have been migrated. Transactions are non-billable. Revenue is migrated using events. For new tran…
Table name and column for Projects To ProcurementSummary Table name and column for Projects To ProcurementContent Hi Champs, what could be possible Table name and column for Projects To Procurement and payables or any …
List of values source definitions for essSummary: Need the list of values source definitions for contract type and LOC processing options parameters to define custom ess job for Generate Invoices process Conten…
Field Change in 22A - Subject Area: Project Costing-Actual Costs Real Time. Column Name ChangeSummary: Our Reporting group is noting the below OTBI column change in 22A in Projects: Content (required): Our Reporting group is noting the below OTBI column change in…
Issue with project task hierarchy on BIP reportSummary: The same report is displaying the task hierarchy differently in test and prod environments Content (required): The same report, migrated from one environment to…
Import Project Budget error message-A budget Version in Submitted status already existsSummary: Hello I am trying to upload a Budget through FBDI template, however I got the following error message. Will you please let me know how the remove the budget ver…
Project Report focused on people project historySummary: Content (required): Hi team, I'm an HCM consultant so I have no experience about ERP - Project, sorry in advantage if I will say something not correct. A client…Gabriele Falso-Oracle 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Project Labor Cost Transactions InterfaceSummary: Project Labor Cost Transactions Interface FBDI import template Content (required): Where on the template does the Project Classification (category and class)is …
Project Resources base tablesSummary: Need SQL query to retrieve project resources Content (required): I am not able to figure out which base table stores project resources in general - such as labo…
Exception reporting for projects with no baselined budgetContent We are trying to create a report that will list any projects that do not have a baselined budget. I have been able to get so far in OTBI using 'Project Control -…
21B Project Performance is picking up the wrong data as compared to Manage Committed Cost and ManageSummary 21B Project Performance page is picking up the wrong data as compared to Manage Committed Cost and Manage Project Cost Page?Content Hi Experts, Please for your a…
Project task Exceptions-PPM Tables/ViewSummary Looking for Project Task Exceptions information in DBContent Hi All, I am looking for information about Project task exceptions data in PPM tables Or BI report t…
PJC_TXN_TASK _NAME_IS_INV ALIDSummary PJC_TXN_TASK _NAME_IS_INV ALIDContent I keep getting this error for below. some transaction load and others error. Task Number Task Name 3 Overtime PJC_TXN_TASK …
Purchase Order encumbering total burdened cost on the CategoryContent Currently a purchase order to a PPM category encumbers the category budget for the direct cost plus the burden. Can the burden portion of the encumbrance be refl…
Integration from Microsoft Projects to Oracle FusionSummary Integration from Microsoft Projects to Oracle FusionContent Hello I have read the following note about the integration between Microsoft Projects and PPM. Micros…gabriel kinovisques-163562 88 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Report: Project Number is '000000' for most of projects in report.Summary Report: Project Number is '000000' for most of projects in report.Content Hi All, Report: Project Number is '000000' for most of the projects in the report. Vers…
Project Costing - Committed CostSummary Project Costing - Committed CostContent Project Costing - Committed Cost - 1. Once a requisition is raised it is reflected under Committed Cost. 2. Once the Purc…
How to calculate the total cost of a ProjectSummary How to calculate the total cost of a ProjectContent In calculating the cost of a Project, I normally used the Committed and Projects Cost. Is this the best optio…
Subledger Period Close Exception ReportSummary Subledger Period Close Exception ReportContent I am seeing these transaction on the Sub-ledger exception report as per below table. 1. Does this means they were …
Createandassign assetSummary Createandassign assetContent The Createandassignasset excel sheet should the cost be entered for the project in the excel. I need some info on the function and h…
OTBI report is not reflecting CostSummary OTBI report is not reflecting CostContent Whenever I generate a report created for project costing in OTBI , the output is blank, no data. I notice this is not t…
Sample Report: Project Financial Management Cloud: Cost Transaction Import SummaryContent This dashboard displays a summary of the cost transactions that have been successfully imported after a specific date. The default is the last 7 days, and this c…
How to validate Project Cost import from PayablesSummary How to validate Project Cost import from PayablesContent How do I validate the total cost imported from Payables into Project Cost. I am unable to find a report …
Project Costing (PPM) table where Invoice numbers stores.Summary Project Costing (PPM) table where Invoice numbers stores.Content Hi Gurus, I am in development of Project reports. I have to capture AP invoices details which ar…Rohit Soni-259808 456 views 12 comments 2 points Most recent by Rohit Soni-259808 Project Management
OTBI report for BPM workflow task assigned through Project Status WorkflowSummary OTBI report for BPM workflow task assigned through Project Status Workflow?Content Hi, We have a Project Status workflow defined. Scenario ======= 1. Project Sta…
Not all data in Data Model: Project Management - Project Resources Real TimeSummary OTBI report is only showing partial dataContent I have made a small OTBI analysis using 'Project Management - Project Resources Real Time' as the data model. I h…
Required Report for Identify New Join Employee and Rates definition In ProjectsSummary Required Report for Identify New Join Employee and Rates definition In ProjectsContent Hi Team, As per the Business Requirement, We need to Identify the New Join…
Table name and column for Accounting Period of Project CostSummary Table name and column for Accounting Period of Project CostContent Hi Experts, What could be Table name and column for Accounting Period of Project Cost (under M…