Customer Data Mgmt
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how to get the number of user licenses in oracle cx cloudSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Need to get SiteuseId's from account address to opportunitySummary: We need SiteUsedId's from account address level. Under one single addresses there will be multiple site use id's. We need those id's. I have attached the screen…
How to update organization via apiSummary: We are working on automating processes and have the requirement to update 'Organization' information which sits in the hr_organization_information_f table. I ha…
getting error while removing 'create supplier' task from the supplier screen through sandboxSummary: An application error has occurred. Your help desk can use the following information to obtain a more detailed description of this incident: 18, Server Domain: F…
Need payload to update Customer contact point for the existing Customer via APISummary: I am able to create Customer via API and able to create the contact Points also, but for the existing customer which is not having Customer Contact point for th…
Getting an error while invoking FoundationPartiesPersonService API to create a party of type PERSONHi, We are using /crmService/FoundationPartiesPersonService?WSDL SOAP API to create a party of type PERSON for Cusotmer contact. But when we invoke this API it fails wit…
Import Lead by Salesreps without knowing PartyNumber (RegistryId) rather knowing custom identifierSummary: Lead Import Context - Business Salespersons are tracking Account details with their one custom attribute 'Account Number' so whenever they find any lead to crea…
In Customer data management -> organization. want to see only "Buying customer" Party usage.Summary: In Customer data management -> organization. want to see only "Buying customer" Party usage organizations. Other party usages like 'Suppliers' organization's da…
How to restore a deleted customer account?Summary: I would like to restore a deleted customer account. I was able to use the '/crmService/FoundationPartiesPersonService' to restore contacts. I'm wondering if we …
Organization custom field mass update ?Summary: How to mass update an Organization's custom field mass update? please advise. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Co…
Account Hirearchy doesn't show child accounts in Digital SalesSummary: Content (required): In my demo instance, I setup the account hierarchy. Though account has child accounts but it shows child account '0' , however if I open chi…
How hide or remove additional buttons on Sales Organisation PageSummary: There are additional two button being shown on Sales Organisation Landing Page Content (required): Remove Save and Discard Changes Button from Sales page Versio…
Customer Onboarding and OffboardingSummary: Hi - What is Oracle's Solution for Customer Onboarding and Offboarding process. We are a B2B business and we are looking forward to streamline the customer onbo…
Need to know path folder where imported attachments reside/stored in fusion cx sales?Summary: We import PDFs as attachment linking with account as one to one. Now suppose 500 PDFs are imported against 500 account successfully. Now after 1 month suppose i…
Does Customer Import FBDI suppport Bill To Site linkage in account site use tabSummary: We are using Customer Import FBDI to create Account Site with SHIP_TO purpose and need to link this account site purpose to a BILL_TO site. As of now, no column…
profile option "ORA_ZCH_AGREEMENT_EVALUATION". Impact of disabling itSummary: Client want to merge customers with Open SO/IB/Service Request and Subscription. If i leave the profile option blank it will allow to merge customers with Open …
Clone Request without Data cloningSummary: Is it possible to request clone without moving data at all from production to the test/dev instance ? I mean data of contact, lead, opportunities, ...etc Conten…
REST API for Customer contact in CX ModuleSummary: Is there any REST API for Customer contact in CX module Content (required): For customer contact creation Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
Do we have business event available to capture Organization/Person/Party/Customer creation/update?Summary: we are building integration between Oracle Cloud CDM/Suppliers and JDE. we need to send data whenever there is a change/new records in Organization/Person/Party…
Do we have any Rest API to create Ship To Address under a Party Number and Account NumberSummary: Need a REST API to create Ship To Address under a Party Number and Account Number. basically need to create Party Site under Party and Account. Content (require…
How to load phone numbers and emails only to party? not to the contactsSummary: How to load phone numbers and emails directly to the party/Organization using FBDI? not to the contacts as a communication point. Content (required): Version (i…vignesh chandran 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sravanthi Reddivari-Support-Oracle Sales
CDM merge impact on finance cloudSummary: If there is merge performed in CDM cloud between 2 or more parties, what would be the impact on finance cloud if both are implemented on the same instance. Sinc…
Can we handle deduplication of Finance-Accounts in duplicate resolution?Summary: Content (required): Can we handle deduplication of Finance-Accounts in duplicate resolution? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Sn…
Intercompany Clients created in AR to sync up with Sales CloudSummary: Hi Team, Is there any ESS job in place that needs to be run to get the data and sync it up for opportunity usage in Sales Cloud, primarily the lists that are cr…
Customer Data Management Cloud as a standalone cloud serviceSummary Is Customer Data Management Cloud available as a standalone cloud service?Content Hello, I was looking at the Customer Data Management Cloud documentation and no…
Customer Merge ErrorSummary: Error message when attempting to merge 2 buying customers. The reason does not give any details on why it errored. I'm looking for how to determine what the iss…
How to import a household record with a custom Party usage code ?Summary: We have a custom Party usage in Manage Party usages. While creating a household record through import , we would like to map the custom party usage code to the …
Phone number fields in Duplicates layout for ContactSummary: Hi , I have a requirement to make phone number (Work , Home , Mobile ) to be available in possible duplicates layout that displays duplicate contact while creat…
Merging Contacts Created By PartnersSummary: Hello everyone. Hope the community can help us with a CDM merging topic. We have both internal employees and Partners utilizing CRM together. Employees have ful…
Send specific field information from AR to CX Sales AccountsSummary: Content (required): Hi all, We have a requirement to send the customer class information from Receivables to CX Sales Accounts. How we can achieve that? If you …