Discussion List
How to customize rollup card fragment under Account Summary PanelSummary: Is there any documentation available to achieve below item from the link…
fetch product image in RTF Template BIP ReportSummary: How to fetch and show the product image in RTF template Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to fetch the product image …
How to add collapsable section in Create layout of Redwood salesSummary: Hi Team, I have grouped the fields in create lead layout into different groups. I want these groups to be collapsible. Could you please let me know how I can ac…
Create an Opportunity in Oracle Sales for OutlookWhen using the new Oracle Sales for Outlook add-in, clicking Create Opportunity is taking users to Saved Searches, and not an Opportunity Creation. If a user tried to cr…
Can I use Deep Links in report to tie to Redwood Activity screen?Summary: We're testing the Redwood UI in CX Sales and we have reports that use deep links (where you can click on a column in the report and be taken directly to the scr…
How to remove the commas from a Number field in Oracle RedwoodSummary: We have Quote Number field where commas are getting added when we enter a number. Is there a way to remove the commas. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
How to configure panels so it will based on field valueSummary: I am configuring panel container with supposed to be different criteria(cases) with this code: $ …
How to the create a customer account dcl on sales lead to generate the list of billing accountsSummary: hi team, How to the create a customer account dcl on sales lead to generate the list of billing accounts. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Video: CX Extension GeneratorCX Extension Generator: CX Extension Generator automates the work of creating a top level custom objects, child objects (for both standard [24C and higher] and custom to…
Editing Product Selection Pages in CX Mobile applicationSummary: In CX Mobile application, On the Lead create page, while selecting a product on the Leads' Edit pages, under Products section, user needs to click on "Add Produ…
Not finding default ruleset on Visual builder studioSummary: We trying to build a POC for embedding fusion analytics into fusion applications following the attached blog, we are unable to access the default rule set which…
Transition to the Redwood UX add-in for Microsoft 365 BEFORE 25BSummary: In Update 23C, we introduced our latest (third generation) Outlook add-in – Redwood UX add-in for Microsoft 365, which caters to task-oriented flows providing s…Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle 17 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Sales
Introducing Redwood PRM: Empowering Channel Organizations to Drive Partner SuccessSummary: Starting 25A, Channel organizations can now use the Redwood Partner Relationship Management UI to recruit partners. This helps them sell products and services m…Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Sandeep Chowdhury-Oracle Sales
How to add Custom submit action's Approval status and history in Oracle CPQ RedWood UI?Summary: Not getting Approval History and Approval status in the Available attributes of Oracle CPQ redwood UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…vallapudasrenuka 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Visual Builder : How to migrate changes from one environment to anotherSummary: I'm just new in this Visual Basic Studio. we have 4 CX environments (Dev, QA, UAT and Prod), we are doing our change in Dev environment, just wondering how we c…
Appearance/theme/ font changes in CX Redwood PagesSummary: Appearance/theme/ font changes in CX Redwood Pages Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there any way we can change the appearance/…
How to mark Account as Primary for a Contact in Contact Object in Oracle Redwood SalesSummary: In Oracle Redwood Sales in the Contact Landing Page there is a field called "Primary Account", and we are looking for ways to have this field populated as on Co…
how to hide create service request button from service homeSummary: Hi @Edson Junior, Oracle how to hide create service request button from service home? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (in…
How to convert groovy script from app composer to Visual Builder readable codeSummary: On the actions and links section of the app composer, we are using groovy script to fetch the URL from custom object. I tried to use the code directly on create…
Redwood : How to default UOM on Opportunity RevenueSummary: We have multiple UOMs. On classic, OOTB, the UOM are set automatically based on the selected product on the Opportunity Revenue. But in Redwood, users are suppo…
Video: Control the Panels Views and Display OrderControl the Panels Views and Display Order: Show, hide and change the order of panels in the foldout detail view From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
How can I add custom panels (Custom and Standard Object) to Account ObjectSummary: I am currently migrating layouts of Account object from classic UI to Redwood UI. One of the component are the subtabs (panels on VBS). Is there a clear documen…
Deeplink for Activities in RedwoodBasically we are sending email notification to users about the activities being assigned to them, from email we want to bring them directly to this particular activity i…
CX Sales add-in for Microsoft Outlook 365 QuestionsSummary: We have a couple questions/potential bugs pertaining to the functionality of CX Sales add-in for Microsoft Outlook 365. Since Support usually requires us to mak…
Video: Workspaces, Branches and SandboxesWorkspaces, Branches and Sandboxes: Understanding workspaces, branches and sandboxes in your extension From the Implementing Redwood Sales video series
NGS - How to enable Add Contact and add Resource in activity Create and Edit Layout?Summary: We have Assignee and contact child objects of activity object. we need option to add contact and add resources to particular activity. But we are not seeing any…
Video: CX Picker - Using Adaptive Search with DCL Field TemplatesCX Picker - Using Adaptive Search with DCL Field Templates: For Dynamic Choice List fields, that are in Adaptive Search (aka Workspace), you can use a powerful CX search…
why custom fields changes are not reflected under activitiesSummary: Hi Team, In Opportunity we have created custom fields and enabled it in Audit policy to track the change history, In Classic UI We are able to see the change hi…
Assessments not showing up on Accounts, Leads, Opty on Redwood UISummary: Assessment is not seen as a Panel or subtab for Accounts, Leads and Opportunities on Redwood UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): O…
How to make Recurring revenue editable if Recurring quantity cannot be edited and vice versa?When I enter the Recurring Quantity on the Opportunity Line Item, the Recurring Revenue field should no longer be editable. When I enter the Recurring Revenue on the Opp…