Discussion List
Is there a way to preview and test an Onboarding JourneySummary: Is there a way to preview and test an Onboarding Journey Content (required): Is there a way to preview and test an Onboarding Journey without having to create a…
Cannot view the Journey under My Journeys tabSummary: Content (required): Employees cannot view the Journey under My Journeys tab. However, they are able to view the tasks within the allocated Journey under My Task…
Sort Journey task details in task order via OTBISummary: I am working on an OTBI Analysis tied to details in a Journey and would like my output to be in the same sort that the tasks were performed in. Is there an easy…
Triggering Tasks in a Journey based on action reasonSummary: Is there a way to trigger tasks based on the date of first action reason rather than the date of the previous task? Content (required): We're creating an induct…
Can we create a journey when contract is expiring based on the projected end dateHi, Is there any possibility to create a journey when contract is expiring based on the projected end date so that line managers can act upon immediately? Thanks, Praveen
How to display who completed a taskSummary: Content (required): When using a checklist, we can see who completed a task. In Journeys we do not see the name of the person who completed the task. Is there a…
New Line Manager as Task Performer for Transfer JourneySummary: How can we control the task performer to be the New Line Manager for a Transfer action? Content (required): Created a Journey to be assigned to the action of Tr…
Pending Worker's Access to Application Task - Error MessageSummary: Occasionally, 1 or 2 pending workers will have issues trying to access pre day one application tasks (Direct Deposit or updating personal information). The pend…
How to Determine Owners for Onboarding Journey Tasks?Summary: Content (required): Requirement: I want a group of specific Journeys Administrators to access and manage all employees' Journeys. This is determined by the set …
How Does Eligibility Profile Affect Tasks in Onboarding Journey?Summary: Requirement is that Onboarding Journey should only be allocated to employees in a specific department; therefore, the Eligibility Profile will be set at the Jou…
Can an Onboarding task be allocated to a Performer based on DFF?Summary: One of the tasks in an Onboarding Journey requires the Timekeeper to be the Performer. We identify the Timekeepers through a DFF on the Assignment Level. Conten…
Setting the Task Owner to Area of Responsibility?Summary: Content (required): If I set the task owner to area of responsibility, then does this mean that a selected group of people is responsible for completing that ta…
What URL can we use in email notifications to allow users to navigate to JourneysSummary: Navigate to Journeys from Email Notification Content (required): We are on the process of transitioning all our checklist (questionnaires) to Journeys. We curre…
How to Get Pre-Onboarding Triggered for Contingent Workers Converted to EmployeesSummary: What is the proper set up/action for automatically triggering pre-onboarding checklist for active contingent workers converting to employees? Content (required)…
Journeys Working GroupSummary A reminder of the forming Journeys Working GroupContent As those of you who attended or caught the replay from the August 20th Office Hours on Journeys already k…
Adding Archiving/Purging Months to existing Journeys templateSummary: Adding Archiving/Purging Months to existing Journey templates Content (required): If we setup archiving/purging months in the Journey templates today, would it …
Is it possible to create a Journey that employees can access directly?Summary: Is it possible to create a Journey that employees can access themselves without the checklist being manually allocated to them or other Action (Action Name fiel…
Does Sequence matter if the Performer is different in a Checklist task?Summary: Does the Sequence matter if the Performer is different in a Checklist task? Content (required): If I were to create a Journey with two tasks - one for the Emplo…
ESS/ME page journey functionality for ManagerSummary: We have enabled journeys and using seeded roles for managers (ORA_PER_MANAGE_JOURNEY_BY_MANAGER). But we have noticed that when Manager access Journey from “ME”…
What information should Line Managers view under 'Assigned Journeys' tab?Summary: When line managers navigate to the 'Assigned Journeys' tab, what information is supposed to populate for their view? Content (required): In general, what inform…
How to set a picture for a journeySummary: We would like to set custom picture/photo to each journey that is different from the predefined pictures Content (required): Till now I haven't found any config…
Journeys update - 22ASummary: Prior to 22A, as a Global HR Admin, we would see all of the Journeys within our organization when we would enter the application via My Client Groups but now it…
Journey Reminders: After Assigned DateSummary: Hello, I am seeking more information on Journey task reminders. I am wondering how the task reminders work if you set the criteria to send based on the assigned…
Display employee information like payment methods on JourneysSummary: Content (required): Within a Journey task, can we display certain information pertaining to the employee like the payment method/methods or Employee EIT informa…
Widespread Journeys Adoption - What Are Your Plans?Summary: Over 1,200 customers have adopted Oracle Journeys. Who's next? Content (required): Adoption of Oracle Journeys is widespread throughout the community of Oracle …
New ESS Process with 22a: Process HR Checklist and Tasks parameter attribute1, attribute2, attributeSummary: What are the parameter values to be used with the new 22A ESS Process: Process HR Checklist and Tasks = parameter attribute1, attribute2, attribute3? Content (r…
Add a library task of type Configurable form to a Worker Journey using REST APISummary: We have a library task of type configurable form (with a DFF) . I need to understand if there is a way to use 1 single payload/ API call to create Journey, add …
Is it possible to change the sort order when adding a task?Summary: Content (required): In Journeys, when adding a task, the task Name dropdown appears to list the tasks in a random order. Is there a way to sort this list alphab…
Journey Reminder Alert Notification With Schedule OptionSummary: Journey's Reminder Alert Notification With Scheduling Option. Content (required): Current Alert notification for reminder is triggering not based on specific ti…
Download a Spreadsheet that has a link to attachment in the Journey RecordSummary: Our company is looking for a quick way to audit the attachments that have been uploaded into Journey's Content (required): “Is there a way to download a spreads…