Discussion List
How do we stop the automatic Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS?Summary: Cancel an auto-scheduled Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS process Content (required): Hi All, We need the functionality to cancel/pause/stop/hold the auto-sch…
Archive and Purge fields on checklist template respond to checklist completion date?Summary: Completion date of checklist template Archive field Purge field Content (required): Hi All, When configuring the Archive/Purge fields on the checklist template …
When Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS process - can we still access document records tied to them?Summary: Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS Document Records Journeys Data Content (required): Hi All, Reposting this here - Oracle closed out the discussion without ans…
Can we create journey for pending worker from navigation: Home>my teams>journey?Summary: Can we create journey for pending worker from navigation: Home>my teams>journey and assign to pending worker with attachment in real time? Content (required): I…
Journey Welcome Notification QuestionSummary: How can we get our customized DM for the ChecklistWelcomeReport which is providing details that are set up on the offer into the Alerts Composer notification? C…
Quick actions and Transaction Design Studio (TDS) actions enabled for Guided JourneysSummary: Where can I find the list of Quick actions and Transaction Design Studio (TDS) actions enabled for Guided Journeys Content (required): Similar to what is listed…
Enterprise Onboarding journey gets triggered only with one step when the journey has multiple steps.Summary: An enterprise onboarding journey is to be assigned automatically based on Add pending worker action. The journey has 2 enterprise onboarding steps, one associat…
How to add absence start date and end date in Displayed CardSummary: Hi, We created journey based on action Configure events absence entries & also Display Name Format on Journey Card. But it showing the allocation date only. Can…
Will a journey with manager tasks pending show overdue for employeeSummary: Task Overdue for Journeys Content (required): If a journey has a number of mandatory tasks with Manager as performer and the completion criteria in journey deta…
Journeys Task DelegationSummary: How can we setup Journeys tasks to be delegated to someone else when a task performer is on vacation? Content (required): We have setup Journeys tasks based on …
When Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS process - can we still access document records tied to them?Summary: Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS Document Records Journeys Data Content (required): Hi All, We typically have documents tied to checklists when we allocate th…
How to translate the task name in German (in notification only)Summary: Hello, we are facing the following issue: In our reminder notification (alerts composer based) we are not able to translate the task name into german. The journ…
Contextual Journey - Need a way to show just a message based on response to previous taskSummary: While building a contextual journey on Transfer action, we need to show only a message in case the response to a particular task is "No". And it should automati…
Hide the send reminder action for managers and HRs - Journey TaskSummary: How to hide Send Reminder Content (required): We have a requirement to hide the "send reminder" button for the journey task for LM and HR, there is no option in…
How do we assign a Journey to only employees not pending workers?Summary: How do we assign a Journey to only employees not pending workers? Content (required): On occasion, we have to terminate a pending worker and we discovered the o…
Understanding the "Archive and Purge Journey Data" ESS processSummary: Archive and Purge Journey Data ESS process vs. HDL? Content (required): Hi All, If we run this process manually/automatically - would the ESS force complete/del…
Manually running "Archive and Purge Journey Data" ESS processSummary: Manual vs. automatic - which Archive/Purge specifications are used when running ESS process? Content (required): Hi All, When running the Archive and Purge Jour…
Analytics task error in Guided JourneySummary: Analytics task error in Guided Journey Content (required): While configuring the Guided Journey with task type 'Analytics', receiving error stating 'Path not fo…
Journey double checkSummary: Content (required): hi everyone, is it possible to create a journey, for an employee and close the confirmation of one of the tasks to another person (e.g. IT m…
Cloud HCM Talk Radio - Journeys and how it can impact your HCM business processesJourneys is a key component of the Oracle ME employee experience platform, and there are many benefits to utilizing Journeys....personalized employee experiences, releva…
Is it possible to assign a Journey to an Organisation level / Business Area rather than a PersonSummary: We want to be able to assign certain Journeys to specific areas of the Business (by Business Unit / Dept. etc.) rather than a specific person. Content (required…
Automatic assigning Journey based on dateSummary: I am seeking guidance on assigning a Journey on a recurring basis. For example, annually we would like to initiate a code of conduct acknowledgement based on th…
Journeys Security configured at template-levelSummary: Journey Template Operations ORA_PER_JOURNEY_SECURITY_ENABLED profile option = 'Y' ORA_PER_MANAGE_JOURNEY_TEMPLATE aggregate privilege Content (required): Hi All…
A way to bypass eligibility for an already allocated manual checklistHello, I would like your opinion regarding the manual allocation of the checklist. Let me explain the concept. A new pending worker is getting hired and he is stil in a …
Contextual and Guided Journeys for Transfer Quick ActionSummary: Is Contextual/Guided Journeys available for Transfer Quick Action? If yes, do we have any proto-type/sample for a simple use case? Content (required): Version (…
What is a Guided Journey?Content (required): Hi All, Can someone provide a clear definition of a guided journey, what it does and how it differentiates from other journey types/checklists? Any i…
What happens is "Archive" and "Purge" fields aren't specified in a checklist?Summary: Hi All, Oracle closed out my original Customer Connect post without answering my question in-full. Here is the link for that post if you would like to reference…
Journey's notificationsHello, We are facing an issue in which the email and bell notifications are sent to the wrong line manager after the action Move to HR, hence it creates confusion and ha…
What happens to an allocated checklist when the employee is inactive?Summary: Data cleanup best practices for allocated checklists in UI/OTBI Content (required): Hi All, Does anyone know what happens to an already-allocated checklist when…
Journey/Checklist notifications do not trigger based on assigning a Checklist (Journey) via HDLSummary: The only way that alert notifications are triggered, whether the processing mode is Alert based or BI Publisher, is when Assigning the Journey (checklist) via t…