Discussion List
Update Journey Attachment File - Last Updated by Names/LabelSummary: Hello Experts, Good day. Is there any way we can update this "Last updated by" field from FUSION_APPS_HCM_SOA_APPID to other labels (e.g Onboarding Team, Onboar…
How to remove Create Journey from onboarding AdminHi All, We want to restrict create journey option for all users like onboarding team, recruiting team, but when we remove Manage Journey by HR which is inherited by onbo…
Cannot find Document of Records option in the list of Application Tasks when creating Journey taskSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I'm creating a task for a Journey. I selected Advanced Task as Task Type. However …
What will happen to the links of External URL checklist tasks which direct to non-Redwood pages?Summary: What will happen to the links of External URL checklist tasks which currently direct to non-Redwood HR pages after full migration of the whole HR application to…
Manager approval emails approve reject buttons?Hi, We are using nextgen helpdesk (HCM) and have built an object workflow that sends an email to manager if a certain request type is created. I have created an email te…
Task Overdue Notification for Line ManagerHi, We are looking for an option through which we can send notification to line managers for Over-due tasks in Journeys of their direct reportees. Can anyone please sugg…
Option to allow to search employees with Legal name and Professional name in Assigned Journey SearchSummary: Do we have options in Assigned journeys tabs to search employees with both Legal Name and professional Name ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Exclude workers who already have a Person Category JourneySummary: Hi, We previously assigned a Person category journey to specific workers using HDL. Now, we want to assign the same journey to a group of workers using the Dire…
After which release did Biographical region have person attributes field?Summary: After which release did Biographical region have person attributes field under the action Personal details in HCM Experience Design Studio? The option that is n…Gowri Darshani Meffin 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gowri Darshani Meffin Human Capital Management
How can I delete the Categorie "Personal" under Explore for Journeys?Hi all, when I start the App Journey, I want to see all Journeys under Explore and not the category Personal. How can I delete it, that I can only filter if I want via C…
Can we assign Journeys to Service Accounts?Summary: We have a service account of IT Helpdesk to which we want to assign a task for the team to create email id of an employee as soon as 'Add a Pending Worker' tran…
How to set filter on My Team> Journeys> Assigned Journeys to Direct Reports rather than OrganizationSummary: Can this be achieved through a profile setting or only through VBS? If so is there any documentation on this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Journey at glance and view my team's journey/organization journeysSummary: We have seen some great improvement on Demo environment, namely my team's journey/organization journeys. This could be really useful for our client, but there i…Krisztina Villas-Oracle 62 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Journeys
Add more Employee/Pending Worker details in Work Info in Journeys pageHi, We're finding a way to add a few more details of Employee/Pending Worker details in Work Info such as Position, Full time/Part time on the Journeys. Please share you…
Make the National identifier mandatory in ESS > Personal Details page.Summary: We have a requirement to make the "National Identifier" Section mandatory in the Employee ESS >Personal Details page. Currently this feature is not present in H…
Journey assigned before actionHi everyone, our client want to assign journey to employee before the action is submitted. The only way is to manually assign the journey to the employee? And in this us…
Journeys not getting assigned to person's selected organizationSummary: We are trying to mass assign a journey using the selection Organization from the Journey Explore tab. However, the journey is not allocated to any person in the…
Unable to Add Person to JourneySummary: Unable to select a Person Below. I checked all "Manage Admin Profile Values" and they are correct. Any idea why I am unable to assign these? Content (please ens…
How to get rid of this instruction message " You can select up to 1 option" in check multiple choiceWe have a questionnaire where the answer has only one option in checkbox. We used Check Multiple Choice type response to enable a checkbox and added the only one answer …
Redwood Journeys on RUI Quick ActionsSummary: We are in 24A but didn't turned on the Redwood pages (planning later this year),but for Journeys which we are not using now - we want to start and configure the…
Task Notification "More Details" hypelink is customizable?Summary: Hello. I wanted to know that if we can change the hyper link in the task notification "more details" to "Me> Journeys> My tasks" (or) any link which we want to …
Me (ESS) has Assigned Journeys for Manager loginSummary: Hi, How to remove Assigned Journeys from Me(ESS)> Journeys. We tried removing a privilege "PER_MANAGE_JOURNEY_BY_MANAGER_PRIV" which is also removed "Journeys" …
Query to fetch Notify to Performer and Notify to Owner fields for all checklist TasksSummary: Query to fetch Notify to Performer and Notify to Owner fields for all checklist Tasks Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am lookin…
Journey not getting assigned for new hireSummary: Hello team, I am having issues with the journey not getting assigned to the new hires that I have just created. Sharing screenshot(s) of the onboarding journey …
Is it possible to rename application task in Journey task into several languages?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I noticed that task name and instructions can be translated into several languages…
split the massage to 2 recordsSummary: Hi In the enterprise onboarding we defined a massage to the new employee we gave this massage splited to 2 rows because this is the way it is suppose to be BUT …
How can we send notification to the HR on completion of a "Checklist"Summary: We have a requirement to send notification to the HR or Payroll on the completion of a 'Checklist', not specific task(s). We have alert composer wherein we can …