Autocomplete Tools
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Block the hiring of employees younger than 14 years old and elder than 100 years oldSummary: Dear community, I need a help to put in place a usecase already validated in the autocomplete rules plateform Content (required): My client would like to block …Imane Z 92 views 16 comments 0 points Most recent by Avinash.Potti HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How can we migrate Autocomplete rules from one enviroment to another?Summary: Content (required): Has anyone migrated auto complete rules from test to PROD instance? Can we use CSM (Customization Set Migration) for this? Version (include …Ruchi Dalmia Talekar 83 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Customer Name: Presbyterian Medical Center - Approved UC: 1 - Default DFF based on Relocation BudgetSummary: Seeking an autocomplete rule that will default a DFF with the input text entered into the delivered field "Relocation Budget" when a req is being created. Both …Kerry Kingry 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kerry Kingry HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Role based restriction for manager to enter the PPBD as Salary and Location Start dateSummary: According to the Usecase 5 of Guidewell Mutual, the requirement for validating the pay period begin date as the effective start date has been implemented using …Ricky Singla-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Auto populate Context value depend on Action and Action ReasonSummary: Content (required): Hello , We have approved use case #2 where the default context value will display based on Action and Action Reason. But I could not find at…Beshoy Talaat-Oracle 53 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Error Received When Moving Candidate to HR as a Result of Nullify "Grade" AutoComplete RuleSummary: We have a pending use case for an AutoComplete rule, which is intended to nullify the "grade" value on Worker Assignment when a job is changed and no valid "gra…Maryellen_Gancena 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Contingent worker name to end with a stringSummary: Hello all, we require an autocomplete rule, preferably a field validation, for our HR-Specialists. When adding a contingent worker, their last name must end wit…AlessioP 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by AlessioP HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete - Name with -ExternalSummary: Hello all, we require an autocomplete rule, preferably a field validation, for our HR-Specialists. When adding a contingent worker, their last name must end wit…AlessioP 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete - Name with -ExternalSummary: Hello all, we require an autocomplete rule, preferably a field validation, for our HR-Specialists. When adding a contingent worker, their last name must end wit…AlessioP 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Default values for Probation Period and Notice Period per countrySummary: We want to default Probation Period and Notice Period Values per country basis and for Full-time hires only in Recruiting - Create and Edit Offer Page to reduce…RKC 270 views 38 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to exclude candidate while implementing auto complete rule for Person Legislative Information?Summary: Person Legislative Attribute DFF is configured and DFF context is configured by country. We have requirement to validate those contexts by country. So we have r…Manoj AgarwallaCTS 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to get period type of payroll to define auto complete rule in payroll relationship?Summary: This is regarding auto complete rule Use Case# 48 which is already approved. The requirement is If legislation code is US or CA or MX and action type is Change …Manoj AgarwallaCTS 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj AgarwallaCTS HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
can we write autocomplete rule for descriptive flex field?Summary: We have introduced few DFFs on employment page. Can you please tell if we can write autocomplete rule whenever value gets changed on that DFF field? Also, can w…Rishita 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Defaulting Notice Period according to LegislationSummary: Hi Experts!, We had a requirement to default notice period field to 2 months if the Employee's legislation is India. Does anybody have any inputs on how it shou…Sreeram V 221 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sreeram V HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Address validation autocomplete rule for spaceHi, How can I write a logic/rule to trigger a warning message for double space in address line 1 through Autocomplete rule?Rishita 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rishita HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to align a Goals Completion DFF to Goals Status delivered field?Summary: The Goals Completion DFF is not findable for the delivered rule in Goals. The Goals Completion DFF needs to align with the Goal Status field, which is a seeded …Maqdus_I 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to define infinite length for phone number in auto complete rule??Ex: 1. Phone number can be 123 Ex: 2. Phone number can be 12341 Ex: 3. Phone number can be 123456456 Here first three digits should be 123 only but length can be infinit…Chandra Kiran Ushakoela 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Chandra Kiran Ushakoela HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
action for convert pending workerSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):Clara 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
it is possible to create an autocomplete rule when you perform an add assignment?Hi, we need to create an autocomplete rule that gives an error when you try to perform an add assignment and exist another active temporary assignment. Thanks, FrancescoEsposito Francesco 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
On Add a Contingent Worker, How to default business unit when the value of legal entity is entered?Summary: On Add a Contingent Worker, How to default business unit when the value of legal entity is entered? Content (required): On page of HR Client Group -> Add a Cont…Kevin He 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin He HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule to restrict Change Salary Eff date based on Payroll start dateSummary: The effective date on 'Change Salary' task need to be limited based upon the Payroll start dates. Content (required): Need help with creating autocomplete rule …Ricky Singla-Oracle 61 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Ricky Singla-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Confirm Database Item (DBI) in ORCBelow DBI screenshot is not working / decommissioned. Would there be an updated Database Item for this one? Data type is TEXT, would there be an NUMBER data type? We nee…Maricel Navallo 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Object Validation Rule not working as expected - 23CSummary: We have an object validation rule that prompts error message if a DFF field is null or if the value in that DFF field is not equal to the grade field. This rule…MaeHCM 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jason B-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Object defaulting rule against job offer business objectSummary: Object defaulting rule against job offer business object Content (required): A general query regarding object defaulting rules in the 'job offer' business objec…Dan Woodward 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dan Woodward HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Need to access Assignment and Salary references from the Add'l Assignment Info Autocomplete RuleSummary: When creating autocomplete rules on the other business objects, we're able to access various assignment and person related variable values. Now for the "Extensi…Barış Ergün 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
How to Disable editing of Secondary work phone and secondary mobile numberSummary: We need to restrict not to edit the secondary work phone and secondary mobile number. Content (required): If person or employee have the secondary Work phone or…DHarry 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by DHarry HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete rule not workingSummary: I have created a rule with business object: Job requisition- where requirement is throwing error message when there is business unit and legal employer mismatch…Aanila 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete Rule MigrationSummary: Autocomplete Rule Migration Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! We have some autocomplete rules which are very verbose (has got multiple conditions, and chec…Parag Hiremath 315 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete Rule to default value based on Recruiting TypeSummary: Autocomplete Rule to default value based on Recruiting Type Content (required): Hi Currently the 'Recruiting Type' field is not available for display as a caree…MaheshKuch 45 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Danny Cusnir-Oracle HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Autocomplete created for Overtime Period for Assignment (Offer) causing issue in worker conversionSummary: The below autocomplete rule has been created to default the Overtime period for Assignment field in Offer. The rule is working fine but it is causing an error w…Avni Kathpalia 31 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Avni Kathpalia HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules