Discussion List
Unable to define "Property Type" having more then one 'Property Type Level' available for Leasing.Summary: We need to define a "Property Type" having multiple 'Property Type Levels' and ALL the 'Property Type Levels' should be available for Leasing. E.g. : Property-T…
Implementing Lease Accounting without AR and AP Invoice and Payment GenerationSummary: Our Business requirement in Phase 1 is to create Leases(Amend, Terminate etc.,) without using AR and AP Integration and no lease asset creation. Currently we ha…
Need the Lease Accounting Configuration workbook & Test ScriptSummary: We will implement lease accounting , Therefore i need configuration workbook ,Test script .TCM ..ETC. Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…
Lease Accounting - CWB + Test Scripts + Business Process ModelSummary: Lease Accounting - CWB + Test Script + Process Flow Content (required): We are looking at replacing our legacy system for Lease with Oracle Lease Accounting, an…
List of attributes available for Lease Approval?Summary: What are the available attributes for Lease approvals? We also saw on another post the following is available from 24B but we are unable to see those attributes…Janitha Perera 59 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
Accounts payableSummary: It is possible to withhold payment of an invoice for not applying an advance payment? Is there any way to block an invoice due to a pending advance payment? Tha…Amanda Ríos Velasquez 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swetha Manupati-Oracle Lease Accounting
Why cant we reclassify short term, long term for lease asset(ROU) amount?In LA module functions, we can reclassify short term, long term liabilities. As customer requirement, we want to reclassify lease asset(ROU) short term, long term as wel…
Purchase of Property through PO and linking it to a Lease?Summary: Hi, Our customer is currently having practice where they raise a Purchase Order to purchase properties and they will budget for the ROU account which is the PO …
Revenue Lease Property CombinationSummary: I am unable to use the same property type to create a different combination of property name and property level due to an error. Need to know the cause for the …
Lease Transactions Approval and Import Approvals PreferenceIn our customer scenario all leases will be interfaced into Lease Accounting Module using FBDI. We want to understand if "Lease Transactions Approval" is set to "Enabled…
ROU and Liability check box is frozen after activation of Lease?Summary: Hi, We have created a lease with the ROU and Liability check box unchecked? Now we require to check those boxes as we need to add those cost to the ROU and Liab…
Can I know the possibility of handling Security Deposits and refunds in Lease Accounting?Summary: Hi, Can I know the possibility of handling Security Deposits and refund of the security deposit at the end of the lease agreement? Content (please ensure you ma…
Is there any way that we can handle Loan Payments on Lease Accounting module?Summary: Is there any possibility that we can use lease accounting module to handle Loan Payments? As we have the interest and amortization calculations as well? If poss…
Scheduled job to apply before BIP output in LA moduleHi team, For BIP output in FA, applying "Extract Assets Reporting Data" scheduled job is necessary. Are there any scheduled job to apply before BIP output for LA module?…
Duty role to access report related tasks in LA moduleHi team, We are creating readonly role, with access to generate report tasks for LA module. Are there any duty role that grant access only to report related tasks in scr…
Lease Transition capability as per Ind AS 116 and Security deposit recording as per Ind AS 109Summary: Leases: Transition capability/ working as per Ind AS 116 and Security deposit as per Ind AS 109 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): A…
Under screen of attachment, where is the location for storing the file?Summary: under screen of attachment, where is the location for storing the file? any file size limitation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Is there a way to mass upload/bulk import lease contract attachments?Summary: Is there any mechanism to help assist with mass uploading/importing all lease contract attachments to Fusion? This is crucial for data migration/conversion acti…
L3 Business Process Documents - Visio Diagrams for Fusion Lease AccountingSummary: L3 Business Process Documents - Visio Diagrams for Fusion Lease Accounting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please provide us the …bandaru mohanrao 46 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
how is "Location" data in Asset->Additional detail used in LA module?Summary: How is "Location" data in "Asset" -> "Additional Details" used in LA module and why do we have to set this? What issues might we face when use of dummy data for…
PV of Recoverable GST along with Lease PaymentsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Users have a practice to include recoverable GST portion in lease payments and calculate Present …
Unable to see the approval workflow for Lease ModuleSummary: When the lease is submitted by the users, Users are not able to see to whom the lease is send for approval after they submit the lease, Is there any workaround …Ayushi Bhatia 53 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Physical inventory process in lease accountingHello, Our client is looking for physical inventory process each year. Has anyone created physical inventory process for leased assets in lease accounting module. Thanks…Alekhya Appala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
US GaaP Reporting for India Based LeasesSummary: US GaaP Reporting for India Based Leases Content (required): We have some leases in India for our India offices. These leases have been created in the India led…Abhishek Shukla 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Back dated lease payment, approvals and accruals get stuck in SLA if GL period is openSummary: Is there a setup for creating accounting period in lease accounting as there is in other Subledgers because back dated payment, approvals and accruals get stuck…
New technical brief has been published: Fusion Financials: Assets to Lease Accounting MigrationAnnouncement: New technical brief has been published: Fusion Financials: Assets to Lease Accounting Migration Tools and Best Practices (Doc ID 2950254.1)Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle 121 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
Migration from Oracle Cloud FA Lease Accounting to Oracle Fusion Lease AccountingSummary: How to migrate from Oracle Cloud FA Leases to Oracle Fusion Cloud Lease Accounting Content (required): My customer is currently maintaining their leases in the …snagavarapu 277 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Mendoza - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
ROU Amortization in Functional Currency for Migrated LeasesSummary: Managing migrated ROU FX rate which is different with the Amortization Start Date FX rate Content (required): Currently working on lease migration to Oracle Lea…
Lease Accounting Proccess flowSummary: Hello Team, Anyone has lease accounting process flow documented. If yes, Please share the same!! Thanks in Advance!! Content (required): Version (include the ve…Nidhi Choudhary-69413 81 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Dragu-Oracle Lease Accounting
Migration of open leasesSummary: Open Leases migration from legacy system to Oracle Content (required): Working on open leases migration and would like to understand / get inputs around payment…