Discussion List
Enhancing Cost Center Display in Detail Position – Budget Details SectionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When selecting the Cost Center in this section Budget Details in position, what is its practical …
Religion cannot editSummary: Religion cannot edit Content (required): Hi Team, Previosuly we encounter issue where Religion field is not visible in the Demographic Info under Person Details…Abby Syukriyatul Ardey 63 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Navya Siddaling Human Capital Management
How to Set Default Value for Radio Button ("Assignments with Future Changes") in Oracle HCM Cloud?Hello Everyone, I’m trying to configure the "Assignments with Future Changes" radio button group on the Create Mass Assignment Change Page. I want to set the default sel…
Guided Journey in Redwood: Not able to set link to open in a new tabSummary: When using links in task notes within a Guided Journey, I am not able to set the link to open in a new tab the same way we can do with Checklist Templates. It a…
Worked Examples for Page Composer - StylesHi Team, Where can we find some worked Examples for Page Composer Personalization's for Style & Content Style. Regards, Mastan.
DFFs missing after 25A release. Does anyone know how to resolve?After the 25A update our DFFs are missing from our Workstructure pages. We tried to redeploy the flexfields and they still aren't showing. Has anyone else faced this iss…Dylan Spangenberg 81 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Dylan Spangenberg Human Capital Management
Making a Key Flexfield as MandatorySummary Is it possible to make a Key Flex filed mandatoryContent Dear SME's.... We need to make a Key Flexfield mandatory....Is it possible through EL/Any other way. Reg…
HSDL for Manager Mass uploadSummary: HSDL for Manager Mass upload Content (required): Does HSDL option work for mass manager upload /update for both -employees & pending workers (including change t…
Getting the while cancel the work relationshipSummary Getting the while cancel the work relationshipContent Hi All, I am getting the error while cancel the work relationship ERROR-The message is {0}. and we have can…MohammadAfghanul Khair 96 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Parag Hiremath Human Capital Management
"Terminate Employment" Approval Rule - Approver modifies the Actual Termination Date before approvalHi Team, We are trying to modify existing seeded approval rule "Terminate Employment", Configured task type is TerminationsApproval/ResignationsApproval in BPM Worklist …pmv786 158 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle Human Capital Management
Ability to check what EL expression used in published sandboxHi, Do we have possibilities to view what EL expression condition used in published Sandbox? We have Jar File for the published sandbox as backup. Regards, BoopathiBoopathy Laxmipathi 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bianca Culea-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration
List of all Profile Options and Descriptions for HCM CloudSummary Complete List of Profile Options within Oracle HCM CloudContent Hello, Apologies if this already exists, but I have looked through previous posts and can only se…
Area of Responsibility (AOR) doesn't display Recruiting "recruiting" responsibility scope fieldsSummary: Why are the recruiting related "Scope of Responsibility" fields only visible in Person Management and not the RUI/RUX Area of Responsibility page? Design Studio…
Position change not showing the proposed value in Approval pageSummary: The new Software Engineer job has the job location 85: 55 - Software Engineer, and this needs to appear in the request. Proposed value not visible. Can anyone s…Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can't change position details in Promote and Change positionSummary: Hello, I tried to test the Promote and change position Quick action, but I can't edit position information in the Position details section None of the field are…
Is there a way to trigger touchpoints cards automatically to employees on anniversary and Birthday?Summary: We have a requirement to trigger the touchpoints cards to employee on employees birthday and anniversary. Is there a way, I see nudges can be triggered only to …
Which privilege provides access to "Team Activity Center" under "My Team" Group?Summary: We have a business requirement where Line Manager should access "Team Activity Center" under "My Team" Group with custom role. Is there a specific privilege in …Sathyamoorthy R 494 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Challa Ramya-Oracle Human Capital Management
Hide Share Button for Goal Details actionsHi, Could not Hide the Action Share button under Goal Details page. we removed the Share performance and Develoment Golas privileges but still seeing the Share option Gr…Raju.Ponugupati-Oracle 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Retroactive changes in an absence typeWe changed the entry rule to disable entries on non working days, date effective: Jan 1 2025. What will happen to those entries made before this change? Ex. Employee log…
Me -> Team Schedule: Other than Line Managers, some random employees are getting displayedSummary: Hi Team, Employee Login: Me → Team Schedule. If we click on Show filters, under Line Manager heading, along with actual Line Manager, some other random employee…Global Support Desk 9 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Best Way to Migrate Code and Configurations Between EnvironmentsWhat is the best way to migrate code and configurations from one environment to another? While we are aware of the import and export options, they don't always seem to b…
How to create an payroll definition so we can skip an weekend day for payout .Summary: We want to create an payroll defination so that payroll run date should not come on weekend and national holiday .Please assist on this issue. Content (please e…
Unable to see "Employment Contract" page of Terminated employeeHi, as an Admin, when I try to see "Employment Contract" page of Terminated employee, using the old UI, after selecting the "Inactive" checkbox on the filter, I see this…
Unexpected Approval Routing After Switching to Redwood PagesSummary: Hi everyone, We have transitioned most of our pages to Redwood UI in our production environment. However, we have observed some unexpected behavior in our appro…Melek Cinar 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is there a way to pull a reverse termination via fast formulaHello, I wanted to see if there was a way to pull reverse termination information via a fast formula? The primary reason is we wanted to try and automate the process to …
Address Validation for HCMAbout address validation in Oracle HCM for European Clients, For our client, their addresses entered by users contain special characters / non-German alphabets that is n…
Add extra columns in LOV - cost center - in the Position in Budget Details sectionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Oracle Cloud HCM, in the Position in Budget Details section, when searching for Cost Center in…
Error on contract Type during hiring processHello, During the hiring process I have this error: Invalid value entered for attribute : ContractType I have this error since the last release: 25A I have the error whe…
approval workflow email notification issue - not getting the email for who submitted the transactionHi, When the HRBP initiates a transaction, such as "Change Personal Information - Name Change," for approval, it goes to "XYZ," and this is working fine. However, the tr…Rabia Hasan 43 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
how generate Asg no to the Person Number itself and suffix for multiple asgSummary: Enable the auto generated Assignment number to the Person Number itself and have the suffix for multiple assignments as it is. from where the suffixes are gener…Swathi neella-Oracle 7 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Swathi neella-Oracle Human Capital Management