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Person Number already exists errorContent Hello, A user was converted into an Employee with the Person Number of 4675, but even after it was corrected to 9110, In the backend it still sees that person nu…TusharSingh 35 views 8 comments 3 points Most recent by B S Aravind Rao-Oracle Human Capital Management
HCM Cloud with HR Shared Services ModelContent Does anyone use HCM Cloud with an HR shared services Model?
Document Type Attachment FormatsSummary Document Type Attachment FormatsContent When adding a document in Manage Document Records can you restrict to only uploading in certain formats ie PDF, Word, Exc…
Sandbox Issue when Customizing Personal Details page in RUIContent I'm trying to customize Personal details page to hide several Name attributes that are seeded by Oracle and can not be deleted in Name format. When I enter to th…
HCM Table for Legal AuthorityContent Have a requirement to fetch Tax Authority Type and Purpose from Legal Authority page. Need the respective backend table. Thanks, AravindB S Aravind Rao-Oracle 16 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by B S Aravind Rao-Oracle Human Capital Management
HR unable to see Edit work relationship Quick Action under My Client Groups?Summary HR unable to see Edit work relationship Quick Action under My Client Groups?Content Hi Team, HR unable to see Edit work relationship Quick Action under My Client…
Reporting on Attachment on JobSummary Looking for a report to show job's that have an attachmentContent Recently we completed an effort to attach job descriptions to the workforce structures - jobs. …
Father's Name on Person Information page- HCMSummary Capture Parents name on personal information page while hiring an employeeContent Hi, We have a requirement for capturing Father's and Mother's name on Personal …
Sample HDL for address updateSummary Sample HDL for address updateContent Hi All, Can any one can provide sample HDL to update the employee address for terminated employees. Thanks in Advance. Versi…
Switching the employment model from 2-tier to 3-tier architecture at the Enterprise levelSummary Changing the employment model from 2-tier to 3-tier architecture at the Enterprise levelContent Hi Team, As per the oracle documentation, while changing the empl…
Change person start date to earlier than original dateSummary Error: objective person legislative information can’t start before the person start dateContent Hello, We need to correct the person start date for an employee t…Shanna Oppenheim 253 views 19 comments 2 points Most recent by Ritwick Chatterjee Human Capital Management
Can we make fields required when hiring an employee, but not required when adding a contingent workeContent We would like to be able to have several fields required when hiring an employee (Manager Name, for example), but not for contingent workers and non-workers. Is …
Where HR can add identification information for an employees by using Responsive UI(Quick Action)?Summary Where HR can add identification information for an employees by using Responsive UI(Quick Action)?Content Hi Team, Where HR can add identification information fo…
How HR can perform all employment Changes by using Responsive UI Quick Actions instead of Classic UISummary How HR can perform all employment Changes by using Responsive UI Quick Actions instead of Classic UI person management page?Content Hi Team, How HR can perform a…
Resignation - HRBP approvalContent Hi Team, Our resignation process is such that once employee submits the transaction it goes for Manager approval and then HRBP approval. We are collecting some i…
Where HR can add Disabilities for an employees In responsive UI ?Summary Where HR can add Disabilities for an employees In responsive UI ?Content Hi Team, Where HR can add Disabilities for an employees In responsive UI ? Regards, Asho…
21B NewFeature Session_Core HR_For China CustomerSummary This is replay and material of 21B NewFeature Session_For China CustomerContent Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 21B NewFeature Session held by China CSM team…
21B NewFeature Session Summary_For China CustomerSummary This is replay and material of 21B NewFeature Session_For China CustomerContent Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 21B NewFeature Session held by China CSM team…Walter Wang-Oracle 25 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Walter Wang-Oracle Human Capital Management
21B NewFeature Session_Audit_For China CustomerSummary This is replay and material of 21B NewFeature Session_For China CustomerContent Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 21B NewFeature Session held by China CSM team…Walter Wang-Oracle 25 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Walter Wang-Oracle Human Capital Management
21B NewFeature Session_Common and Tech_For China CustomerSummary This is replay and material of 21B NewFeature Session_For China CustomerContent Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 21B NewFeature Session held by China CSM team…Walter Wang-Oracle 25 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Walter Wang-Oracle Human Capital Management
how to set a workflow approval rule with string using OR conditionContent Hello everyone, How did you manage to set a workflow rule with Contain (then a string) with more than one value using OR. i.e. Business unit contains “ABR” OR “B…
global gradesContent Dear Experts - We are trying to implement global grades in HRIS system. This is the first time we are implementing. we have grades and grade rates with min,mid a…
Permission to search Non-Employee type people in Person Management menu ?Content Hi, What is the Permission that required for view Non-Employee person Type e.g. dependent , contact in Person Management menu ? If someone know please advise. Th…
MASS HIRES?Summary There is any user firendly functionality to carry our MASS HIRES?Content Hi All, We would need to design a procedure for final HR user to be able to carry out ma…Leonor Medrano Oñoro 47 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Adorján Tusz Human Capital Management
What is the use of workforce predictions under My client Groups?Summary What is the use of workforce predictions under My client Groups?Content Hi Team, What is the use of workforce predictions under My client Groups? Regards, Ashok.…
BPM - Approval Subject LineContent Trying to include 'Country' code in subject line of 'AddContingentWorkerApproval'. Subject line: {0}-Contingent Worker Added Attribute Used: /task:task/task:payl…
BPM - Migrate BPM Task rules from one POD to anotherContent Need to migrate BPM Task rules from one POD to another. Eg. Rules of 'ChangeSalaryApprovalTask' When tried using SOA composer, it exports the complete composite …
Position Synchronization not updating the Assignments for Non WorkersSummary Position synchronization process is correctly updating the Employee Assignments but not Non Worker Assignments.Content Position Synchronization is enabled from 1…Srikanth Chanda-5909 57 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Chanda-5909 Human Capital Management
Personal email address listed as work emailContent We are exploring the potential implications of listing an employee's personal email address (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc.) as their work email in order to receive e…Michelle Yeh 105 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Kristopher Thornsbury Human Capital Management
Unable to search the employees names under Change Legal employer Quick Action?Summary Unable to search the employees names under Change Legal employer Quick Action?Content Hi Team, Unable to search the employees names under Change Legal employer Q…