Position Management
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View (Assignments vs. Positions) Drop Down is Missing on My TeamsSummary Would like to understand what settings/configurations control the View (Assignments vs. Positions) Dropdown on My TeamsContent For some reason, the View (Positio…Michael Remisiewicz 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Remisiewicz Human Capital Management
Default Values for 'Regular or Temporary' and 'Full Time or Part Time"Summary These fields get auto assigned values even when passing blank in HDLContent Hello, We are trying to understand these 2 fields' behaviour. When creating a new Pos…
Temporary assignment to own parent positionSummary The person ID of the manager is the same as the person ID of the managed worker or nonworker. (PER-1530260)Content We frequently have a need to temporarily assig…Pobulic 78 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Enable compact search - PositionsSummary Enable compact search - PositionsContent In release 20b there is a new feature 'PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS OF WORKFORCE STRUCTURES LOVS' to enable compact search t…User_2025-02-10-08-35-16-271 35 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-29-23-35-12-713 Human Capital Management
Table behind Position - Position: Extra InformationSummary Table behind Position - Position: Extra InformationContent Hi expert, Need the table behind Position - Position: Extra Information . Pls give support to identify…Kasun Dasanayake 62 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by SantoshKumarBhairi Human Capital Management
Representatives from Person Management and DirectorySummary The application checks the numebr of reprsentatives of a wroker from Person management UI or from the DirectoryContent Hi All, I have an observation , while I wa…Gaurav Rath- PGC 58 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
Disassociating a Division Classification from a DepartmentContent We are finding that you cannot disassociate a division classification from a Department once initially created. Even when you go to the workforce structures to m…
Moving from Job based Organization to Position Based OrganizationSummary If a customer wants to change their workforce structure from Job-based to Position-based. What are all the aspects that we should cover in the questionnaire.Cont…Venkatraman G 69 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ute Bursian-Oracle Human Capital Management
Workflow Temporary Delegate Role Manager 1 and 2Summary Workflow Temporary Delegate Role Manager 1 and 2Content Hi all The company is going through changes in the hierarchy and we are facing an issue during approvals.…
What Personalization Bindings Exist on the Request a Position Change/New Position forms?Summary Make read-only personalization changes to the Request a New Position form without altering the Request a Position Change formContent Has anyone had any luck maki…Anton Rzhanov 57 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ute Bursian-Oracle Human Capital Management
Change line manager of a departmentSummary change line manager of all employees of a departmentContent Hi all, We are trying to update the information of some employees, temporarily. The problem that is h…
Warning No Hdct/Vacancy Stops after Enabling Position Sync - Need Number Incumbents Validation EnablSummary Enabled Position Sync and now Warning that no FTE/Headcount available doesn't displayContent UPDATE The solution to this is that if you enable Position Synchroni…Linda Chirash-110035 76 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Linda Chirash-110035 Human Capital Management
Mass update position after major corporate re-organizationSummary How to update positions after major corporate re-organizationContent We just been through a major organization re-org, that needs us to change the position and t…
Position Management Testing DocumentSummary Does anyone here has any generic psoition management testing documentContent Hi All, We are implementing position management for a client of ours who is moving f…Gaurav Rath- PGC 83 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
How can I graphically view- my organization position with FTE, occupancy& vacancies?Summary I am looking for a graphical chart to view all enterprise position.Content Hello there, I am trying to find how to get a Graphical view for my organization posit…Orit Dekel 87 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Yal Prabhakaran-28110 Human Capital Management
HCM Position Hierarchy (not position tree ) for whole enterpriseSummary HCM Position Hierarchy (not position tree ) for whole enterpriseContent Hi Experts, Is there a way to view the HCM Position Hierarchy and persons attached to eac…Abhishek Sood HCM 168 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Yal Prabhakaran-28110 Human Capital Management
The way to make Position Code Automatic fro each Business UnitContent Fusion HCM have option in Manage Enterprise HCM Information to make the position code generated automatic sequence But i want to know if we generate position cod…
Transfer Action - I can change only BU, Business Title and locationSummary Transfer Action - I can change only BU, Business Title and locationContent Hi, I've tried to transfer a direct report as a line manager, but when I insert the co…
Viewing by Positions in My TeamSummary Display of the number of incumbents in the My Team> View by Positions UIContent Hi All, I am having an issue in the display of the number of incumbents and no of…Gaurav Rath- PGC 61 views 18 comments 1 point Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
How to change employee company on WorkRelationship with HDLSummary How to change employee company on WorkRelationship with HDLContent I need to change the employee's company via hdl, but this is generating an error, on the scree…Leandro Vasconcelos 30 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Leandro Vasconcelos Human Capital Management
Cannot find Position database element name when creating fast formulaContent Hello experts, is there a way to find position flexfields database items appearing in Manage Positions page when creating fast formulas? At this moment I could f…
Position Synchronization and HierarchySummary Assignment recored not getting synchronized after running the synchronize assignmnet records from position processContent Hi All, I was checking some of the posi…Gaurav Rath- PGC 71 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-23-51-36-943 Human Capital Management
DBI Bank Code is not picking up the data.Content Hello Everyone, I have created an extract where I have to pull out the Bank and payment details so I am using Personal_Payments UE. When I am pulling Bank Accoun…User_2025-01-25-06-20-12-259 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-20-47-14-770 Human Capital Management
Request a position change blanks out the gradeSummary Request a position change blanks out the gradeContent Hi Team, From request a position change, When the customer is changing the grade value and adding the evalu…
Updating Position HierarchySummary Flattening the position hierarchy.Content Hi All, We are implementing position management and I was playing around with position hierarchy. I have understood the…Gaurav Rath- PGC 121 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
Position SyncronizationSummary Position Synchronization is enable, but Position Hierarchy doesn't work.Content Hi, I've an issue. I've uploaded position hierarchy with Data Loader, then I've a…Federica C. 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vamsi Krishna Pendela Human Capital Management
Position SynchronizationSummary Syncing of bargaining units when a worker is transfered from one position to anotherContent Hi All, We transferred a worker from a Position with a Bargaining Uni…Gaurav Rath- PGC 66 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Gaurav Rath- PGC Human Capital Management
Add position number in Employment Info>Assignment regionSummary We would like to add the position number in the Assignment regionContent Navigation: Personal Information>Employment Info>Assignment In this page, Position is th…
Create/Edit a Position - Remove "1 - New Position" for non-HR SpecialistsSummary Looking to prevent Line Managers from creating a new positionContent Hi all. I've been asked to make "1 - New Position" in Justification on the Create or Edit a …
Impact of turning on Position SychronizationSummary Impact of turning on Position SychronizationContent Hi Team, Does anyone can give us some pointers on the impact of turning on ‘Position Synchronization’ please?…Prosenjit Manna 55 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Prosenjit Manna Human Capital Management