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What access does the mentioned privilege provides to?I want to understand the functionality and navigation in fusion cloud for the below privilege which was released in 25A Oracle Quarterly Release Patch. Run HR Processes …
Which privilege provides access to "Team Activity Center" under "My Team" Group?Summary: We have a business requirement where Line Manager should access "Team Activity Center" under "My Team" Group with custom role. Is there a specific privilege in …Sathyamoorthy R 492 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Challa Ramya-Oracle Human Capital Management
Not able to see data under Biographical Info sectionSummary: Recently moved to redwood and not able to see data under this section. are we missing any security here for the redwood version? Content (please ensure you mask…
Why Can Users with the HR Specialist Role Still View Their Own Record Despite 'Own Record' ExclusionSummary: We are experiencing an issue with our HR specialist role. The security profile is configured to exclude "Own Record," yet a team member assigned this role can s…G. Class-Peters 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to limit LOVs for assignment status by role?Summary: Our HR teams are inquiring if we can restrict line managers from selecting particular assignment status options during a transaction. I found an older post that…
Area of Responsibility (AOR) doesn't display Recruiting "recruiting" responsibility scope fieldsSummary: Why are the recruiting related "Scope of Responsibility" fields only visible in Person Management and not the RUI/RUX Area of Responsibility page? Design Studio…
Getting "Permission is required to view this content" while accessing employee in Employment InfoSummary: Getting "Permission is required to view this content" when clicked on employee record in Employment Info page. Kindly refer below screenshot for reference. we h…
approval workflow email notification issue - not getting the email for who submitted the transactionHi, When the HRBP initiates a transaction, such as "Change Personal Information - Name Change," for approval, it goes to "XYZ," and this is working fine. However, the tr…Rabia Hasan 43 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Custom role privileges to access only journey tile from My client groupsSummary: Need to create custom role with only journey tile in My client groups Please provide inputs. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): only…Padma 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Access Transaction Console for all workflow without SOA admin roleSummary: how to Access to view Transaction Console for all workflows without adding SOA admin role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): how to …
You must provide a value for the PersonId attribute error on Redwood pageWe have enabled 'Hire Contingent worker ' page in REDWOOD. We are getting Error message 'You must provide a value for the PersonId attribute' in person details section. …SS552 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Inherit data security policiesHi, we manually created new role in prod environment. The issue is that: the Job role did not inherit Data security policies. We created Data role. Send LDAP process. Se…
Is there a way to make Grades, Grade Rates, Enterprise HCM Information Read only in Redwood PageSummary: **** Team, We have a requirement to make Workforce Structures in Read only mode in Redwood Page. I checked Human Resource Analyst role but it does not gives acc…
Oracle Cloud HCM - Advanced ControlsSummary: Oracle Cloud HCM - Advanced Controls Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! Is there any latest document /guide for setting up Advanced Control in Cloud HCM as …
How to remove delegated role from HDLSummary: How to remove delegated role from HDL Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! Is there any option to remove the 'dele…
How to update Associated Party Information to Associated Worker InformationHello Community, I associated my Worker information, now its showing the Associated Party Info , How can I change it back to Worker information? Thanks, Gail 24D
Unable to restrict list of users in the "delegated to" LOV under approval delegationUnable to restrict list of users in the "delegated to" LOV under approval delegation. Me tab > Roles and Delegations > Approval Delegation > Delegate To I am able to sel…Harsh Faganiya 29 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Katie McCourt-Oracle Human Capital Management
Mismatch Details in Security Console versus User Info in BPM WorklistSummary: If we login to the system using the account of a terminated employee and go to BPM Worklist - User Details, we can see that the Line Manager still shows. This i…Gretchen_Atienza 76 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish Tralsawala Human Capital Management
Where can an HR see talent review ratingsSummary: Where can an HR see talent review ratings Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, can someone please let me know where can an HR …
REST API for Role DelegationWe are evaluating the option of automating the role delegation when a person goes on Leave. As part of our solution, we need to create the role delegation rules automati…
How to identify whether a role assigned to an user has been delegated by another user?Summary: We have a role that is configured to be delegated. Once this role is assigned to a user, that user can further delegate the role. We need to determine if there …
Delegation Role of Procurement Manager: what about data access and procurement agent setup?Summary: I need to delegate the role of the Procurement Manager from user A to the user B. In order to enable the user B to create a Purchase Order, should I set Data Ac…
How to add or remove Ethnicity values present under person demographic infoSummary: Under Person details, we have ethnicity and race section where we have list of values to check. We have PER_ETHNICITY look up where these values are setup. Howe…
restrict line manger to see positions that report directly to themSummary: We have a requirement where the line manager should be able to access only the positions of direct reportees when the below quick action is performed. There is …
Active Employee Does not show up under proposed managerSummary: Active Employee Does not show up under proposed manager Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! We have an active emp…
Preview HCM Data Security is not visible in the system despite of having IT Security Manager roleCould you please help me how to access Preview HCM Data Security page? I have an IT Security Manager role in my user account, but I neither able to access that page nor …
Line Manager view of Contact Info and Family and Emergency ContactsSummary: Hello, We are looking to configure Line Manager access to Contact Info and Family and Emergency Contacts for their direct reports. Information stored in Me>Pers…
Ways for line managers to move direct reports to other line managersSummary: Is there a way to restrict line managers to see only their direct reports, but also to move their direct reports to any other line manager in the enterprise? Co…
Remove change salary from Line manager roleSummary: We have a requirement to remove Change salary from Line manager role. we have removed ORA_CMP_MANAGE_SALARIES privilege from role hierarchy and ran import user …
How can we setup quick approval hierarchy for quick pay?Summary: Anyone has setup approval hierarchy for quick pay, please share some document? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include t…Anubhav Jain 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Anubhav Jain Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)