Discussion List
Adding restriction(s) to location or causes in volunteering projectAll of the volunteering projects are showing up in the recommended list of an employee regardless of the location-based feature or causes selected during signup. How sho…
Configuration in Oracle Fusion to locate the address for volunteering projectAre there any available instructions or documentation on configuring Oracle Fusion in order to accurately locate the address provided during project creation?Rumaisa Khan 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Work Life Solutions
Job Details Descriptive Flex field (DFF) view in Responsive UI (RUI) - Incorrect Category Posting.Updates: I can't delete this original post so I have posted it in the correct category: Job Details Descriptive Flex field (DFF) view in Responsive UI (RUI) - Updated — …Cyrus Bravo 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Access denied to Additional person infoSummary: Access denied to Additional person info Content (required): Hi, we are encountering an issue with the Additional person info section. When an employee goes to M…Barile Alberto 84 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - HCM-Oracle Work Life Solutions
Role Delegations: Proxy user leaves OrganizationsSummary: Hi, Just to get an expert opinion on a scenario, where a Proxy user leaves organization, would the outstanding tasks routed back to delegator? Please advise if …
Enable causes in recommended list of VolunteeringHow should we enable the causes in volunteering so that they may show up according to the causes selected by the employee during sign-up?
Address Validation in VolunteeringAs per the guide when we create projects in the Volunteering part, the projects should be shown in the recommended list based on the location and cause(s) selected but t…
xAPI in Learning ModuleSummary: Is it possible to exchange Learning data with third party systems through xAPI? Content (required): Is it possible to exchange Learning data with third party sy…
Notification to be triggered when the task is reopened by the ownerSummary: Content (required): Hi everyone, Our question here is whether there is a way in this checklist task to trigger the notification to the performer when the task i…
Custom Alert Creation for HR HelpdeskSummary Custom Alert Creation for HR HelpdeskContent Hi Team, I am new to this this subject. We have a requirement to where the client wanted to send alerts like update …
Email to volunteers not workingSummary Emails to volunteers are not triggered to communicate the details or updates about the volunteering projectContent For any volunteering project, emails to volunt…
How to remove Soft skills from personal Brand AdministrationSummary: Remove Soft Skills from personal Brand Content (required): Dear All, Please let me know if there is any way to remove standard soft skills from personal Brand A…
HRHD - Multiple Time remaining and milestonesContent Hello experts I need to configure two distincts calendars (to attribute time remaining field) in HR Help Desk, based on CATEGORY or Calendar edit standa…
Worklife Notifications not working post submission of skill connector/ Generate notification jobSummary: We are trying to see the and view the email notifications (and bell icon) for some of the features E.g. 1) Experts are notified when questions are posted. 2) Ow…
How to get Offering Coordinator on Learning Assignment's Resource Alert?Summary: Currently our business team requires to add Offering Coordinator on Learning Assignment Alert Notification, It is needed for employees in order to contact coord…
Hiding Scoreboard only for Learning ModuleSummary: Hiding Scoreboard only for Learning Module Content (required): Dear All, Is there any way to hide scoreboard only for learning module using page customization, …
What is the maximum length for Custom Criteria in Person Security Profile?Summary I am getting an error for- "maximum WHERE predicate length"Content This is the error I am getting: The security profile cannot be created or updated because the …
Merged: We invite you to attend a ⭐️ LIVE ⭐️ webinar to deeply understand your Oracle Cloud Applica…This discussion has been merged.
Personal Brand / Reputation FunctionalitySummary Can Personal Brand functionality be used internal only without punching out to external social media websites.Content Can you please advise if the new Personal B…
HRHD: Common Emai Communication ChannelSummary HRHD: Common Emai Communication ChannelContent Hi All, We have defaulted the BU under profile option: HZ_DEFAULT_BU_CRM and the same is getting defaulted at the …
How to bulk update Business TitleSummary There are more than 1000 employee need to update Business Title. Bulk load tool is requiredContent Cause of Wrong data mapping, there are more than 1000 employee…
HRHD Queue Owner: Review to ResolveSummary Require Queue Owner's direct involvement for escalated tickets - review the proposed resolution and assure satisfactory resultContent We wanted to assure that es…
Interpersonal Skills added on Talent Profile not visible in their Personal BrandSummary Interpersonal Skills added on Talent Profile of Employees are not visible in their Personal BrandContent The Interpersonal Skills or Skills are added on the empl…
My Volunteering Implementation documentationSummary I am looking for documentation on how to implement My VolunteeringContent Hi I am looking for documentation on how to setup My Volunteering. I understand how to …
Creating Custom Action: Add Me to SR TeamSummary Groovy Script to Add Current Person to SR Team with One ClickContent As noted in the CC post here, where we customized SR Details page layouts based on the curre…
Defining Help Desk Ticket Details Page Layout by Current UserSummary We've configured several advanced expressions using groovy to tailor SR details page layout as we expand use of help desk.Content We are expanding the use of HR …
HelpDesk configure second outbound emailContent Hello experts. We need to configure a second oubound email to the platform. Both are redirecting to oracle native email. 1 - Is there any way to visualize and te…
Discuss option not working in projectSummary Discuss option available in volunteering projects is not working and giving an java null pointer exception errorContent Employees, Managers or Admins can views t…
Can't find a transaction with approval that is not handledSummary The Edit button for the assignment is grey which indicates that there is a transaction pending. I can't find it in Transaction Console or BPM.Content We have app…
Questionnaire: Unable to see Survey Results in Me -> Personal Brand -> Surveys - Survey ResultsSummary Manage Questionnaire: Unable to see Survey Results in Me -> Personal Brand -> Surveys - Survey ResultsContent…