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Can we track all the data downloaded by User From Taleo OBIEE.Hi Team, Can we track all the data downloaded by User From Taleo OBIEE. Thanks
Elizabeth Heitmeier 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jake M-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
How can we determine if OAM is used for Taleo SSO?Summary: How do we determine if OAM is being used for Taleo SSO? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): This post is in reference to the email re…
Share Job Description Page to FriendsSummary: How to set up a URL for candidates to share job description page to Friends. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I would like set up …
Issues printing attachments (.doc .docx)Summary: Issues print attachments (.doc .docx) by use "print this submission" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): If the candidate upload atta…
Is it possible to export the configurations of an OnBoarding Flow using TCC?Summary: We have several OnBoarding Flows in our Zone, and I need to update a few of them. It would be helpful if I could get a report/listing of all the Steps and the T…
How to restrict Recruitment team members from viewing job requisitions they've applied on?Summary: We have Recruitment team members applying on other positions within the company, and would like to remove their ability to view those requisitions. I've thought…
The evaluation orders are incorrect for the dynamic calculations in validation result of merit planSummary:i had this warning when i validate result of merit compensation plan ,"The evaluation orders are incorrect for the dynamic calculations on column recommended inc…
Refer a candidate button missed on Internal portalHello everyone, We are wondering if it is possible to activate button "Refer a candidate" on Internal Career section, so that it would be the same as on Agency portal Sc…
I-9 Oracle VendorWhat vendor does everyone use for in person and remote I-9s? Are they Oracle Preferred Vendors for TEE? Thank you! Mariah
Taleo's Time ZoneHello Everyone! We have created an automation task to run every Saturday at 12:00 AM The problem is that we do not know which Time Zone is used for this Automation task,…
Disqualification Question Response DisplaySummary: We have several disqualification questions, mainly for our external applicants. Recently we added disqualification questions for all internal applicants. This h…
Taleo seeded oracle notifications upon requisition approval how is it sent?Hello, In Taleo, once requisition is approved ,we expect the oracle seeded notification called : "notification for a requisition approval event" to be triggered and sent…
The "Primary Location" field on the requisition setup is not showing all locations in Configuration.Summary: When creating a requisition, not all work locations are showing in the list of options. We have reviewed the setup for multiple locations and everything matches…
Move location from One Parent to Another using TCCSummary: I'm working on correcting Location setups in our TEE environment, which we are on 23C, and I'm trying to use TCC as there a lot. I know I could Move the Locatio…
Forgot Username button on external career siteHello everyone, We noticed some changes on external career site, when clicking on forgot username button and then typing in wrong email - some completely new page appear…
Automatically remove employee email when terminated, similar to security roles being removed.Summary: When an employee is terminated, we would like the work email address to be removed automatically, similar to how security roles are automatically removed from a…
Referrals information visibilityHello everyone! I have tried to find where to configure this information about the referred candidate but not succeed. Could you please tell me where to find the right w…
My applications filteringHello team We were trying to find the way to enable the filtering on my applications page for career section (Agency). I cannot find such a setting, might you have a sug…
TCC import User Accounts and Employee Profile/InformationSummary User Accounts and Employee Profile/InformationContent HI Has anyone use TCC import to load new hire and net changes User accounts and Employee Information (ie Or…
Minimum and maximum salary fields set upSummary: We need to update 400+ open requisitions to remove the minimum and maximum salary fields after we update the contextualization of these fields and update the jo…
Username validation in career sectionHello everyone! We have a problem when candidate click on "Forgot Password" while logging in to external career section: When candidate typing in the username that does …
Attachment Upload for LinkedIn CandidatesHello everyone, Could someone tell me if it is possible to disable mandatory attachments for the candidates that came from LinkedIn on career site? So that they could pr…
Requisition status approved how can we changer the approval flow ?Hello , For requisition with status : approved. How can we change the approval flow to have other approves? I’m trying from admin and can’t edit /amend the approval flow…
Branding FileI am trying to upload a new branding file into our staging environment and am receiving the below error. "The action cannot be completed. The "Theme" directory may conta…
SSO ConfigurationSummary SSO User Accounts syncContent Hi, We are looking for a SSO configuration in our environment. I have got whitepapers/userguides for SSO. However, below are my que…
Existing candidates login to carrer site issueAfter launching the career site we faced the issue with logging in of existing candidates. We don't have any problems with new candidates who applied via the career site…
Changing background check provider from Taleo Onboarding to Taleo RecruitingSummary: How to enable background check from Taleo Recruiting versus Taleo Onboarding? Content (required): Our company is moving to Sterling as our background check prov…
Our Taleo subscription is ending this month. Need to know what services will be active post that.Summary: We would like to know what all services will be available for our zone post ending of the Taleo subscription in this month of August. We are looking for the fea…Pradeep.Kuppam 45 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by JP Ouellet - The Cloud Connectors Taleo Enterprise
Career Section DesignHello everyone! Is it possible to completely change design of career section so that the fields and other system things will look different and branding? (We already upl…