Discussion List
Receive invalid product found in configuration file: RC1704 when running export in batchSummary: When I execute the configuration in the client, it generates data without an issue. However, when I try to run it using a batch file I receive that message. The…
taleo connect client (TCC) and automated task providing different countWe have created a Automated task to perform permanent deletion of submissions and we have used only 1 filter which is "Organization".When we click the count its showing …
Work Action number in requisition history exportHello everybody! I surfed the Taleo documentation but haven't found the corresponding requisition status to the Work Action Number by the requisition event, I have seen …
TCC-How do I extract individual rows from a structure into columns during export?Summary: I'm exporting a list of candidates. Each candidate has answered questions during the application process. We'd like to export their responses, each as a differe…
How to remove duplicates from Taleo Webservice exportSummary: TCC export data is showing duplicates. Webservice export with same query is throwing error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): TCC e…
Requisitions Export XML format - need subquery to filter on Recruitment SourceSummary TCC script to export the requisition for selected Recruitment Sources in XML formatContent I am working on a TCC script that will allow me to export all the requ…
TCC Export Candidate Attachment by ReqSummary: I am trying to export candidate attachments, filtering by the req #. Nothing happens when I run it. I was able to export attachments filtering by Candidate ID, …June Massie-79346 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Robert - TEE Integrations Team-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Gathering Requisition HistoryHello Everyone! We are about to migrate our data and wondering how can we export the requisition history dates and events. Unfortunately I did not find this possibility …
Can you report on deleted submission data using TCC?Summary: We are exporting candidate submission data and it is excluding candidates that have been deleted using the GDPR automatic deletion rules. Is there a way to ensu…
How to export onboarding documents via TCCSummary: Hi There, Our client is migrating from Taleo to ORC and we have a requirement to export onboarding documents via TCC. I am stuck at executing cfg file and it gi…
TCC - Extract only Related to Offer documentsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We're able to extract all non-visible documents from the requisition submission using the applica…
TCC Script Using 2 ProductsI have a TCC script that is using the Requisition entity in the Recruiting product. I want to pull in Employee from SmartOrg in a subquery Based on the Hiring Manager on…
Export Requisition Other LocationsContent Hello all, We have a TCC export for postings to post them in another career site. We already have in the export the primary location but we would like to add in …
tcc export candidates requisitionSummary: I would like to export candidates on posted requisitions where no candidates are in the offer step or beyond. I know there is at least one subquery that is need…
Export Onboarding attachment as PDFs via TCCSummary: Export Onboarding attachment as PDFs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I saw many threads regarding candidate attachment export. On…
Extract candidate attachments with custom attachment nameSummary: Hello All, My requirement is to extract attachments of candidates where extracted attachment should have candidate ID as prefix of attachment name when it is do…
TCC - Exporting latest attachment per candidateSummary: I need to export candidates' latest attachment via TCC. I am able to export ALL attachments, but just need the most recent. Content (please ensure you mask any …
Looking for a filter in TCC Candidate script : For candidate last modified by and on which dateSummary: For a data migration engagement Taleo to ORC, we are looking at adding a filter for candidate TCC script, which needs to pull the data for last modified by cand…
Between complex filter with system datesSummary Complex filter using system date rangeContent Hello - I'm trying to write a complex filter that uses a range (based on system date and system date +7) and export…
Can we add custom properties attributes into Taleo / OAS exported documentsSummary: Can we add custom properties attributes into the Taleo documents (e.g. printed Offer letter / submission, downloaded attachments, exported embedded / OAS report…
TCC: is it possible to export attachments to a sharepoint or sftp siteSummary: In TCC, if it is possible to export attachments to a Sharepoint or sftp site, can someone share the custom step? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Is it possible to filter out Taleo job submission attachments not relevant to that requisition?Summary: I have created 3 different TCC exports to export job submission attachments for hired candidates. It is working but it is including attachments relevant to othe…
Ability to export comments added in History tab of candidate and also in RequistionSummary: Ability to export comments added in History tab of candidate and also in Requisition Content (required): I want to find if it is possible to extract the comment…
API call for Department Number is extracting a code that doesn't match any of our department numbersSummary: API call for Department Number is extracting a code that doesn't match any of our department numbers. Is this the correct field name or is it called something d…
Paging Customstep with LrdPrestep and LRDPoststepSummary: For an integration I need to extract resumes based on an LRD, however as resume size could vary and is causing a Java heap space issue although I have increased…HimanshuBansal 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kev Carly-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Is it possible to export the configurations of an OnBoarding Flow using TCC?Summary: We have several OnBoarding Flows in our Zone, and I need to update a few of them. It would be helpful if I could get a report/listing of all the Steps and the T…
TCC Attachment Export guideSummary TCC Attachment Export guide - including Decode and unzip using CustomStepsContent Hi Community, I have been inundated with requests and questions on how to expor…
TCC: Taleo Offer Letter Extraction, Mass decoding for the extracted file to PDFOur requirement is to extract all the offer letters from our legacy Taleo TEE and load each extracted letter to the respective employee document record in our new Fusion…
Error when trying to extract the value corresponding to the fourth parent of the location via APISummary: Error when I try to extract the value corresponding to the fourth parent of the location via API Content (required): Hello, In my attempt to extract a data via …
I am using TCC Export, but I can't find the field "Date Of Application" in the Candidate entitySummary: I am using TCC Export, but I can't find the field "Date Of Application" in the Candidate entity Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…