Discussion List
The evaluation orders are incorrect for the dynamic calculations in validation result of merit planSummary:i had this warning when i validate result of merit compensation plan ,"The evaluation orders are incorrect for the dynamic calculations on column recommended inc…
Getting error while submitting Timesheet with custom value set for project and taskWe have created Independent value sets for both Projects and Tasks, utilizing them in custom time entry layout components. These were then incorporated into time layout …
How to get .xsd file for export and import xml?Summary: How to get .xsd file for the corresponding TCC export or import xml specific to entities, example- candidate? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Candidate Imported form TaleoSummary: Hi Expert, Could you please let us know, Candidate Imported form Taleo to fusion through "Import Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service Data" process, in which t…
what is the link to Taleo upcoming and previous release notes?Hello, What is the link please of all the release notes of Taleo? for 23A.0.2 version and up . Thanks a lot Revital
Licensing Usage of Taleo Recruit if Moved to ORCSummary: How the licensing will be handled if we moved to ORC from Taleo Recruit? Content (required): We are currently using Taleo Recruit and are planning to move to OR…
Requirement to fetch Send Dunning Letters historySummary Extract Dunning Letters History of the customerContent I have a requirement to extract Dunning letters History of the customer. i.e when was the last dunning let…
Talent Review Meeting record nameSummary Talent Review Meeting record nameContent Hi All, Can you please let me know which table\field store the talent review meeting ratings for an employee Regards Vis…
Schedule an entire dashboardSummary Schedule an entire dashboardContent Hi there, I am trying to schedule an entire dashboard containing 3 pages (1 graph & 2 tables) but I get an error message that…
Data Quality Dashboard- redirecting to incorrect linkSummary Returning other report with incorrect information when customisedContent I have downloaded the package for the data quality report. It functions very well, altho…
OBI Dashboard Deep LinkSummary Dashboards Deep Link URL to be place in Fusion Home ScreenContent Hi, We have Fusion and Taleo SSO configured and have been using for a long time. Now it is a pa…Thousif Syed-47883 113 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Requisition cancelled by Recruiter?Summary Need to know who has cancelled requisition in Taleo RecruitContent Hi there, I have created cancel requisition report and captured latest cancellation date but n…
Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsSummary Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsContent Hi there, I have created a report (attached) and I added Historical Step/Status Comments. However, I got the repo…
Latest - offer accepted dateSummary Required formula for populating latest - offer accepted dateContent Hi there, I have created a report that contains all hired candidates details. I have populate…