Discussion List
Is there "Favorites and Recent Items" on Redwood pagesSummary: we are on 24D. I am wondering if Redwood page has any option/ provision for displaying "Favorites and Recent Items" Similar to what we used to have in Responsiv…
Seeing error on Skills and qualifications page when redwood pages are turned on profile managementSummary: We have turned on the profile values ' ORA_HRT_TRANSACTIONAL_REDWOOD_ENABLED' and 'ORA_HRT_SETUP_REDWOOD_ENABLED' and when we go to ME>CAREER AND PERFORMANCE>SK…
OTL Redwood clearing recent items listSummary: Hi all, we have recently enabled OTL redwood into the system and we found out that in the favorites and recent items menu on the top, the users can still access…
Unable to use Redwood Talent Profile page - Search not workingSummary: The search page of 'My Client Groups > Profiles > Talent Profile' does not work. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The Talent Profi…
I am seeing an 'Exception during RestAction' error when adding a Dev Goal to an existing Talent PoolSummary: The TM Specialist has already created a Talent Pool using the navigation path: My Client Groups → Talent Pool → Add. The Talent Pool was successfully created wi…
Redwood: is it possible hide 'title" field while viewing skills and qualification pageSummary: Redwood: is it possible hide 'title" field while viewing skills and qualification page, under License and certification section. But it should be visible while …
Content Section Talent Profile Display mode not selectableSummary: In several Content Sections, the Display mode needs to be changed from "Summary" to "Detail", so when looking at a talent profile, there is a detailed view. How…
Hide attachment for one section but enable for the other section using same teSummary Is there a way we can hide attachment for one section but enable for the other section using same template Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Employee is Facing error while doing LinkedIn Profile ImportWhen navigating to Me → Career and Performance → Skills and Qualifications → Import LinkedIn Data, and after entering the user credentials and selecting the checkbox for…
Redwood Performance and Succession-Duplicate Tile and action buttons are visibleSummary: I am currently working on enabling Redwood pages for Succession Plans and Performance and having some issues. After enabling pages i can see duplicate Successio…
impact of loss in redwood - How to remove it ?Summary: Redwood has been activated for Talent module. Risk of loss section has been added to the succession plan. But in consequence impact of loss has been added to Ta…
Redwood in Talent Review: Unable to Save or Submit the meetingSummary: Hello, we have activated Redwood for Talent Review in the summer and now that we are retesting the functionality, we observed that we are unable to save or subm…
How does the Willingness to Relocate field get populated on Succession PlansSummary: I have followed the instructions to make the fields: "Risk of Loss", "Impact of Loss" and "Willingness to Relocate" fields visible for Candidate details on Succ…
Redwood: Conduct Meeting page in Talent Review is not openingSummary: We have enabled redwood pages for Talent Review Meeting and created new Talent Review Meeting when we select Conduct Meeting the blank page is opening. My Clien…
skills and qualification page opens blankSummary: Skills and Qualifications page opens blank in Redwood UI even after creating content sections, providing profile content access and regenerating roles. Autocrea…
REDWOOD Workers - Oracle Search Doesn't WorkSummary: For RUI we have enabled profile ORA_PER_ORACLE_SEARCH_WORKERSLOV_ENABLED. We have Configured Workers - Oracle Search for these fields: Name Business Title User …
When we switch on Connections in redwood, we are missing the skills and qualifications page?Summary: We are trying to use the redwood connections page, but it wont let us edit anything and we cannot see the skills and qualifications section, we realise thats th…Helen Moxon 19 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Christine Yokoi-Oracle Career and Succession
Skills and Qualifications - Project Name field not hiddenSummary: Me > Skills and Qualifications > International Work Experience > Project Name field is visible, even though in the person profile type its set to hide ? Content…Junade Shujaat-143572 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Junade Shujaat-143572 Career and Succession
Target Levels for Competencies not shown in Redwood Performance DocumentsSummary: Target Levels for Competencies not shown in Redwood Performance Documents. Is this by design or an error? Also, if it's design, will we get the targets back som…
Redwood Elastic Search not working and ESS process to Ingest Index data is failingSummary: We have all relevant Redwood and search related profile options enabled and feature was working till yesterday. From yesterday - Redwood Search pages are not re…GowriTatikonda 81 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Suresh Subramaniyam Career and Succession
Inactive Talent Review Template still displaying in LOVSummary: Inactive Talent Review Template still displaying in LOV when creating a talent review meeting. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We…Junade Shujaat-143572 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Junade Shujaat-143572 Career and Succession
Redwood Succession Plan DFF behaviourHello, We are testing the Succession Plan functionality within Redwood interface, and we have a few DFFs for this. The issue is that once we fill the DFFs with any value…
Show/Hide staff photo based on user preference/Religion.We have received a request from some staff that they dont wish to have their picture shown on directory for other users and only let HR See it. Is there any way to add a…
unable to hide add button from Development Tab in me --> career and Development -->Goal CenterSummary: Hello Expert, We are trying to hide add button from Development Tab in me --> career and Development -->Goal Center We need some urgent help here. Thanks Neha K…
Issue with Supplier Registration Attachments VisibilityHi, I am experiencing an issue where, when a supplier adds attachments during the registration process, I can see them in the Manage Supplier Registration Requests task.…
Career of interest is missing in Development goal Redwood. How to enable ?hi, Career of interest is missing in Development goal Redwood. How to enable ? Oracle grow is not enabled in our envionment. Regards, Nivya
Talent Review Page, unable to add meeting part meeting review populationSummary: Hello Expert, I need help where in search, population is visible but unable to add the population in meeting. Need help for required privileges for that. Thanks…
When creating a Succession Plan through a quick action, the Job Grade field is not saving.Summary: When creating a Succession Plan for a specific worker using the "Job" Succession Plan Type, the Job Grade field does not save and appears blank upon review. Thi…
Line Managers unable to edit performance and potential scores in Talent ReviewSummary: The Line Manager (reviewer in the meeting) is unable to edit/modify talent ratings while preparing content for a talent review meeting. Comments and ratings are…
How can I customize the display name of "Long Description" on Edit Goal page?Summary: How can I customize the display name of "Long Description" on Edit Goal page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Although we …Satoru_wtnb_ATA 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Yuki Yasuda-Support-Oracle Career and Succession