Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Line Managers are not able to see Ratings under Talent Rating page which were given in Talent reviewSummary: We are facing an issue. When we conduct a Talent Review meeting, Line manager given rating to there employees. Now we are using a custom rating model. Once Mana…
Talent Review Meeting - holding areaSummary Default holding area to visibleContent Is it possible to change the Holding Area default to automatically display when entering meeting? I attempted to do so via…
Ability to View Goals Sent for Approval by HR SpecialistSummary: Hi Team, There is a requirement where HR Specialist should have access to view the Goals of employees that are saved in draft by employees and sent for Manager'…
Skills and Qualifications - Project Name field not hiddenSummary: Me > Skills and Qualifications > International Work Experience > Project Name field is visible, even though in the person profile type its set to hide ? Content…Junade Shujaat-143572 28 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Junade Shujaat-143572 Career and Succession
Standard fields in some content sections in Skills and Qualifications not visible in RedwoodSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Standard fields in some content sections are not visible after enabling Redwood. Only the flexfie…Ana Kristina 113 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Yudy Vanessa Sandoval Arango Career and Succession
Employee is Facing error while doing LinkedIn Profile ImportWhen navigating to Me → Career and Performance → Skills and Qualifications → Import LinkedIn Data, and after entering the user credentials and selecting the checkbox for…
I am seeing an 'Exception during RestAction' error when adding a Dev Goal to an existing Talent PoolSummary: The TM Specialist has already created a Talent Pool using the navigation path: My Client Groups → Talent Pool → Add. The Talent Pool was successfully created wi…
Fetch Employee's work schedule in Absence Approval Rule ConfigurationSummary: We are currently facing a challenge with the approval rule configuration for the "Global Absence Recording" The requirement is as follows: If an employee submit…
error loading data to HSDLSummary: Could someone help me decipher these errors? I loaded the data into the excel spreadsheet file of the HSDL, once updated to the system from Import and Load data…
Performance Rating Section Not Visible on the Talent Ratings PageSummary: Hello, Below screenshot is from the demo environment where we can see that on the Talent Ratings page, the performance rating section is displayed. However, on …
Employee is not able to delete assigned development goal by line manager.Summary: Hi All, HR assigned development goal to employee and employee able to delete it. Manager assigned development goal to employee and employee is not able o delete…
Unable to display the Talent DFF in RedwoodSummary: Hello, We have created a DFF in HRT_PROFILE_ITEMS for "Degree_3XXX" and we have deployed the DFFs successfully. In Responsive UI, i Understand we will need to e…Senthil Murugan Balasubramanian 42 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sylvia Wong Career and Succession
Succession Plan - How to select all members of a talent pool in candidates sectionSummary: We would like to know if it's possible to select all members of a talent pool when adding members from a talent pool Content (please ensure you mask any confide…Giuseppe Casalino 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Namrata Sonavane - JP Morgan Chase & Co Career and Succession
Readiness field is default with one LOV in succession planSummary: Readiness field is default with one LOV in succession plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, when we are creating a success…
Talent Profile: Verification Done by Third PartySummary: Hello, what is the meaning of the following flag "Verification Done by Third Party"? How it works? Any suggestions? Thank you Regards Alessandra Content (please…Alessandra T. 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Career and Succession
Massively add reviewers in the Review Participants when scheduling the Talent ReviewSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, our client has a specific requirement: a way of massively adding Reviewers in the Rev…
Career and development goal library - Target outcomes not showing attributesSummary: We are unable to inactivate attributes from the section Target outcomes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, when we go into My Cl…Giuseppe Casalino 110 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Vitória Albuquerque Career and Succession
Is there "Favorites and Recent Items" on Redwood pagesSummary: we are on 24D. I am wondering if Redwood page has any option/ provision for displaying "Favorites and Recent Items" Similar to what we used to have in Responsiv…
Talent Profile SecurityHi Team, How talent profile security works in Redwood pages in HCM Application. Thanks, Mahendra.
Career Development - Manager Recommends job role to his team.Summary Career Development - Manager Recommends job role to his team.Content Hi Guys, I would like to understand how a Line Manager recommend job/position to his team. W…Santhosh Bachu 28 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Gulani Simran-Oracle Career and Succession
Is it worth using Competencies or Should we make the Plunge into Skills?Summary: I've noticed that the new AI data sources are all based on skills - well most of them anyway. And most of the functionalities of grow - including finding Career…Savez Shabkhez 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Christine Yokoi-Oracle Career and Succession
Too many matching records found. Specify additional criteria to limit the number of records.Summary: Received the error message when trying update a certification on the Talent Profile. When I try and review the Talent Profile, I get a blank screen. I've tried …
When we switch on Connections in redwood, we are missing the skills and qualifications page?Summary: We are trying to use the redwood connections page, but it wont let us edit anything and we cannot see the skills and qualifications section, we realise thats th…Helen Moxon 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Christine Yokoi-Oracle Career and Succession
Proficiency Rating Model Update. Is it possible to delete a rating level?Content We set up the Proficiency Rating Model with five options. I need to get rid of one that we no longer need. Is there a way to do it? I do not see the delete butto…
Add more requisition details in Bell NotificationSummary:We want to add more details from requisition on Bell Notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):Edit Bell Notification to add req…Doshi, Meet Suresh 1 view 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Doshi, Meet Suresh Career and Succession
22A Skills and Qualifications: Competency Gap Spider ChartSummary: This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" Content (required): A competency gap chart is a graphical representat…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 2.5K views 51 comments 12 points Most recent by Sandip Jadhav Career and Succession
Issue with Supplier Registration Attachments VisibilityHi, I am experiencing an issue where, when a supplier adds attachments during the registration process, I can see them in the Manage Supplier Registration Requests task.…
Career of interest is missing in Development goal Redwood. How to enable ?hi, Career of interest is missing in Development goal Redwood. How to enable ? Oracle grow is not enabled in our envionment. Regards, Nivya
Talent Profile sectionSummary: Hi Expert, While applying the job as a candidate we added the experience one time. but not sure how it added 3 time please check below screenshot. Please let me…
Can I test "Import LinkedIn Profile" option in test environment?Summary Test "Import LinkedIn Profile" option in test environment without activating the real integrationContent Hi, our client would like to enable the import LinkedIn …