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Search Crtieria in Career DevelopmentSummary What criteria is used for the search in recommended rolesContent Hi We are preparing to launch Career Development to our organisation, but have hit upon an anoma…Michael Smith-2253 65 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Smith-2253 Career and Succession
Add a fixed text content item to the Job profileSummary Is it possible to add a content type that has fixed text to be deployed to Job ProfilesContent Hi We have a requirement for a small portion of our employees to c…Michael Smith-2253 56 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Smith-2253 Career and Succession
Career Statement thorugh Talent MeetingSummary Abilbity to see the Career Statment through the person details in Talent MeetingsContent Hi We used to be able to see someone's career statement through the tale…Michael Smith-2253 40 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Career and Succession
Show Details not available on closed Talent MeetingSummary Once a talent meeting is complete the ability to see details on the population is removedContent Hi We have moved to Release11 and with it there have been some l…Michael Smith-2253 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Smith-2253 Career and Succession
Talent Review Population Manager Drill downSummary Release 11 changes to manager drill down when setting up Talent MeetingContent Hi We have noticed an anomaly when adding the talent review population in the tale…Michael Smith-2253 78 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Smith-2253 Career and Succession
Potential Assessment Questionnaire (Fusion HCM Release 11)Summary Cannot get Managers to rate the Potential Assessment questionnaireContent hi All, I have create a Potential Assessment Questionnaire for the Talent Review meetin…Manoj Cheruvathoor-26586 147 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj Cheruvathoor-26586 Career and Succession