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Talent Profile for HRSummary Need details on Talent profile for HRContent Hi Oracle product managers, I want to know how HR should access employee talent-related objects as per oracle recomm…Ritwick Chatterjee 45 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Ritwick Chatterjee Career and Succession
Printing Development PlanSummary is it possible to print Development Plan from Career Dev?Content I believe Development Goals are included on the Talent Profile seeded printable page. Is there a…
Page Composter -> How to pass pass parameters to embedded dashboard in Talent Profile pageSummary Bind ParametersContent Hello, Can anyone please help on this scenario? I have built a dashboard in OTBI, embedded that inside Talent Profile/Analytics sections. …SantoshKumarBhairi 64 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ruchi Dalmia Talekar Career and Succession
Performance Rating filed in the add competency sectionContent I have created a separate content section using competency template and giving access for employees to update. Once end user go that section ( Me> Skill and qual…
Enhanced Talent ProfileSummary Talent Profile SearchContent Hello We had issues with the Talent Profile search this is almost resolved now (job still running) we notice the search capability h…
Star rating on Skills and Qualification pageSummary Can we see star rating on Skills and Qualification page within custom content section.Content Hello, We created a content section (custom section) using competen…User_2025-02-08-08-54-48-808 21 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-08-54-48-808 Career and Succession
Succession Plans>Succession Overview>View Organization ChartSummary What is the purpose of 'View Organization Chart' on Succession Plans screen.Content Hi, Can someone help me to understand purpose of 'View Organization Chart' vi…User_2025-02-08-08-54-48-808 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-08-54-48-808 Career and Succession
Modify Readiness lookukp categoriesSummary Modify the categories listed in HRM_READINESS_CATEGORYContent We are implementing Succession Planning and have a requirement to change the default options under …Christina Arteaga 29 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Karen L. Outtrim, PMP Career and Succession
Adding one competency for the content sectionContent We have a requirement to identify one competency out of the all added competency list as the primary one for the employee. Since current system design does not s…Ayesha Thilakarathna 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Career and Succession
Q: Career Dev – Shared Goals - limit ‘Add worker’ list of valuesSummary Q: how to limit the list of employees who can be selected in the 'Add worker' fieldContent Summary: We would like to limit the list of employees who can be selec…Patrizia Bassi-Oracle 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-12-09-17-404 Career and Succession
Scoreboard feature in Career Development pageContent I need to know more details on Scorebaord section in the career development page. Although referred the using guide for Career development could not able to find…Ayesha Thilakarathna 27 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Ayesha Thilakarathna Career and Succession
Unable to add 'N Box Cell Assignment' section under Talent Ratings from Person SpotlightSummary Unable to add 'N Box Cell Assignment' section under Talent Ratings from Person Spotlight - no 'Add' buttonContent Hello! Managers do not see the 'Add' button und…
How to see Existing Profiles after upgrade?Content We are performing the (late) Enhanced Talent Profile upgrade and mapping the profile items, a lot of them we need to Map to a Flexfield and create new segments, …Rebecca Smith-27468 9 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Rebecca Smith-27468 Career and Succession
Enhanced Talent Profile - Missing Content Items.Content Hello I need some assistance, a bit late to the game here with the Enhanced Talent Profile upgrade, (due to reduced staff/ furlough for 6 months). We are now goi…Rebecca Smith-27468 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rebecca Smith-27468 Career and Succession
Is there a way to determine how many hits have taken place to the Career Development pages?Content We recently rolled out Career Dev and enabled new sections in Person Profile. Is it possible to determine if users attempt to access the new module and the updat…
On the Talent Ratings UI, Performance Rating history dates diplayed inaccuratelySummary On the Talent Ratings UI, Performance Rating history dates diplayed inaccuratelyContent On the Talent Ratings UI, Performance Rating history dates display dates …
EL ROW.BINDINGS options to useSummary How to get which option can be used in row.binding EL?Content Hello all. We need to apply a rule in a table view for N BOX CELL ASSIGNMENT The cenary -> Since we…
Prevent Employees From Deleting a Profile ItemSummary How can we Prevent Employees From Deleting a row on their Profile?Content We have a requirement for employees to not be able to delete rows of their Work History…
Hide 'View Notes' and 'View Tasks'Summary On mobile they are still visible after customizationContent Hi, I am facing with the issue, that the 'view notes' and 'view tasks' options under the three dots o…
Unable to find 'Colleagues in this role' and 'Best Matches' on NUXSummary Unable to find 'Colleagues in this role' and 'Best Matches' on NUXContent Hi, We are on responsive pages in 20B. We are unable to locate functionalities previous…Nikhita Mirchandani 19 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Challa Vidyasagar Career and Succession
NUX Skills and Qualifications: How-to prioritize Import LinkedIn Profile actionSummary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"Content This quick admin user guide shows you How-to prioritize Import …Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 90 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-03-55-28-199 Career and Succession
Trying to remove "Private" option on Goal pageContent Hi all, I'm just coming back from a furlough and scrambling to get our Goal page updated for a roll out, and I'm running into an issue in Transaction Design Stud…
Talent Review Meeting and Impact of Loss LegendSummary Talent Review Meeting and Impact of Loss LegendContent Hi, Does anyone know how the colour coding on the Impact of Loss legend on the Talent Review Meeting is de…
'N Box Cell Assignment' section showing blank for EmployeeContent Hi, We have completed the Talent Review for an employee but when the Manager navigates to My Team > My Team > Employee > Show More > Talent Ratings, the 'N Box C…Soumya Goswami-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijaya Lakshmi MS Career and Succession
Competency List only shows 25 valuesSummary Competency LOV within performance document does not display all valuesContent Hello, We are having an issue with the competency drop down within our performance …User_2025-01-29-22-52-48-097 66 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Praveen. Career and Succession
Employee skills and Qualifications page for HRsSummary Employee skills and Qualifications page for HRsContent As HR when trying to add Skills and Qualifications their is option to add.I Have re-Generated the data rol…Reddykrishna 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Soumya Goswami-Oracle Career and Succession
Career Development Goal PlanContent I can not create any career development goal plan since its no showing the career dev goal plan section under My workforce> Career Development tile. I used both …
Talent Profile NUX - Performance Rating is not displaying in sequential orderSummary This causes the wrong performance rating for the current Talent Review to be incorrectContent Wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue where the dates…
Reordering the Performance Rating entries by DateSummary Reordering the Performance Rating entries by DateContent Reordering the entries by date. They should be showing in sequential order, like either of the 2 example…
Mark fields as required per content sectionSummary I cannot mark content type / section fields as required without running into issues with shared fieldsContent Hello, We have completed our migration to the enhan…User_2025-01-29-22-52-48-097 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Career and Succession