Report Delivery
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How to get the nationality of a candidate or the language spoken by the candidate?Summary How to get the nationality of a candidate or the language spoken by the candidate?Content Hi All, One of my team members wanted to access all Dutch speaking cand…
HTML TagsSummary Include HTML Tags in OBI ReportContent I am trying to build an OBI report that would include the HTML tags with the description and qualifications for our posted…
Reporting on Req StatusSummary How to pullContent Hi, I have always easily reported on Req Status at my former workplace but now I came across something weird. The Req status 'Open' below /> /…
Running AgentSummary Agents are not successful. Status is "Running Agent"Content I have several agents that have not run. Their status in OBI is "Running Agent". When tried to modify…
"Submission Tracking History"."Transaction Details" and "Submission Tracking History"."Transaction ESummary Help with finding candidates who did not get the standard rejection correspondenceContent I have been tasked with reporting on the number of applicants who were …
Add Job Description Within a Template in CriteriaContent I'm in need of a report to determine which templates in TEE do not have a job description to identify which ones need to be added. The req description field will…Michelle Graham-29105 53 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsSummary Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsContent Hi there, I have created a report (attached) and I added Historical Step/Status Comments. However, I got the repo…
Latest - offer accepted dateSummary Required formula for populating latest - offer accepted dateContent Hi there, I have created a report that contains all hired candidates details. I have populate…
Scheduling/Delivering a DashboardSummary Best way to deliver a dashboard to an employeeContent Hi - Is there a way to have a dashboard scheduled or delivered to an employee once a week? We want to make …
Scheduled Reports Not RunningSummary Scheduled Reports have stopped running after about 5 monthsContent I have had some reports scheduled since April and for the last two weeks they have not been ru…
Taleo Metrics - Need Clarification/FeedbackSummary Taleo. Metrics. Requesting Clarification/FeedbackContent Hello Oracle Customer Connect Community, Please share any knowledge that you may have regarding Taleo Me…
Urgent: Is it feasible to schedule a report for the user based on user type through OBISummary Is it feasible to schedule a report for the user based on user type through OBIContent Hi, We have a requirement to send a push report to the hiring managers wit…
How to edit reports when the "Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records" error comSummary I converted a BO report to BI and can run but not edit itContent I need to edit the columns in a report that I cannot get to due to the number of records pulling…Michelle Graham-29105 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michelle Graham-29105 Taleo Enterprise
Req. Saved as Open Date and ageing weekSummary Req. Saved as Open Date and ageing week calculationContent Hi there, I am create an average time to fill report and I have added all fields except two fields tha…
Exporting dashboard - only first 35 rows of data set are exportingSummary Exporting dashboard - only first 35 rows of data set are exportingContent Hello, I have created an analysis for filled requisitions and added this data set to a …
Agent with dynamic time periodSummary Automated weekly filled report with data pertaining to past one week onlyContent Hi! I want to set up an agent to deliver a weekly filled report by including off…Ankita Vohra 47 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Havens | Camptra Technologies Taleo Enterprise
Business Objects End of Life message being displayed to all report users!Summary Business Objects End of Life message being displayed to all report users!Content Hello, We are in the process of transitioning off of Business Objects, and this …