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Questions about creating a pivot table in OBISummary Questions about creating a pivot table in OBIContent Hello - I've created a diversity report in OBI. Does anyone know if I can merge the cells for the "Step" - s…User_2025-01-23-22-10-45-747 72 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Reporting on salary/wage history contained in a taleo applciationSummary Need help finding out if and/or where I can find wage history in OBI so I can build a requested report.Content I have been asked to create a report that shows th…User_2025-01-23-20-48-48-340 53 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Pivots and Narrative ViewsSummary Problem with flexibility of these views.Content I am having extensive issues dealing with the Narrative and Pivot views. They are very inflexible!!!! I need the …
Question regarding building a report using the "Reviewed Date" with multiple "Reviewed" reference moContent I am trying to build a report that will effectively show the time frame from which a candidate was shared with a Hiring Manager to when a decision was made to ei…
Handling NULL values in calculationsSummary Summing columns in OBI that contain NULL values results in a NULL sumContent Does anyone know how to handle NULL values as part of a calculation? I have columns …
Reporting on Onboarding (transitions) processesSummary I am unable to add a transitions column to an existing new hire report in OBIContent I am unable to add a transitions column to an existing new hire report. I ha…User_2025-01-23-20-17-41-106 88 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Santosh Tekumalla-14206 Taleo Enterprise
Business Objects End of Life message being displayed to all report users!Summary Business Objects End of Life message being displayed to all report users!Content Hello, We are in the process of transitioning off of Business Objects, and this …User_2025-01-23-19-53-25-439 62 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-20-08-19-629 Taleo Enterprise
Completed Applications FilterContent I am modifying a report in Business Objects and want to pull in the total number of candidates on a requisition. Typically, I use the "only completed application…User_2025-01-23-22-22-42-612 59 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephane Cote-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Passport Objects in OBISummary Cannot report on Passport Objects in OBIContent Hello all, Did you know that you cannot report on passport objects in OBI the same way you would in Business Obje…User_2025-01-23-23-38-26-219 40 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-23-23-38-26-219 Taleo Enterprise