Discussion List
Add Job Description Within a Template in CriteriaContent I'm in need of a report to determine which templates in TEE do not have a job description to identify which ones need to be added. The req description field will…User_2025-01-25-04-51-45-357 53 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-04-51-45-357 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsSummary Latest - Historical Step/Status CommentsContent Hi there, I have created a report (attached) and I added Historical Step/Status Comments. However, I got the repo…User_2025-01-25-05-14-55-725 79 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Jody Reutemann-9500 Taleo Enterprise
Latest - offer accepted dateSummary Required formula for populating latest - offer accepted dateContent Hi there, I have created a report that contains all hired candidates details. I have populate…User_2025-01-25-05-14-55-725 93 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-05-14-55-725 Taleo Enterprise
Scheduling/Delivering a DashboardSummary Best way to deliver a dashboard to an employeeContent Hi - Is there a way to have a dashboard scheduled or delivered to an employee once a week? We want to make …User_2025-01-24-00-21-43-388 90 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-18-14-727 Taleo Enterprise
TEE - Who started a requisition?Summary Can we report on who or what User Type started a requisition?Content When we went live with Taleo we implemented a big process change of having Hiring Managers s…User_2025-01-23-22-59-09-143 30 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-59-09-143 Taleo Enterprise
Taleo Metrics - Need Clarification/FeedbackSummary Taleo. Metrics. Requesting Clarification/FeedbackContent Hello Oracle Customer Connect Community, Please share any knowledge that you may have regarding Taleo Me…User_2025-01-27-23-59-49-452 61 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-27-23-59-49-452 Taleo Enterprise
Create a report of all user accounts in TEE with OBIContent I'm trying to manage users in our zone and need to start with who has a user account and what access they have. I cannot find user fields in the Criteria/Subject…User_2025-01-25-04-51-45-357 40 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-04-51-45-357 Taleo Enterprise
OBI - Pulling max item for reportContent Hello, I am working on a recruiting report in OBI in which the system will pull multiple rows if the data is duplicated (or, there are several pieces of informat…User_2025-01-23-22-24-54-342 59 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-24-54-342 Taleo Enterprise
OBI System PerformanceSummary Downtime issues widespread?Content Hello! I was hoping to poll other customers regarding their recent uptime/downtime/performance with OBI in TEE. We have had co…User_2025-01-25-01-12-50-463 74 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-19-54-20-951 Taleo Enterprise