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How To Find A Campaign Custom Field Type and Id Value for API UseHello, I am trying to find a repeatable way to find the internal type and id of a Campaign > Custom Field set in the Eloqua UI. For my testing, I added a new Campaign Cu…
Can we send an email using a secondary email address?Hello all My client has an interesting case. Their contact records have two email addresses (let's call them primary and secondary). The contact record is set up so the …Michael JC Zack 33 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Hartmann Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua: RSA SSL Certificate Updates [March/April 2023]Overview Oracle Eloqua will be updating the RSA SSL certificates that expire in April 2023. As such on March 28th, 2023 between 2:00 am and 4:00 am EDT, Oracle Eloqua wi…JodyMooney-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JodyMooney-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Eloqua fieldmerge to bring current year in assetsIs there any option or fieldmerge by which we can print the current year in emails/LPs? We maintain a lot of footers across various instances which contains copyright ye…Nagaprabhu K 1 view 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Nagaprabhu K Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Export definition for CDO, how to I pass 10k/20k records using "filter": "STATUS('{{ActionInstance..Hi All, I want to create an export definition for CDO objects to export CDO data from a campaign where I have my app. My record definition looks as below, passing the re…
Removing contacts from Shared Lists via API@Lou Patrick - tagging you right out of the gate as the API guy 😀 We are using SyncActions to add existing Eloqua contacts to Shared Lists and all is working well with t…
What is the App Cloud IP Addresses?Hi, I have a client who needs to put in IP restrictions for what can access SFDC and I need to know what IP Address is used for Pod 3 app clouds? This affects the Eloqua…User_PUDBL 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by JodyMooney-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
How to retrieve forms submission via API, for more than 1000 records?Hi, So using the REST API, I can retrieve forms submission data for a specific form. However, there is a max limit of 1000 records using the REST API that Eloqua provide…
How can I bulk delete old assets, images, files, etc.?We have a corporate retention policy which requires us to delete communications older than three years. Unsure why it's so hard to mass delete assets, images files, etc.…
Eloqua Upload Image API Error In PowershellHi I'm trying to upload an image to Eloqua using the upload image API endpoint: /api/REST/1.0/assets/image/content . When building this request in postman everything wor…
auto refresh segment with contactsHi We are creating a segment of users who have placed an order in last 1 week and sending them a customer satisfaction survey. The segment is used in a campaign to trigg…Gurvinder Singh-229549 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Neelam B Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Is there any way to refresh a segment count using the APIWe've built tool that retrieves a list of campaigns from Eloqua and is meant to show the most up to date segment count along with it. But in order for the count to show …Angthony Tung 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bored Panda Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Re: Evaluation Periods for Decision Steps - What happens if you temporarily deactivate your canvas?What happens to the evaluation period of a decision step if you have to temporarily deactivate your canvas while contacts are sitting in the step, still being evaluated?…
Eloqua - Freezed BulkImport'sHi Guys, I'm trying to update a field value in a contact in Eloqua. If send the bulk definition with IsSyncTriggeredOnImport =true, or false it doesn't matter, cause whe…
One-Click Email ForwardIs it possible to add a button/link that would allow an easy email forward to other clients on behalf of recipient? Or something similar? Thank you!
Eloqua API Create Form throws Internal Server ErrorHi, I'm using the Eloqua API to create a form following this documentation https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/marketing/eloqua-rest-api/op-api-rest-2.0-assets-form-po…34048074-c1f4-4acc-bb78-9fcc7000f0ae 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PhilRemington Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Why does The supplied refresh token has been destroyed error occurs?In eloqua While trying to refresh token , I got errMessage : "The supplied refresh token has been destroyed error " errCode : 2503. What is the exact reason for this err…
Hi Team, I am configuring SSO login for my customer in Eloqua but not able to see sso under usersHi Team, I am configuring SSO login for my customer in Eloqua but not able to see sso under users , Can you please guide what level of access I supposed to get to config…Abhijeet R 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sachin Jain-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Hubspot To Eloqua MigrationIs there any Docs available for Hubspot to Eloqua Migration
Getting CORS error when Oauth 2.0 /token endpoint is calledHi, We have a eloqua app installed. We are using Oauth 2.0. Our app build is deployed on our server. When user authorizes the when the app is clicked in Eloqua, we try t…User_TC0XE 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sachin Jain-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Review Contacts that are in Active CampaignsHi All, Does it possible to create a Report etc. to check contacts that are in Active campaigns? Thank you!User_9XDDB 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexa Kalapaca-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Making YouTube embed app in landing pages responsiveWe are using more and more landing pages (building via WYSIWYG) in Eloqua and currently the YouTube embed app does not allow for the video to be responsive. It's a very …Kristin Ausk 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Robert Iacob - LogDMS.com Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Is there any advanced filtering of date range expressions available in Eloqua Activity Bulk API?Hello all, We are looking for any advanced ways of filtering activity bulk API exports via definition criteria. From the online documentation, from what I can tell that …
Using Eloqua API Update Dynamic Content Having Huge Data.We are creating Emails in Eloqua using Dynamic contents. In Eloqua Dynamic Content we are using below 3 sections 1) Dynamic Content Rules We are creating 40 to 50 rules …
Mapping Visitor GUID to Contact via REST API 2.0 Form SubmitI'm trying to figure out the correct way to architect a REST API 2.0 form submission solution that links the first-party cookie web visitor GUID to the contact. I found …
Bulk Exporting Subscription Status via APIOur current CRM is on premise and not directly integrated with Eloqua. We have been through an Eloqua program deleting records that are globally unsubscribed on a weekly…User_60UHN 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sachin Jain-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Building contact history report in insightsFor an audit, I need to provide a list of all emails a group of contacts has received. These contacts were sent emails from multiple segments, groups, list uploads, etc.…StaceyH007 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sachin Jain-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
How to disable default style which is appended when we upload html code in Eloqua?Hello Everyone, I am facing an issue with the landing page where Eloqua inserts its own style when I try to upload the HTML code into the editor. However, I tried multip…Ravi Raghavendar 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sachin Jain-Oracle Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Adjusting the subject line in an Email Deployment using the APIHi, We have an internal tool that stakeholders use to build their emails in a drag-and-drop WYSIWYG interface. One of the features of this tool is that it allows users t…kevincassidy313 12 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by andrepazleal Oracle Marketing Developer Tools
Any great ways to embed social media posts in email?Twitter generates embed code, but multimedia doesn't come through when adding it to Eloqua. Anyone have recommendations for code or other tools to embed social posts wit…