Skills Center
Discussion List
item catalogsSummary: Unable to see anything under Item Catalogs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have enabled the dynamic skills and also run…
Team skill center.Summary: Hi Expert, Manager not able to see there direct reporters under my team skill center. Could someone let me know do we need to schedule any process . Manager can…
Organization of nullSummary: "Organization of null" header page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I'm implementing the Team Skills Center page in…
Update Target Proficiency consequenciesSummary: Update Target Proficiency consequencies Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we are currently planning to update the ta…
Manager role for Team Activity CenterSummary: Manager role for Team Activity Center Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 24D Version (include the version you are using, if applicab…
Matrix manager visibility on dotted lines skillsSummary: Matrix manager visibility on dotted lines skills Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, does anyone know if the matrix ma…
How make attachments as mandatory field in the certificate section in Oracle HCMHi Team, How can we make attachments as mandatory field in the certification page in the skills & Qualification page? Reagrds, Pratibha
Not able to search and add skills in Skill center section on Job profile pageSummary: Hi, We are implementing Dynamic skills and we have updated all profile values and ran all required processes. While trying to add skills in skills center sectio…
How to change text and link on the banner in Me>Skills Center?Hi All, We have a requirement to change the text 'Explore Learning' and the link on the banner on the Skills Center page to a client-specific link. Is it possible to cha…
Remove Skills Center SectionSummary: I'm working on enabling Dynamic Skills as a proof of concept and wondering if there's a way to remove the Skills Center subscribed skill content section from th…
Rate Later Skill in Skill centerWe would like to remove the possibility to "rate later" the skills in skill center, so Employees can only choose proficency levels Is it possible?
no skills are shown in skill center even after adding custom skills in item catalogesSummary: we are testing dynamic skills without AI and and enabled profile options and ran processes for enabling skills also created skills cataloge is item cataloge but…
Ability to have Controlled list of skills in Skill centerSummary: The client wants to have a Controlled list of skills in Skill center and not randomly AI generated Skills suggestion. How can we achieve this? Content (please e…
Hide Explore jobs and gigs banner in dynamic skillsSummary: Hi Team, Can we Hide Explore jobs and gigs banner in dynamic skills. It shows on skills center page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Talent Profile - Skills Center LinkedIn integrationDear all We are implementing the LinkedIn Profile import into the talent profile but have a practical question regarding this. Is it possible to integrate the LinkedIn I…
Skill Demarcation not possibleSummary: Skill Demarcation not possible Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is no option in Dynamic Skills to demarcate the skills we as…
"Propagate Dynamic Skills to Workers" process takes a lot of time to completeHello "Propagate Dynamic Skills to Workers" process takes a lot of time to complete, sometimes as long as 12 hours to successfully complete. Can any of you please let me…
Team Skills Center Integration OpportunitiesHello, I have been researching the Team Skills Center that is a part of Dynamic Skills. My organization is considering using this and one item that came up was the integ…
Is there a way for an employee to search who are experts in a particular skill?Summary: Is there a way for an employee to search who are experts in a particular skill? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have a …
Dynamic Skills specific profile type and subscribe missingSummary: We had configured Dynamic Skills module on the client instance. All the functionality were working as expected till last week. We had a quarterly patch applied …
Remove skill from Skill I have in Skill centerSummary: When employee accidently move Required Skill from 'Skills I'm developing' to 'Skills I have', there is no option to remove the skill. How can employee remove sk…
How to set approvals for dynamic skills added by the employee in his person profileSummary: How to set approvals for dynamic skills added by the employee in his person profile. I know that we can set approvals for Skills and Qualification section but w…
Is there any way to load core skills to huge number of employeesSummary: Hello We have requirement to assign a Core Skills to employees all most 3K do we have any HDL Please send us the Dat file. Thanks Krishna Content (please ensure…
Skill Type LookupSummary: Skill Type Lookup Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Under which task can we find the skill level lookup. I am not able to fi…
Cant able to load Core Skills for specific personSummary: Hello Cant able to load Core Skills for specific person we are using the below dat file for your reference. we are getting below error You can't edit or delete …
Skills Center and Team Skills CenterSummary: @Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle @Naga M -Oracle @Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Hi All, I have below question on Skills Center: Is there a way we can identify which …
Language proficiency of employeesWe require employees to record their language proficiency. Employees should be able to record the languages they are proficient in and their proficiency level. Employees…
Propagate Dynamic Skills when employee changes rolesSummary: Propagate Dynamic Skills when employee changes roles Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have noticed that when employees g…
OTBI: Getting blank values for Source Type for some of the skills from the Skills Center.Summary: Hi Experts, I am working on an OTBI report to fetch employee skills from the Skills Center and the source type of those skills. For some of the skills, I am get…
Unable to delete skills for a person ?Summary: Hello Everyone, I want to delete the skills for a Particular Person i am using the dat file as SkillsAssignment. I am getting any error like An error occurred. …