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Oracle Cloud HCM to EBS Integration Options WhitepaperSummary Oracle Cloud HCM to EBS Integration Options WhitepaperContent Could you please share the best options and out of the box adapter available to send information fr…Saravanan Thirunavukkarasu-26616 70 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Amar Patel 1986 HCM Integrations
Integration - Sailpoint - Oracle Fusion using OICContent Hi, Required your input on Sailpoint - Oracle fusion integration using OIC. How the connection is been establish between Sailpoint - Oracle fusion using OIC(Orac…
HCM Cloud connector - Real time dataSummary How to get real time data with HCM Cloud connectorContent Hi all, Please let me know if we can get real time data through HCM cloud connector? In detail: We need…
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_NOW_FUTURE_UE returning duplicate rows for Employees with current and futureSummary PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_NOW_FUTURE_UE returning duplicate rows for Employees with current and future assignment recordsContent Hi All, Duplicate rows appear only …Brendon Charles-157646 358 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by John Rhodes-Oracle HCM Integrations
HCM Extract - With All Latest Assignments and Future ContractorsSummary HCM Extract - With All Latest Assignments and Future ContractorsContent I am looking to create an Extract that includes all the following. * All current dated em…
Need the tables that store details for Skills & Qualifications in HCM CloudSummary Need the tables that store details for Skills & Qualifications in HCM CloudContent Navigation: Directory >> Search for a person >> Select Skills & Qualifications…
Using SUM function in Table Type Value setContent I am trying to perform the SUM function in a Table Type value set, but it is not fetching results. I have tried various ways like using inline query in the ID Co…
How to refer Parent source system id in HDL transformation Fast formulaContent Hi Everyone, We have a requirement of an Inbound interface to fusion HCM were we get a comma separated flat file form another system for worker data. We have to …
Passing transformation formula name in Load data from File flowSummary: Passing transformation formula name instead of transformation formula id as parameter for Load data from File flow Content (required): I am trying to submit "Lo…Jaeyshree Kumaran Kalpana 42 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Prabhakar Fusion HCM Integrations
Create a Changes Only extract– contains historical (past year) & current year data on person detailSummary Create a Changes Only extract– contains historical (past year) & current year data on person detailsContent Hi Experts, I have a dilemma. I need to create an ext…
Provision AD account in Azure AD using SCIMSummary Synchonize User Information between HCM Cloud and Azure ADContent Can we provision Azure AD account for a new hire and also automate user identity information ex…
Unable to add education details for Candidate Job application in Recruiting Cloud using HDLSummary Unable to add education details for Candidate Job application in Recruiting Cloud using HDLContent Hi All, I have attached my HDL file, unable to add Candidate e…
Extract Rule Fast Formula to get assignment effective date in HCM ExtractSummary Fast Formula to get assignment effective date in HCM ExtractContent Hi, Any one please provide the FF to return the effective start date in HCM Extract and Value…
Use Oracle Global Payroll Interface V2 and Oracle Integration Cloud to Integrate with Third Party PaSummary Implementation Guide of an ExampleContent For the customers who use Oracle HCM Cloud as the human resource management system and use the third party Payroll as t…
BIP Report Bursting Issue (Runs Fine When Executed through Reports-Schedule but fails when submittedSummary BIP Report Bursting Issue (Runs Fine When Executed through Reports-Schedule but fails when submitted through Custom Payroll Flow)Content Hi Experts, I have a BIP…
Need inputs to end date and create element entry for the same employee in a single HDL Element EntryContent HI All, We are trying to end date the existing element entry and creating new element entry with different date in a single HDL element entry dat file. When we t…
Using a Changes Only Extract to Generate a Full File RegularlyContent Hello, I have a bit of a silly question. We've an integration which was originally intended to be a changes only extract. With a change in the end point format, …
recruitingCandidates API not fetching Email and Phone Number even though it exists in the backend.Content As part of the Talemetry integration, we are using /hcmRestApi/resources/latest/recruitingCandidates REST end point to fetch the Candidate details. We are able t…
Global transfer HDL templateSummary Global transfer HDL templateContent Hi All, Can anyone please share the Global transfer HDL template ? Thanks in advance.
Loading Time Card data in HCM Cloud using REST APISummary Loading Time Card data in HCM Cloud using REST APIContent Hi Experts, I have a requirement.We need to load bulk data -related to Time card (things like Person ID…
SOAP payload to get the Content Id used in 'Load Data from File' Payroll FLowSummary SOAP payload to get the Content Id used in 'Load Data from File' Payroll FLowContent Hi Experts, We are trying to automate the payroll flow 'Load Data from File'…
Using Multiple parameters in an HCM Extract where parameter1 drives the value of Parameter2Summary Using Multiple parameters in an HCM Extract where parameter1 drives the value of Parameter2Content Hi Experts, Has anyone encountered a requirements like this? J…Aloka Bhattacharya 105 views 11 comments 4 points Most recent by Aloka Bhattacharya HCM Integrations
Element Entries related extract not workingSummary Element Entries related extract not workingContent Hi, We have used seeded worker_extract and we used ELEMENT ENTRIES RANGE UE to take element entries related de…
How to make Inbound HCM Extract stop automatic load when the attached BIP report returns no dataContent Hi All, We have created an Inbound HCM Extract to load Person costing Override based on BIP Report(Dummy Extract which pulls data from BIP and loads automaticall…
HCM Extract - EText Template - LoopingSummary HCM Extract - EText Template - LoopingContent Hi All, I am using EText template for HCM Extract which results in Employee having Multiple Dependent. The Requriem…
does FlowActionsService webservice support callback?Summary looking for callback functionality on middleware after invoking payrollflowContent does cloud HCM FlowActionsService webservice support callback functionality wh…
US Third Party Quarterly Tax ExtractSummary Record: US Third Party Quarterly User Defined State Balance RecordContent Hi experts Delivered Extract US Third Party Quarterly Tax Extract is having Record US T…
Unable to Purge/Delete Employee calculation cards through HDLContent Hi All, We are unable to delete/purge Employee calculation card through HDL. We are able to see different transactions for the calculation cad in the UI/applicat…
Consolidated Payroll Flow Pattern (Data Generation using BIP + Load Data Using File + Error ReportiSummary Consolidated Payroll Flow Pattern (Data Generation using BIP + Load Data Using File + Error Reporting Using HDL Error Report)Content Wondering if it possible to …AshishERPCloud 248 views 47 comments 1 point Most recent by Punam Roy Karmokar-272206 HCM Integrations
Get_value_set not working as expected after 22B upgradeSummary: Get_value_set not returning values when null values passed in the table value set paramters. Content (required): We have a table value set based on parameters. …