Discussion List
Need information related to first run in HCM extractSummary Need information related to first run in HCM extractContent Hello Experts, We have 2 HCM extracts one will be run as "Change only" and the other one is run as "C…
Is it possible to create a Changes Only Extract for Absence plansSummary Is it possible to create a Changes Only Extract for Absence plansContent Hi Experts, I am planning to create a CHANGES ONLY HCM Extract to get configuration deta…
Weekly Integration failed notificationSummary Is there a system possibility to generate email notification when any integration is stuck & does not run?Content after 20B upgrade, two of our financial system …
hdl tables for rolled back data set ( ElementEntry.dat )Content Hi, I wonder which tables store line records for rolled back data set (ElementEntry.dat). I was able to see data in hrc_dl_file_rows but it is purged after data …
Invalid Grade Error for HDL Worker LoadSummary You must enter a valid value for the GradeId field, but I believe the Grade Codes I am using are validContent I am loading some history rows. I have a person I a…
Requirement to fetch old value and new value for the Person and AssignmentsSummary If we change anything at the master Level that is Work Force Structure then employees belonging to that particular Position, Department , Job and Grade are also …
Unable To See The Rolled Back Extracts List In 20CSummary Unable To See The Rolled Back Extracts List In 20CContent Hi Team, Where can we see the rolled back extracts. I am using the following navigation to view the sub…
HCM BI Publisher - How to download archive file via web serviceContent Hi,I'm considering to automate below archive process through web service. 1. Navigate to report path in HCM BI catalog 2. Click Archive I found there is web serv…
Dynamic File Name and Bursting output using HCM ExtractContent Hello Everyone, I am creating an HCM Extract for the employee element entries. My requirement is to split the output file based on a flexfield attribute present …
HCM Extract - Payroll balance UE - YTD valuesSummary HCM Extract - Payroll balance UE - Payroll relationship start dateContent Hello Experts, we have a little complex requirement to fetch the payroll balance detail…
EBS - HCM Cloud Coexistence using HCM Data LoaderSummary EBS - HCM Cloud Coexistence using HCM Data LoaderContent Hi all, I'm trying to find out how many customers are operating in a coexistence model with EBS Core HR …
HDL Performance issueSummary HDL Performance issueContent Hello everyone!! We are in the process of converting all PBLs into HDLs. One of the payroll interfaces has 250K records in the feed.…
PublicReportService vs ReportServiceContent Hi, We are using both PublicReportService and ReportService to run BI report and extract data from Oracle HCM Cloud. I wonder what is difference between these tw…
Manager Hierarchy in HCM ExtractsSummary Using Manager Hierarchy for Record Sort Order in HCM Extract XML OutputContent Hi, We have a requirement where the XML Output of the HCM Extract should be sorted…
Submitting HCM Extract following 20CSummary My Client Groups > Data Exchange > Payroll > Submit a Process or Report has disappearedContent Hey everyone, We just received 20C over the weekend and we're look…
Obsolate User Entitity - PER_EXT_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS_UESummary Obsolate User Entitity - PER_EXT_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS_UEContent Hi Experts, User Entity PER_EXT_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS_UE is showing as obsolate in application. …
Database Item for Job Extra Information2Summary Database Item for Job Extra Information2Content Hi Experts Not able to see Database item PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_INFORMATION2 in Fast Formula or Extract Configura…
Looking for a Worked Out Example of HCM Extract with Document of Record as Delivery OptionSummary Looking for a Worked Out Example of HCM Extract with Document of Record as Delivery OptionContent Hi Experts, Is there any document around "Worked Out Example of…
Data Extract Filename Include PodSummary Way to place pod name in data extract filenameContent We have three pods. We have one company ftp server used by HCM. The problem is P2T/P2D syncs all pods PROD,…
Need to Report Kick-out Records of the input file Validated in HDL Transformation FormulaSummary Need to Report Kick-out Records of the input file Validated in HDL Transformation FormulaContent Dear Experts , We are working on the HDL Transformation Formula.…Debashishi Sinha babu 42 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Debashishi Sinha babu HCM Integrations
Validating input file from HDL Transformation Fast FormulaSummary How to validate trailer record of input file before processing the detail recordsContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to validate the input file before load…
Does anyone succeeded in implementing ADP Workforce Now (WFN) Payroll Interface using seeded extractSummary Like to know, if anyone had successful implementation of ADP Workforce Now (WFN) Payroll Interface using seeded extractContent Hi, We are looking to build interf…
How to Rollback data for seeded flow "Load Data from File"Summary How to Rollback data for seeded flow "Load Data from File"Content we are converting Payroll Batch Loader Transformation formula to HDL Transformation formula and…
HDL Transformation Formula - Fixed length input fileSummary How to process fixed length input file in the HDL transformation formulaContent Hi, So far we have processed delimited files using HDL transformation formula. Bu…
Payroll interface for global ADP payroll V2 issueSummary Not able use extensible flex fields in ADP global payroll interface v2Content As per ADP oracle HCm implementation document we have created extensible flex field…
need inputs to add Report Category Parameter to the "Generate Check Payments" processContent Hi All, We have a requirement in “Generate Check payments process”. We have multiple custom check templates. We need to print corresponding custom check template…
Fast formula to fetch Salary rate for Secondary AssignmentSummary Fast formula to fetch Salary rate for Secondary AssignmentContent Hi, We have a requirement to fetch the salary rate for the secondary assignment of an Employee.…
Help needed to return only future dated records when using Data Group Filter Criteria in HCM EmployeSummary Help needed to return only future dated records when using Data Group Filter Criteria in HCM Employee ExtractContent Hello I am struggling to get the correct syn…
HCM Data Loader FF INPUT line parse issue - CSV string all in POSITION1Summary HCM Data Loader FF INPUT line parse issue - CSV string all in POSITION1Content Hello forum: I"m not sure why but my CSV input file record is ONLY being assigned …
Sharing: 19B User Entity and DBI listSummary Sharing: 19B User Entity and DBI listContent Dear all, This is not a question, it's to share with you the latest 19B User Entity and DBI list (I got it from Surl…