REST Base Services
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HCM extract or REST API to extract summarized dataSummary We have a requirement to extract summarized data and we want to know what will be the best method to do that API or HCM extractContent Example: extract summarize…Francisco Mendez Mateus 32 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Francisco Mendez Mateus HCM Integrations
RESTAPI to verify if the person number is already existingContent We are in the process of creating pending worker in the system from a third party system as new hires. While doing so, there are some workers that are coming in …
Restricting REST API OperationsContent Hi Team, Is there a possibility of restricting the operations which can be performed using a REST API? For example, Worker REST API offers create, update and get…
REST API to get absence Accrual BalanceContent Hi Team, Has anyone used REST API to get absence accrual balance? As per note 2556333.1, we can use planBalance to get the required information. If anyone has us…
OrderBy clause for fields in child objects like names in Worker Get-REST ServiceSummary Do somebody know if anything is planned to change this behaviorContent For us it is not possible to use the public worker rest service, that has the name informa…
How to Create Employee Record using REST APIs without a Position CodeSummary I am trying to create an employee without any Assignment information like Job/Position/Department/Grade or Location. The system gives me error that a valid value…
HDL File Web Conference Link RecruitmentSummary HDL File Web Conference Link RecruitmentContent Hello. Is there a way to update the "Web Conference Link" field with an HCM Rest api or hdl file ? Image attached…
Question on accessing BPM notifications using REST APIContent Got two questions on BPM REST APIs: 1. How do you identify if a BPM task notification is PENDING or COMPLETED?I see that the "/bpm/api/4.0/tasks/" REST API respo…
REST API to query a Specific Learning itemSummary REST API to query a Specific Learning item. If not found then create a new learning itemContent Hi, We have a requirement where we want to search for a Learning …
Oracle HCM Cloud: Web services to bulk fetch data from the applicationSummary Oracle HCM Cloud: Web services to bulk fetch data from the applicationContent Hi, Oracle has provided web services to retrieve fusion HCM data but I am not able …
400 Bad request while using Worker REST API in PostmanSummary 400 Bad request while using Worker REST API in PostmanContent Hi Team, I am trying to query worker information using worker REST API from postman. If I am queryi…
Unable to Retrieve Time cards Using REST APISummary Unable to Retrieve Time cards Using REST APIContent Hi, Im trying to retrieve the time cards using REST API below /hcmRestApi/…
Update Employee Information using REST APISummary Update Employee Information using REST APIContent Hello - I want to update employee information e.g. Email address (Work) using REST API. I was able to do using …
Question on Active Directory and HCM IntegrationSummary Best way to integration AD and HCMContent Looking to see if anyone has integrated HCM and AD. What I am hoping to do is when an employee is added to HCM it gets …
How To Upload Person EIT info using web services ?Content Hello, We need to upload Person EIT information using Web services,(Update Person Or Merge Person),but we need to know how to put the info in the below tags., Sa…bashir yazbek-185945 31 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by bashir yazbek-185945 HCM Integrations
Job Requisition - Rest API cannot pull Primary work location detailsContent Primary work location field is available in front end but we could'nt pull it in Rest API. Other work location on the other hand can be pulled Is there any confi…
SOAP or REST service to update HCM Extract Delivery optionsSummary SOAP or REST service to update HCM Extract Delivery optionsContent We have 100 HCM Extracts and every time we refresh Development and UAT instances from PROD we …Pramod Kumar Meda Kavadi 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pramod Kumar Meda Kavadi HCM Integrations
REST API webservicesSummary What is the user account that I can use to invoke rest API in R13,19c? what are the roles required in cloud hcm for web service invocation?Content Hi All, I am l…
Can't access Rest API outside client network/VDISummary Can't access Rest API outside client network/VDIContent We are trying to test the ORC rest api's outside VDI in Postman but it returns a 403 forbidden status. We…
Receiving error while trying to fetch Time card details using REST APISummary Receiving error while trying to fetch Time card details using REST APIContent HI, I'm trying to fetch Timecard details using REST API but not getting any data ev…Damodar Peddakotla 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chaitanya Choudem-Oracle HCM Integrations
What value to be passed as a path parameter to Employees REST APISummary What value to be passed as a path parameter to Employees REST APIContent Hi , I'm trying to pass PersonNumber as the path parameter to the employees REST API but…
Unable to open the REST API PageContent When trying to open the url to get the API data, getting this error message
Multiple Finders on REST API CallSummary I'm wondering if it's possible to have multiple types of finders on the same API callContent I am trying to get back a filtered list of users from the REST API, …
How to Invoke Get Assignments REST APISummary How to Invoke Get Assignments REST APIContent Hi, I'm trying to get only the assignment details by invoking the Get assignment REST API /hcmRestApi/resources/11.…
HCM - Integration Office Hours December 2020, 1 December 2020, 10 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Integration Office Hours December 2020 session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a …Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 23 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle HCM Integrations
Invoke REST API through SQL Server ProcessSummary Invoke REST API through SQL Server ProcessContent Can we invoke REST API webservices through SQL Server process instead of JAVA code? I always have known only ab…
Alerts Composer: Filter condition for identifying employee when a particular field in employee assigSummary Filter condition for identifying employee when a particular field in employee assignment is updatedContent Hi, Requirement: Send a notification to manager if a p…
Need help with Oracle HCM Rest services (Manage Tasks) : Approving TasksSummary I want to approve a HCM Task (owned by a user) using Tasks Rest APIContent Hello, I'm using newly released Oracle HCM tasks API (Documentation can be found here:…
HCM – Office Hour: HCM Integrations October 2020, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM – Office Hour: HCM Integrations (October) session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a…Heather Hagedorn- Cloud HCM-Oracle 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mukul Gupta HCM Integrations
invoking External REST API from cloud HCMSummary is it possible to make an outbound REST call from cloud HCMContent I found an article that illustrates invoking a SOAP service from cloud HCM using BI Publisher.…