REST Base Services
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How to get list of all fields supported by REST APIs?Summary How to get list of all fields supported by REST APIs?Content Hi Team, I want to know the list of all attributes which I will get when I execute an GET operation …
REST API - Load creation date for Person NotesSummary How can we load the creation date of the person note?Content We are using this REST API to mass create person notes:…
What is the Webservice to get HDL UCMID?Summary What is the Webservice to get HDL UCMID?Content Hi All, We are doing automation process to load HDL file through Transformation formula. 1.While uploading file i…User_2025-02-06-10-33-36-755 55 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-10-33-36-755 HCM Integrations
Update worker with external identifier using REST APISummary How to update a worker using the ExternalIdentifierNumber instead of the internal hex record idContent Hi there, does anyone know how to update a worker using th…
Unable to Create a Pending Worker using REST APISummary Getting POSTMAN Error: 404 Bad Request "URL request parameter Content-Type cannot be used in this context."Content Hi Team, I am new to this process and the GET …User_2025-02-01-03-43-13-079 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Arvind.C-Oracle HCM Integrations
Need solution for invoking Fusion Application SOAP based web services (such as HDL, BI and UCM) usinSummary Need solution for invoking Fusion Application SOAP based web services (such as HDL, BI and UCM) using SAML based or any authentication other than basic authentic…Debashishi Sinha babu 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Debashishi Sinha babu HCM Integrations
- Not workingSummary Not workingContent Hi Team, When I am doing in browser: https://xyzx-test.fa.ap1.o…
Use SourceSystemID in GET services to search for recordsContent Hello everybody, Is there an opportuinty to search a record using its SourceSystemID via a REST GET Service. I would need this for example for Organisations. Reg…
Service Account Password changes not reflecting in integrationSummary Service Account Password changes not reflecting in integrationContent Hi All, We have changed the Service Account Password. After changing the password none of o…User_2025-02-05-01-47-35-254 28 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-01-47-35-254 HCM Integrations
HCM: schedule process logs using SOAP servicesSummary HCM: schedule process logs using SOAP servicesContent Hi, Is it possible to get the schedule process logs using SOAP services in HCM? Thnaks, sainath
Does IP address in rest API URL change with new release?Summary Does IP address in rest API URL change with new release?Content Does IP address in rest API URL change with new releases or it is constant? Example: please see I…User_2025-02-10-08-35-40-989 36 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-08-35-40-989 HCM Integrations
Update an employees language skills via REST APIContent Hi, Is it possible to use the REST API to update an employees/persons language skills? Let's say I knew Polish fluently, Russian well, Chinese well etc - would i…
Can not see DFFs/DDFs attributes in OICSummary Can not see DFFs/DDFs attributes in OICContent Hi! I'm developing an integration between the HCM and a third party system using the OIC and HCM connector. The is…
Certificate Based Authentication Between Fusion HCM and External SOA SystemSummary Certificate Based Authentication Between Fusion HCM and External SOA SystemContent Hello Team, We would like to implement Certificate based Authentication for We…Debashishi Sinha babu 29 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Debashishi Sinha babu HCM Integrations
Need to Re Hire terminated employee using REST API resources, if any one did this could you please hSummary Need to Re Hire terminated employee using REST API resources, if any one did this could you please help with the stepsContent Hi All, Have requirement to rehire …User_2025-02-04-15-10-30-884 94 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Madole HCM Integrations
Using REST API to load objects in HCM CloudSummary Using REST API to load objects in HCM CloudContent When I click on 'Developer' connect and search for the 'Worker' object to get the WSDL, under 'Operations' tab…
Can't find seeded privilege Use REST Service - EmployeesSummary Can't find seeded privilege Use REST Service - EmployeesContent Hello Experts, We have recently provisioned this pod and it is upgraded to 20B. Can't find seeded…
How to fetch Additional details/fields through Availability Pattern Endpoint URLContent The Availability Patterns REST Endpoint (/hcmRestApi/resources/, currently fetches "DateFrom" and "DateTo" only with date values…User_2025-02-05-06-09-16-924 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthik K-Oracle HCM Integrations
REST API Time outSummary emps REST API getting time outContent Hi, We are using hcmRestApi/resources/latest/workers REST API to get workers data. When we are invoking the same url in pos…
Minimum security needed to use REST Service EmployeesSummary We would like to setup a user with just the needed privilegiesContent Hello, We are trying to updated the worker email for employees using webservice functionali…
Difference between Worker and Emps API in HCM CloudSummary Oracle Delivered the new Worker resource in the APIs for HCM Cloud as of 19C. Does it mean that the Employees ( Emps) resource is deprecated ?Content To manage E…
Oracle HCM Rest API IntegrationsSummary Oracle REST APIsContent Dear Experts., Have you done REST APis integrations in Oracle HCM, Check below doc:…
SOAP Web Service to get HCM Content ID For Load Data from File ProcessSummary SOAP Web Service to get HCM Content ID For Load Data from File ProcessContent Hello , We have a requirement to retrieve HDL UCM Contend ID from "Load Data from F…Debashishi Sinha babu 219 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by John Rhodes-Oracle HCM Integrations
How to extract the files out of UCM using WebservicesSummary extract the files out of UCM using WebservicesContent Hi, We would want to export the files from a particular folder on UCM to a third party server using webserv…
Retrieving Work Schedule Assignment on APISummary Retrieving Work Schedule Assignment on APIContent We are looking to retrieve the work schedule from the employee's record on the API. We need to be able to query…
Help with Patching an Absence Entry using REST APISummary HTTP 404 Not Found when I try to patch /hcmRestApi/resources/{personAbsenceEntryId}Content Hi Community, I am attempting to perform a simple…John Yarborough 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle HCM Integrations
Link existing user account with a new hire workerSummary Link existing user account with a new hire workerContent Hi Team, Is it possible to link an existing user account (which is not linked to any worker) to a new hi…
Spaces (WebCenter) - Host DocumentsContent Hi all, We are using Spaces work area to create a portal and upload documents to it's available to users. However, users are not able to see the document until t…
REST API for Legal AddressSummary Need REST API for Legal AddressContent Hi all, Is there any REST API exposed by Fusion for the Legal address? If so, please let me know. Thanks, Raj M