Discussion List
Opt out of Unified Sandbox ExpirationSummary Opt out of Unified Sandbox ExpirationContent Is there an expiration on opting out of the unified sandbox? Can we still opt out after we received the 20B update?
Make flexfield show in the Hire an Employee processContent We have a few flexfields that need to be in the hire an employee workflow. I do not see how where to add in HCM Transactional studio. I don't see an option to ma…
Position Synchronization Not Working in NUXSummary Position Synchronization not working when Adding Contingent Worker, Hire an Employee etc.Content Hi All, Has anybody faced an issue where position synchronizatio…
Using Customisation Set Migration on already configured PODSummary Possible to use CSM on a POD that has certain customisations already done?Content Hi Experts, Is it possible to use CSM to Export and Import the JAR from source …
Landing Page Background Images - Failure to upload imageContent Hello, We are looking at the options available on the landing page images, when uploading an image though the system failures to fully upload and instead of show…
Rule in Design Studio by country/Legal Employer/Business UnitContent Hi all, I'm trying to create a rule in Design Studio to show in change assignment some fields only if an employee in Ukraine. Even though these fields are availa…
ADF Faces error when clicking employee name in My TeamContent Hello, Sorry to bombard the forum as we quickly build a proof of concept that we can switch on newsfeed 'only' and no responsive pages as a starter for 10. With …
Missing options in Absence Admin and Performance Admin Screens with NUX screensSummary Missing options in Absence Admin and Performance Admin Screens with NUX screensContent Hi All- We are in need of help! We are missing all of our Administration o…
Things to Finish - Dismiss All button not workingContent Hello Our users have noticed that when you are in things to finish, the dismiss all doesn't seem to clear down the notifications, e.g. absence approval FYIs, the…
Mobile HCM - White Papers and Best PracticesSummary Mobile HCM - White Papers and Best PracticesContent Hi , I am looking for any of the following documents in reference to Mobile HCM 1. Implementation or Setup Gu…Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle 75 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Christopher Jothi - HCM-Oracle HCM Mobile
Responsive UI - still default enabled for 20A and mandatory for 20B?Content Hi, On 20th November we were sent an email notification which said: ""HCM Responsive User Experience will be enabled by default in Update 20A, but customers may …
EL Expression combining Role Name and Page?Summary Need to hide a button based on a role on a particular page.Content When accessing checklist for my employees, for Managers only I want to remove/grey out: * “Com…
Pending Goal Plans page and the New Goals UISummary Pending Goal Plans page from 19C onwardsContent Hi, When you turn on the new Goals Responsive pages the only way for an HR Super User / HR Administrator to check…
issue with applying EL expression in the NUXSummary issue with applying EL expression in the NUXContent Hi Anyone encountered an issue with applying EL expression in the NUX? We have EL expressions in many places …
Read-only field on Transfer flow affecting Hire an Employee pageSummary Read only field on Transfer flow affecting Hire an Employee pageContent Hello, When I making the Job/Department fields as read-only field in Transfer flow, it's …
Issue: Background Image for HCM Landing PagesContent I've been hearing about issues with loading pictures for HCM landing page background images with HCM Experience Design Studio in 19D, so I've done some investiga…
EL Expression Syntax to Format DatesSummary We need to change the date format for Date Start in EL ExpressionContent Hi All, We are using Page Composer to add additional details to the directory header. We…
Question and Answer Summary - Responsive UX Office Hours Session of 13 January 2020Content I recently received a suggestion that I should post a summary of the Question and Answer highlights from our Responsive UX Office Hours sessions. Seems like a go…
Error after Name change in Personal Info PageSummary Error after Name change in Personal Info PageContent Hi, After making the changes (First Name, Last Name etc..,) in Personal information page, when I am clicking…
How to manage number of Sandboxes allowedSummary I'm getting an error saying there are too many Sandboxes, need to expand the number allowedContent Hi all, In one of our Dev environments that was just updated t…
Run Feature Upgrade-QueriesSummary Run Feature Upgrade-QueriesContent How to run this process without selecting legislative data group. We have payroll flow defined without legislative data group.…
Content Section not coming on Skills and Qualification pageSummary Content Section not coming on Skills and Qualification pageContent Hi, I have created a new content section using the target template 'Work Preference' in enhanc…
NUX: create custom Quick ActionSummary Documentation for how to create a custom QAContent Hello, Looking at trying to create a custom quick action. Does anyone have, or know of, any existing documenta…
BPM Worklist Window Background Color in Newsfeed Aquamarine ThemeSummary Blue background and blue text make it difficult to read navigation options on leftContent We recently switched to Newsfeed but are having trouble seeing the BPM …
NUX Person Extra InformationContent Hi Any one know how to setup in the Design Studio the Person Extra Information quick action? Tx Maya
NUX: Enhanced Talent Profile V2.0Summary NUX: Enhanced Talent Profile V2.0Content Hi, We are planning to migrate the current talent profile to enhanced talent profile, we have few user defined talent pr…
Oracle HCM Cloud App - For WindowsContent I just wanted to check if there is Oracle HCM Cloud app for Windows Table/Surface. Thank you!
NUX: Tax Information Absent while HiringSummary Unable to find "Tax Information" section while hiring a person in HCM Responsive UIContent Unable to find "Tax Information" section while hiring a person in HCM …Aahiri_Sarma 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle HCM Mobile
NUX - Design Studio Delivered RulesSummary Is there a way to inactivate the delivered rules?Content We just updated to 19C and are using NUX now in our prod/test systems. With the update to 19C though, th…
NUX: Position LOVSummary Search option not working for Position LOV in HCM Responsive UIContent While initiating Promotion or Transfer, the LOV is not working for Position. For any optio…