Discussion List
Add Evaluation Criteria and Profiles to Job Details Quick ActionSummary Add Evaluation Criteria and Profiles to Job Details Quick ActionContent Is it possible to add Evaluation Criteria and Profiles to the Job Details quick actions? …
About The Benefits Session - My MistakeContent During the Responsive UX Office Hours session this morning (April 27th), I stated that we had already presented a session on Benefits. I was mistaken. The Benefi…
New mobile Responsive UI- Feedback RequestsSummary Feedback RequestsContent Hello, In reviewing 19B, the new Mobile responsive Performance Pages, I have noticed that Feedback has been pulled out of the Performanc…
Responive UI for Professionals - View HistorySummary in classic on employment screen you can view history - is this available in UIContent in the classic view for HR professionals in the manage employment screen yo…
Cannot locate 'Converted Worker' from Taleo in BPM WorklistSummary BPM Worklist SecurityContent What security privilege grants access to see all activity int he BPM Worklist? Currently, testing NUX, and cannot find converted wor…
Payroll Admin Tasks Not DisplayingSummary Payroll admin tasks are not displaying after RUX enabled for Paayroll AdminContent When I set PAY_PAYROLL_ADMIN_RESPONSIVE_ENABLED to 'Y' any of the tasks associ…
HCM Design Studio not available after 20A UpgradeSummary HCM Design Studio not available after 20A UpgradeContent Hi, We are unable to get any option in the HCM Design Studio after 20A, can any one let me know if we ha…
NUX Hire pagesContent Hi all, I have this strange issue with the Hire pages in NUX I'm doing the setup in test and testing it but I've noticed that ine these pages (Hire, add pending,…
Absence Balance HeaderSummary Absence Balance HeaderContent Hi, I am trying to change the decimal value from 0.000 to 0.0 (please refer the screenshot) on the Absence Balance screen, can anyo…
Help Icons in New UISummary Help Icons not visible in responsive UI pages to add additional contentContent The help icons are not visible on all the responsive UI pages. The help icons only…
Talent Upgrade - Do we need to convert existing data after the upgrade processes are completedSummary In the process now of upgrading to new Talent Profiles. I am unclear from the documentation whether the content items and all of the data is converted during the…
NUX: Performance Admin Search PageSummary Unable to search for employees performance documentsContent Hi, just wondering if anyone has enabled the performance admin RUI pages and had any problems searchi…
Hide Check-inns section on Performance pageSummary Hide Check-inns section on Performance pageContent I do not see how i can hide this section. I have tried editing the page but the section is not editable. Also …
HCM Mobile Apps in WindowsContent Hi, Does the HCM mobile application is supported for mobile devices running in windows platform Thanks
Default address style in NUXSummary Default address style in NUXContent Hello, Whenever I create an employee using Hire an employee flow I need to select the country to enter the address, can you p…
RUX Hire an Employee TaskSummary We need to customize the hire an employee task in order to use the new UI versionContent Hello, We've been rolling out the new RUX pages over the past few months…
NUX - Employment Info quick actionSummary NUX - Employment Info quick actionContent Hi, Does any one know how I can add and remove actions from the Employment Info quick action menu? I can't seem to do i…
NUX Stop department changes from auto updating the line managerSummary NUX Configure so that Dept Changes do not auto-update the line manager?Content When we moved to responsive transaction pages for Promote, Transfer, etc - we saw …
Will Oracle Postpone RUX?Summary Will Oracle Postpone RUX?Content Hi Floyd - my Oracle sales representatives asked my to send this to you and post on the forum. With HR Teams being significantly…
RUX Uptake tool for Custom SecuritySummary Security CompareContent We received our uptake tool and in the security section it is blank. We have created custom security. What does it look at to kick out di…
NUX - showing DFFs in Convert Pending WorkerContent Hi all, I can't seem to be able add/show existing DFFs in the Convert Pending Worker. The fields are visiable on the Add Pending screen and Hire screen but not o…
Responsive UI Questionnaire PageSummary Preselect sections on the Questionnaire PageContent Is it possible to pre-select the sections that are displayed on the questionnaire page ? We have set our New …
No Office Hours on Responsive UX on March 23rdContent There will be no Office Hours on Responsive UX on March 23rd. We originally cancelled to avoid any competition with the live webcast of the Oracle Modern Experie…
Office Hours on Responsive UX - 16 March 2020Summary We're covering Time and Labor and SchedulingContent I just wanted to encourage everyone to join us for the 16 March 2020 session of Office Hours on Responsive UX…
New Responsive UI - Need Help? Contact Us region on the Terminate PageSummary New Responsive UI - Need Help? Contact Us region on the Terminate PageContent Hi, The Need Help? Contact Us appears on the Terminate page (and I'm assuming on ot…Karen Waddell 72 views 16 comments 4 points Most recent by Cristina Greyling - Oracle-Oracle HCM Mobile
Disable Quick actionsSummary Disable Quick actionsContent Hi, I am trying to remove particular quick actions on Me à Quick action, when I performed this action I could observed that the acti…
Maximum File Attachment SizeContent During our Office Hours on Responsive UX session on March 9th, someone asked a question about the maximum file size for attachments. We did not really get to the…
Reassigning of Reports black lineContent Hi all, Does anyone know how I can remove the black line that appears in the Reassigning of Reports section? (see screen) I have tried in the edit page but can't…
Organizational goals from classic to ruxSummary how do we handle organizational goals moving to rux mid cycleContent Hi everyone, We are getting ready to move to responsive UX. We will be going live will goal …User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 48 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Floyd Teter-Oracle HCM Mobile
RUX Uptake ToolSummary RUX Uptake toolContent We have created a sandbox and changed to Newsfeed in our test environment. I marked a lot of the pages to Y and did some security updates …